Ways To Optimise Your SalesForce CRM

Ways To Optimise Your SalesForce CRM

Let’s quickly look at 5 easy ways to optimise your SalesForce CRM

1) SalesForce Integration 

Seamless integration of data into your SalesForce CRM is best way to develop customer trust and at the same time improving employee experience . Making connection of database gives business a one layer extra advantage by leveraging data in new and powerful way . SalesForce API helps integration of SalesForce CRM with other existing application in the marketplace , which aids organisation to organise more consistency and efficiency .

Salesforce offers endless options in respect to Salesforce data integration . As an agency owner if you are looking to connect Salesforce with your existing HR , ERP , Social media or even e-commerce platform it can be done easily . It even facilitates connection of disjointed systems for on premises software like Oracle , Microsoft or SAP .

So it is important to explore diversified options which are already being present in SalesForce CRM . Always prefer to hire a team of Salesforce developers who can optimise your business efficiency to next level and are expertise in their fields  .

2) SalesForce Implementation

Salesforce is a CRM which has endless opportunity . Now it depends on your organisation that what do you want to implement which can be ideal all in one solution for your company . So if you are new to Salesforce CRM and integrating it for the first time , then you must take care of what process will define your business model . Winklix can aid you in implementation of Salesforce as per your custom demands and needs .

Salesforce CRM process contains series of flows such as lead flow , campaign management , customer acquisition planning and so on . At the same time you must take care of data integrity and cross silo consistency . So in order to get the best out of it , it is always preferred to have an implementation partner on board who can help you in implementation as per your approach moulded to your objectives .

3) SalesForce Lightning

In today’s world everyone wants lightning fast solution . And thus to enhance the experience of Salesforce CRM , SalesForce has introduced Salesforce Lightning CRM which is specially designed to maximise sales reps productivity which is duly integrated with analytics and BI ( Business Intelligence ) to drive more sales for your business . Salesforce enables switching between two versions namely Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning .

Salesforce Lightning consist of dashboard with calendar and performance chart so that your sales team can easily get the organised lead data , check calendar and track their performance report at the same time . In addition to it , sales reps also gets new Activity Timeline workspace wherein sales reps  has an option to create tasks , punch call logs , send emails and track their activities all from a single window at one place . So in order to get bet out of it , always consider hiring an experienced Salesforce developers who can build custom components for you so that you can effectively use the same in your marketing strategy through SalesForce Lightning Experience .

4) Salesforce VisualForce 

Salesforce offers application prebuilt in it which helps in improving CRM functionality . Salesforce Visualforce exactly does the same . But visualforce is based on tag based markup language which is very similar to HTML , so if you are not from a technical background then unfortunately you would not be able to customise it . Some of the most popular features offered by Visualforce are custom flow control through template and on the go deployment .

The components of the page can be designed well using Visualforce . The components of the page means dashboard , tabs , menu items and so on . It also consist of styling element which enables designing of richer animated user interface .

So always make sure to hire an salesforce visualforce implementation partner who has in house team of developers who can gives your Salesforce best optimise functionality .

5) SalesForce AppExchange 

AppExchange is business app ecosystem for cloud based business software . A large pool of customised apps are available with mass customer reviews which is suitable for every department and industry . Components such as Lightning data and Bolt solutions can aid developer to help expansion of Salesforce thought AppExchange . It can help your business in getting positive business results which helps in increasing efficiency , fast order placement and cost reduction .
Winklix has a team of developers with over 5+ years of experience who has the ability to take your apps ideas to next level right from design to development . We love to add functionality you need which includes custom calculations , triggering actions , workflows and more .

How To Get The Most Of Out CRM

crm software development

It has been seen that most of the time customer needs help of the customer to complete the purchase of the product . For any business organisation to run on the path of success , effective customer support is mandatory part . That is the reason , no matter what is the size of business , they all are loving to adopt Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) solutions , which helps them to manage customer data , their order history , handling customer request and more .

CRM is a tool that helps the organisation to keep track record of customer information like order hostly , their preference and engagement and more . This facilitates organisation to know their customer at deeper level and showing the product or services that will be preferred by customer . CRM stores the information in central database which is easily accessible by all the departments of the organisation to make it more convenience for everyone present in the organisation .

To get the best out of CRM , it is important to focus on best practises that can facilitate us to get the maximum benefit out of it .

This article helps you to conceptualise most important things which you need to take care of while choosing your CRM . We at CRM software development company for over decades , and due to this experience we have prepared guideline to invest in new CRM .

Choose The CRM Required By You , And Not The Best CRM

Not every software is crafted according to your organisation need . It is always recommended to research on the CRM you are going to implement , rather than preferring the CRM solution often referred by your friends or business partner . Every CRM has their own pros and cons . So before finalisation of CRM solution you must check with all the requirement , and even if it does not contain some common features which is not required by you , you can choose that .

Also before choosing the CRM solution , you must also considered that whether you want local CRM , or you want cloud based solution . Whether you want to go on with monthly service contract , or want to invest one time upfront cost . Whether you are in need of customised solution ,  or common made features is enough for you .

So by keeping in mind of all the above points , you should take informed decision for solutions available in the market . It has always been seen that service contract may sounds costlier than upfront cost but may not support your future customisation and thereby increasing the cost .

Automate The Task Of Organisation

CRM tools are well designed to automate all the task of the organisation , thus saving heavy lifting of your business . For instance data entry , data entry is the real time consuming process if it is done manually , which can easily be automated by CRM . Taking the advantage of this automated system will not save your organisations precious time , but will also free up your employees and employing them in some other important task .

Training Of WorkForce About CRM

A good CRM system is not good until  you are aware of making full utilisation . So it is necessary to guide your workforce well about the benefits of CRM , why it has been implemented , how to use the same .

Periodic test to see how well they are been educated is crucial to ensure productivity does not go down .

Rules Are Important

For a CRM to function at its full potential , you should ensure that it is never being misused . For instance , you can put one rule that every lead lead data must be entered in CRM without any excuses . Enforcement of such types of rules helps data integrity , more transparency and smoother transactions .

Easy Availability Of Data Across All Departments

One of the major benefit of CRM is the data is easily accessible to all the department all the times due to centralised managed databased in CRM . By promising of data accessibility across all departments ,  CRM helps to avoid confusion which obviously may be the case when you are having to many cooking for preparing the single dish .

Assume if there is no CRM , it means once the customer raises any concern , the information may passed from one agent to another and then to another agent , which results in customer frustration and lost revenue . But with the help of CRM , a data entered by salesperson can be easily accessible by IT professional , or any one needy in the organisation within minutes , thereby facilitating best customer service possible .

Data Is Gold , Utilise It , Mine It

CRM are developed to handle mass amount of data . But what is the use of the data if you don’t have analytics of the data . CRM system has inbuilt feature to mine all the captured data and use that information to produce valuable conclusion which can help you to be future ready and make informative decision accordingly .

If your CRM does not allow you to analyse the data , then those information is nothing more than thus storing the data and consuming up your spaces !!

Also read : ERP Vs CRM Software

Choose Simple And User Friendly CRM

It is usually the case with many organisation that when they first encounter with the varieties of CRM solution , they want to invest in something that might be complex and far more than what is required by your organisation . Be careful with that and take the decision precisely – always choosing the best CRM that suits all your need is preferable . Choosing the features with lots of features that is none of the use for your organisation is ineffective for you . This step helps you and your organisation team member to take full advantages of your CRM , without wasting their time on unnecessary features .

Above all , you should always be willing to make changes in CRM in case required . The requirement  generates from your day to day operation and can guide you how they can be performed as per your expectation . CRM has more than the expected potential of performing well , but it will exist only if you successfully implement the CRM and do necessary customisation as required from time to time .

Winklix is also one of the best CRM software developer providing custom CRM software development , Salesforce Customisation and more .