Things to consider before choosing an iPhone app development company


The IPhone app development market is growing rapidly with each passing day due to increase in demands of users and presence of iOS app development tools. These mobile apps are going to generate huge revenues in the future. There are around 2 million iOS apps on the app store. This shows the demand of iOS app developers. But before choosing an iPhone app development, it is necessary to look into some factors before making any decision.


With so many apps already available, if you an awesome idea regarding iOS app, you shouldn’t wait in choosing an iPhone app development company. It may happen that if you wait for building an app, then that idea may click in someone else mind. His app will be created first which will result in your financial loss.

Analyse the iPhone app development company

When you give your IOS app project to the development company, they will propose a price for building you app. You have to make sure that they are asking relevant questions regarding you app. If they are not asking relevant questions, then it means that they have not gone through your project. It does not matter how much they offer for your app, if they are not asking valid questions, then it means that this is not a good iPhone app development company for you!

Analyse company’s reviews

Whenever the project gets completed, clients give reviews about the app development company. Do a proper research about the reviews and rating which will give you detailed analysis about the company. While doing research, not only focus on the end product but give proper attention on what the customer have to say about their services and support.

Timeline and cost

Make sure that the app development company builds your app within the given time frame. Ensure that in completing the project within the deadline, the quality of the app is not decreased. The company should be building your project at a decent cost. The iPhone app development company must complete all the requirements in the desired time frame at the lower cost.

Supports all platforms

Another big thing is that your selected iPhone development company works on all the platforms. In today’s times, mobile apps are generally launched for both platforms that is android and iOS. So make sure that the selected company have enough experience of other platforms as well because if you have to launch you app in other technologies, then they can easily build it for you.


It is very common that the small companies do not have knowledge of every technology. So they may outsource your work like testing and designing to external company. Make sure that the company is trustworthy because you are outsourcing your precious information to third party.

After researching about above points, you should check the portfolio of the company, what projects they have completed and in how much time. Only after considering all these points, an iOS app development company must be chosen.  


objective c vs swift

Choosing between objective c and swift is a very difficult choice to make. It takes many factors to consider before adopting a certain language. It is one of the most common questions asked by the developers. You have to keep in mind that no single point should dominate your decision. You should only decide after examining all the factors.

Experience with objective c vs. swift


First of all, observe that if you have experience with objective c or swift. If you have equal knowledge about both the languages, then you have to see other parameters like third party library compatibility, API support etc.

But if you have knowledge of a particular language, then you must stick to it unless a project forcefully requires you to work on other language. If you work on other language then there is a benefit attached to it, you get to learn about the language. This helps you see both sides of the coin i.e. learn both languages.

Timeline, Scope and Scale

App Timeline

If you have hard timeline, then you must stick to the language which you know better because using an unfamiliar language will cost you time and money. But if you have a soft timeline or no timeline, then you may use the unfamiliar language.


In today’s times, the number of objective c users is quite large as compared to swift but swift is a relatively new language. Many objective c users are shifting to swift. It is better to swift as swift is considered to be the future language.


Small projects can use any language but with the bigger projects, it is better to use objective c as swift is an immature language and whenever a new swift version comes out, the build gets broke which can be very irritating for the developers.

Technical Considerations

The XCode team has done a brilliant work in upgrading the build process to help Swift. If you want a robust support provided by modern IDEs, then you must stick to the objective c. Objective c runtime is much more robust than the swift. Swift is much more reliable and safer language due to its strong typing system and error handling. Swift manages the memory more smoothly and provides some descent wrappers. But importing of C++ code is much simpler in swift as compared to the swift. So it all depends on your project need, which language you want to use to develop the app. Go through all the above factors before choosing one particular language.

Winklix provides IOS solutions

Whether you want your app in objective c or swift, we develop all kids of apps. We are an award app development company who has a highly skilled team. We have a very high proficiency in developing android and IOS apps. If you have a good idea about an app and wants to develop it, contact us as soon  and we will help you in developing your idea into an app.


Mobile App Development Trends To Watch In 2018

app development trends

The past year was the year of app development , and this gorgeous trend will follow in 2018 also . Mobile is becoming the main streamline for any kind of business for boosting their revenue by customer satisfaction thorough launching of mobile app . Mobile app development trends is continuously changing as changing in the dynamically changing world , and each year comes with more cutting edge technologies . Lets look at top trends which are expected in year 2018 .

Top Mobile App Development Trends


AI will leave its footprints in both  building techniques of mobile applications and enhancing their technical possibilities .AI has the capability to provide a powerfully technology possibility that they may have never seen before . Many of the startups are now a days being adopted by big companies like Facebook , eBay , IBM to get the best talent of Artificial Intelligence .


If you are little crazy about mobile app development trends , then you might be aware of the technology of AR and VR . Games like Pokemon go , myNav are great examples of these technologies and is gaining huge popularity among users . The technological advance of these technology is to influence customers in many meaningful way .


By using IoT technologies , things are actually getting more and more smarter . Although for developers , it involves a series of developmental process and backend infrastructure to share data with devices , but it is proven for being a great technology . By using this technology , data sharing and analytics will become easily and efficiently available for access from anywhere .

Mobile App Security

This the trend of mobile app development technology is increasing day by day , so is the question of app security , since it contain users personal data and lots of other information . Apps with built in security features will obviously do more in the market . The greatest example being to Apple programming language is being shifting from objective-c to swift , which is Apple’s own development language , thereby providing enhanced security features and UX design .

Best Languages For Mobile App Development To Watch In 2018

1. Swift

Apple swift code has already ruled out in the market to simplify the working of the developers , as swift being the Apples own developmental software for iOS and OS X . As per the recent study swift code is much easier than Objective-C  . Also Swift eliminated the possibility of technological vulnerabilities , that was earlier being arisen with Objective -C . Thanks to Apple for introducing Swift and making the life of the developers much easier in developmental process .

2. Java

Java is most widely used programming languages in the world with the estimate 9 million software developers . Java is an open source programme which is easy to learn , reduce errors and makes easier to face challenges . For building on more common code on multiple platforms , Java is always a preferred choice .
Hope you like the above articles . In case you are looking for application developer , has gained the name in this industry to the top of the things. You can contact us now to get your next big app developed .