Which Platform Better Protects Your Privacy : Android or iOS ?

Which Platform Better Protects Your Privacy : Android or iOS ?

The numbers of users who are actually using smartphones are on its edge . Last year was the year of major privacy breaches wherein some of the worlds most recognisable name has to face privacy breaches and millions of user has been affected by the same . Some of those companies are :

  • Facebook : Facebook has shared information about tens of millions of users with their authorisation and consent .
  • Equifax : Has to experience an unexpected hack which has lead to exposure of millions of social security number and financial information .

After all these scenario has taken place in 2018 , user now think twice before updating any personal information on their smartphones and is finding measures on how to protect themselves with privacy breach . It is but obvious that the very first question that arises in any users mind now is ” Is one phone safer than the next ? ”

In this article we will be comparing Android ( Google )and iOS ( Apple ) to compare which one is better in keeping the data secure .

Outsourced vs In-House Manufacturing 

We all know that Apple is the leader of its own devices , and that is the reason they don’t outsource any of their manufacturing to any third party vendor , which ensures high standards of quality and safety .

Android devices on the other hand uses pool of manufacturer for its different phone manufacturing such as Pixel and Nexus . This means Android seems to have less control over the products they deal in . Outsourcing also leaves android with less insight into what hacking gateway exist .

Security Updates 

Security update is what is provided by both the vendors on regular intervals . But as the matter of fact , both relies on the user to update their devices to latest OS to protect the data and get the benefit arising out of it .

Apple Security Updates

Apple has a stronger control on all its devices which is in its ecosystem , which makes easier to create and distribute frequent updates . Apple enforces user to update their phones OS by launching a event before any OS update highlighting their new feature in the OS , which induces user to feel that update is urgent and they are really excited to see the new updates .

As a part of their promotion strategy , Apple displays constant notification to users who haven’t updated , which in turn becomes easier for user to get the latest update .

Finally if users ignore that notification for long time , Apple also forces user to update by denying full access to certain certain sets of features .

Android Security Updates

Android offers regular Google updates that keeps system secure , but these updates solely relies on implementation of user . But generally updates are easy to ignore by user which may lead to security breaches to vulnerable level .

Mobile App Development Standards 

The major difference between Apple and Android is Apple uses closed source code while Android make use of open-source code .

Android Open Source Approach

Open source programming necessarily means it offers developers more customisation , and at the same time more vulnerable to attack .

The major drawback of Android’s open source system is :

  • Owners can customise their phones as per their custom needs in relation to their phone’s operating system .
  • Android developer faces less challenges in comparison to iOS developers , all they need to do is get their app signed by wizard to get approved .

It’s more easier to find vulnerability in the code because they already know it . It should always be researched that mobile app development companies should have potential of addressing all security issues when developing for Android’s platform .

Apple’s Closed Source Policy

iOS developers have to forced work on Apple pc’s only using Apple’s closed sourced programme . The Apple does not release any of its source code to app developers , and hence making it almost impossible for hackers to find vulnerabilities in it .

Apple Devices Offer Stronger Privacy Protection In Comparison To Android 

Android users love their devices because of freedom allowed to their devices and also to manufactures , however leave user with highly vulnerable issues .

Apple is always know for choosing safer and more reliable experience due to its in house manufacturing and closed open source programming .

When planning to hire a mobile app developers , you should take care of security risk on each platform and close eye on developing the best measure to avoid them while building mobile app for your company .

React Native Or Xamarin : Which One Is Better ?

React Native Or Xamarin : Which One Is Better ?

The smartphone industry has been continuously increasing over years at tremendous scale . Google’s android and Apple iOS are the two most popular operating system in the industry which together contributing 95 % of the smartphone world .

As it has been seen year by year growth in smartphone industry, so is the demand for mobile application today . Thousand of apps are getting flooded in the app market every day on both Android and iOS platform . Thereby it is important to develop apps that can the ability to stand out in the crowd pool of apps . And in order to achieve it , there is a need of good mobile app development company who are aware of. right sets of tools required for app development .

When it comes to development of apps , there is always a long debate which gets followed in respect to choosing the technology stack . Apps can be either build on Native platform or cross platform . Each of the platforms has their own pros and cons . But since this article is about cross platform app development , we are limiting our discussion to cross platform app development only .

Also Read : Which Apps Suits You Best : Hybrid VS Native ? 

When it comes to cross platform app development  these are lots of different spices available in the market such as Ionic app development , PhoneGap app development , React Native app development , Xamarin app development and so on . An app is said to be cross platform app when. developer has to right a single code for the application which works across both Android and iOS and other operating system as well such as Windows .

While talking about native , each platform has their own specific sets of developers , who have to write code individually for each platform , which usually takes longer time .

We although has a long discussion but question remains the same : React Native Or Xamarin ?

Introduction To React Native And Xamarin 

React native is a cross platform development tools that allows use of Javascript , but Xamarin uses C# for designing awesome user interfaces . The big app examples of React natives apps are facebook , Instagram , Airbnb , while Slack and Pinterest are developed on Xamarin .

One of the best thing why more person are preferring React Native is that it is a free tool for building any kind of application , while on the other hand Xamarin does not offers a lot on free module specially if you’re designing for big purposes .

Comparison Between React Native And Xamarin

# Developmental Comparison

As we are aware that both Xamarin and React Native are open source framework but the development platform is completely different for both of them .

Xamarin development requires configuration of Microsoft’s Visual Studio which in turn contain the tools for generating Android SDK . For iOS , Xcode is required which is only available for Mac .

In React Native , developer needs to install Node together with Atom and visual studio to write javascript code

# Performance Comparison

Xamarin performs higher on both 32-bit an 64-bit mode which aids developer in designing fastest UI use native tools directly .

On the other hand React Native is presently not capable of delivering 64-bit mode on android , and thereby does not gives good result on both Android and iOS platform , but it does have an option to cushion design the UI using native widgets .

# Complexity Of Code

React Native is based on the concept of Just In Time (JIT) that helps conversion of programmable source code into native codes just before the program is run . The major drawback of this is it can’t be used in iOS apps .
Whereas on the other hand Xamarin uses Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) complication since JIT is not expandable to iOS . In AOT code is combined even before starting of the application. The main reason behind this is security feature that does not allow writeable executable segments , which thereby makes Xamarin a better choice .

# Speed And Time For Development

When it comes to developmental time and compile of mobile apps – the bigger the size of the app , Xamarin will take longer to compile . That means bigger project consumes more time and so in the cost in Xamarin .
On the other hand , React Native is based on javascript , and it contains the hot reloading feature which aids developers in seeing the changes recently made by them without recompiling the app , they simply has to just refresh the app , thereby giving fast testing environment .

# Debugging

When talking about Xamarin , debugging is a simple process and can be done in the same way as that of a .NET application using Visual Studio , which thereby contributes to positive aspects for Xamarin .

When it comes to debugging in React Native , it can be done in similar way as debugging in web applications. You can either take advantage of chrome developer tool or any other third party debug tools.

# Design

In Xamarin , we have 2 approaches for designing the UI  , the first one being platform -specific way ( ie by using XML for android and storyboards for iOS ) , on the other hand developers can also use Xamarin . Forms that can the capability of sharing the code on both android and iOS platform .
In React Native allows you to use customised components thereby we can say React Native is better choice for developers as projects has always been defined by the level of UI it contains .

# Framework

React Native uses one way data flow for all developmental purposes , whereas on the other hand Xamarin uses MVVM framework style .Both frameworks has their own pros and cons and it depends on person requirement which framework to be used .


Both platforms has their own pros and cons and the use of the one totally depends on each client individual requirement . However in comparison on the matter of facts Xamarin is more preferable by developers due to its end user faster performance along with classic approach .React native delivers low performance and at the same time does not offer native looks and feel that Xamarin delivers . We have cleared our vision , now the choice is unto you .

Challenges In Enterprise App Development And Measure To Solve

Challenges In Enterprise App Development And Measure To Solve

Are you a developer developing enterprise mobile application ? Then I am pretty sure that you are aware of the challenges that you might face during your journey of development . But assume a situation wherein you are already aware of the problem and solution in respect to that !

Seems to be life saver , right ?

Due to technical world is dynamically changing , providing satisfactory service to business operations had become a challenging task in respect of requirement , budgets , deadlines and technology support , which may change overnight . So if you are one of those developers who want to deliver an awesome app irrespective of the challenges then simply go through till the end of the article to know the way out for the challenges you are facing .

Challenge #1 – Change In Business Requirement By Client

Every developer might have faced this situation . You might have done your all day task , and then the email comes with the client about the new requirement . Bam ! All your coding goes into chunk and the new task might seems you like a big mountain to which to have to climb up . But you are left with no other alternative than to climb up in the mountain with the new requirement .

Measure To Solve :

As a developer you have to follow modular approach of building the code in a way that each functional module should be built separately to save your efforts for entire product . In case the changes comes in , you necessarily need to alter few modules only and rest stays the same .

Challenge #2- Security Issues

Enterprise apps are not like other simple apps , but it contain high level of enterprise and mobile data that is highly crucial for business organisations . We all are also aware that now a days enterprise apps are more moving towards cloud for storing of data and other procurement , as a the data is all getting uploaded on cloud , the risk of data being hacked has also been increased . Enterprise app developers can take care of data hacking by providing security patches , data encryption and more .

Measures To Solve :

Hackers try to find the weak security standards and hacks the data from breaking the weak point .Performing penetration testing  can help avoid hackers to hack soft spots .

Challenge #3 – User Interface

The app will become clutter and complex if user interface is not taken into consideration . Assume of an app that is so complex to understand that you are not even to perform a single task in it , will you use it ? Of-course not ! If a user does not finds app to be user friendly , they might never come back to you . So the best solution to this problem is never every try to underestimate the user interface of the app to get the best value of your app . A good mobile app development company is one to develop apps that makes employees more productive and at the same time teach them to struggle with complex interface .

Measures To Solve :

Prototyping is one of the best measure in order to come up with best app . You must proceed to designing of the app once prototype of the app has been approved by the client .

Challenge #4 – Technological Change

Technology is continuously changing and new technology and frameworks is rapidly stepping into the technological world . We all are aware of recent technological advancement such as AI , Blockchain , SaaS and more .Innovative , affordability and competitive advantage is what is needed for successful app delivery .

Measures To Solve :

You must make your app future enabled with coping up with the latest technologies and challenges that should be used in Enterprises apps , which in turn help you in saving efforts on reinventing the whole wheel .

Challenge #5 : Interconnectivity Issue With Third Party Applications

Any enterprise can’t only rely on mobile apps . A mobile apps must have the capacity of integration with existing setup of any enterprises , ie CRM or ERP to make it do final job . There might be a situation that the app that you have made may be missing technology stack of making a connection link between multiple technologies .
Measures To Solve : 
The app market is already equipped with lot of interoperability frameworks which enables interconnecitvity between various applications and remove the barrier driven approach .

Challenge #6 : Meeting The Deadlines

This is one of the most common issue that most of the developers have faced while dealing with the app development process . The job of mobile app development company is never been an easier task as it involves developmental process . As a mobile app developer , you must focus on bigger task as after all it is development and will take time but at the same time make sure that you meet deadlines . It is often seen that developers fails to meet the deadlines due to dynamically changing technology and project ideas of the customer .
Measures To Solve : 
Always try to follow an agile mythology to complete the task within timelines . At the same time also try to deliver quality product with best quality assured .

Challenge #7 : Maintenance Agreement

Maintenance of any kind of app is important in any kind of enterprise app development . Developers must be fully capable of up keeping with all the issues , bug fixation , security patches . Although maintenance of the app is not a tough task , but it may turn challenging in case you have overloaded the app with fresh products .
Measures To Solve :
The solution to the problem can be solved by including all viable points in the maintenance agreement of which your support is limited to . It is also always advisable to offer a non paid maintenance limited to 2-3 months only due to continuous technology change .