Mobile App Development Tips To Consider In 2020

Mobile App Development Tips To Consider In 2020

Choosing a career in mobile app development is not a child’s play. It is about learning every trend, concept, new technology, and being aware of the industry. According to experts in top mobile app development companies, it is not easier to stay ahead of the competition without knowing tricks and tips in this genre. Here are some of the tips and tricks of mobile app development, which will help you shine in this field.

Have a relevant education

You might be an expert in the coding but, without the necessary software-based education background, your potential client might not take you seriously. There are thousands of freelancers and small or medium coding companies. It would help if you looked unique and reliable in the eyes of your potential clients. Get hands-on training on programming languages like Python, Java, Ruby, and others. You need not choose a high-end college degree. Even an online certification course will suffice.


You might have a holistic knowledge about coding, but you would need a long term win-win relationship with people in your field if you wish to sustain in this field. The network would help in numerous ways starting from assisting you with a code to finding new clients. The key to better networking is finding ways to be useful to your network so that when the time comes, you can find reliable help from your team.

Keep on learning

The world is changing beyond limits. Something that was on top trend in 2019 would be one of the outdated nonsense in 2020. Read newsletters, learn from experts, and keep in touch with your community. What makes the top mobile app developers unique? They can learn, unlearn, and relearn to be up-to-date.


Experts talk about the KISS strategy. The term KISS stands for ‘Keep It Simple and Stupid.’ The idea here is to make every code as simple as possible. Today is the era of customer-centric application creation. When you are building a mobile app, people look for simplicity, ease to use, and minimum loading time. If you try harder to make it look cool or trendy, you might end up creating a complex solution.

Colors matter too

In most cases, colors can break or make a design. The choice of color and font should be easy on the eyes of the user. If possible, it should tweak the emotion of the user. Using red color in a food ordering app induces hunger. Using blue in a medical app indicates sincerity, and so on. Good contrast between background and text helps customers to read the content with ease. If you choose a purple-themed design for a masculine weight loss assisting app, the response might be less.

Learn your market

There was a time when responsive web design was an added-advantage. Today, every website should have a responsive design. The need of the customers’ changes every minute. Your client will come up with an idea and nothing more, in most cases. It is up to you to learn what your customers look for in an app. Now, you can create an app for that idea in a way it would please the customers. The best way to learn ground reality is by keeping in touch with the reviews of customers.

Baby steps

You cannot become a world-famous coder by learning five languages at the same time or working on complex projects while multitasking with other projects. Start small, increase your work scope gradually, and get a brand reputation. Consistency is the key to reputation. When people look for hiring an app developer, they choose a developer with tens of good projects and not the one with one great project and nine average output.

Learn design pattern

A design pattern is the atom of any application development. A good pattern should allow you to add any feature, change any element, or fix bug with ease. The pattern should make the application as simple as possible. There are many common template patterns available for each type of application. Learn how to use them for your project.

App for everyone

If you build an app that will suit only a niche, you will end up having a minimal customer base. Your app should be applicable for all types of users, for all kinds of devices, and so on. For instance, your application should run on all platforms, especially Apple and Android. It should also support the current OS, previous OS versions, and future ones too.

Security is always important

Creating the best app is not the end of the idea. Your app should also be secure and safe. While using your application, your client might provide any user-sensitive information. In such a case, the data received is a critical resource. A good developer aims at creating a safe and secure app from stage one.

The work of a good application developer does not end with launching the application. Every top developer will find hundreds of bugs in his app. You ought to stay connected with your customers, help them with queries, fix bugs, and provide a good experience. Just because you started working on the next project, you cannot forget your app. If your app receives negative feedback from many users, the chances of finding the next client might be questionable.


Author Bio: Chanchal Soni is a Growth Hacker and CRO Specialist at Appitsimple . She has experience in mobile app development, digital marketing, social media, content strategy and marketing communications. Lover of huskies, the ocean & boston sports.


Top Trends To Follow In 2020 & Beyond

Top Trends To Follow In 2020 & Beyond

We all know that how mobile app industry has changed the world for us , and no where it is going to slow down in 2020 . Mobile app industry is expected to grow as $ 188.9 billion as global revenue .

In this technological changing world , we are experiencing continuous changes in mobile app development world . In this article , we will take into consideration top 10 mobile app development trends that will be big hit in 2020 .

Top 10 Mobile App Trends In 2020

1. Blockchain In Mobile Apps

Blockchain is one of the most emerging technology in recent times specially in the field of finance and trade . Blockchain helps streamline of data management with increased efficiency in transaction process . With help of blockchain , mobile app developers can design decentralised mobile app , often known as DApp .
The technology has already been used popularly in finance and banking transaction to carry on the monetary transaction . Blockchain is now one of the emerging technology to offer customer trustable and safety transaction during baking .

2. IoT Integration In Mobile Apps 

IoT is already doing miracle in multiple sectors for connecting remote control or apps with internet . Internet of things has already touched multiple industries like transportation , eCommerce , healthcare etc and is now rapidly moving towards development of more wearable devices to ease down our life .
IoT has convenience many parts of our life by providing technological advance solution and thereby developers are getting influenced towards keeping app more IoT friendly .

3. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning For Smarter Apps 

AI has potential to change the future of mobile app development industry . AI when integrated with mobile apps can help making the app smarter , and in the meanwhile it also saves time , effort and app development cost for mobile app development .
We can expect the following trends in 2020 in mobile app development : 

  • AI automated DevOps though AIOps
  • Automated machine learning 
  • AI enabled chips 
  • Interoperability among neural networks .

4. Payment Gateway & Mobile Wallet Integration 

The trend and people is moving towards more and more cashless payments as well as mobile wallets . Integration of mobile wallets like PayPal , Google Wallet , Amazon Pay and payment gateway providers provides safer encryption and will surely be great hit for upcoming years .

5. Wearable Devices 

The launch of various like of wearable devices like smart watch , fitness bands and trackers has changed the way we interact with smart device . Possible trends in 2020 may be rise in fitness trackers which will ultimately lead to decrease in dependancy of smartphone .


The mobile app industry has totally reshaped the business for years and future in 2020 and beyond is also on high phase . Every organisation is seeking integration of latest technology in their mobile app to get maximum output and growth in business . Going with above , mobile app development technologies to garner maximum growth . 
It is always beneficial to choose right mobile app development strategy to assure success and incorporate latest trends in mobile apps .

Looming Trends Of Mobile Applications Are The Future Of The World

mobile app development company

Remember the days, when connecting with people was not as easy as a cup of tea. It involved the complete process struggling from scratch to endpoint of reception. But with the advent of science, the things soon begin to fall in places making the easier way to connect with the world. Passing with the time the mobile development companies had cross many blocks from bulky mobile phones to handy and lighter ones. Mobile application development company was brought in light with the flourishing mechanization contingent upon making technology accessible to the individual. 

Technology From Confined Bags To Confined Space:

The manufactures of the mobile companies had provided an immense number of facilities, that can be run through the applications from across any point of the globe. With the endurance effort of the mobile application development company, the technology used in mobile is travelling from confined bags to confined spaces with the sky full of resources.

Previously, the bulky designs have lesser storage capabilities limiting to verbal communication. Whereas today technologies like Cloud, IoT have made easier to explore the world. With Cloud, one can easily store data over the internet rather than physical devices, preserving the data from malicious sources without the chance of losing it accidentally. Technology like, IoT have made possible to connect with the advanced interface of the world with the button of click-through ergonomically designed mobile phones.  

Trends Describing The Future Of The World:

Developer’s skills are the core requirement for any mobile application development company. These core competencies are giving a hike to advanced trends. These trends and usage activity modes are portraying the major roles in the evolving virtual world connecting it with advanced real world. Some famous trends that are subjugating the today and future of the world are:

  1. Wearable Devices:

Trends of wearable are shifting from basic analogue watches to smart digital watches, making one aware of his every move. These Wearable are electronic devices embedded with microcontrollers synchronizing it with your mobile phone through the application developed by the mobile application development company for the assigned brand. Apple watches, Fitbit, Mi bands are some famous names among the watch wearers.

Apart from smartwatches, the wearables are exceeding their foot in fashion and entertainment technology as well. Ranging from smart jewellery to smart bags, t-shirt, shoes, glasses are spurring to step confidently in the future world.

  1. Secure Banking:

With the state-of-the-art, following the queue for banking has been shifted to the screen of your mobile phones with the stretch of just a click. Enrolling the Mobile Banking in daily lives is the panacea for the business rulers with ease of technology at their private space.

Carried business transactions details are secured by the technology ‘blockchain’. Each bank target to encrypt their customer data following the Big Data analytics through cryptography designed by the contracted mobile application development company. Following their customer benefits in investment and interest, the M-Banking assures the user to loft full benefit of native banking method.

  1. Cloud:

The most recognized trend, enabling to preserve data with tonnes of information. The mobile application development company is providing the user with public and hybrid cloud on the application platform for the data to be shared and bookmarked.

  1. Connection through Social Media:

The vast use of applications like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn work with factor to foster one’s connection on the global platform. Ease to use, Ease to connect this technology is bringing relations closer on the virtual platform. Apart from making relations close through the direct resource of video calling or texting, it is also aiding in creating new professional relations for the creation of perfect job opportunities. 

  1. Advanced interface through IoT:

Internet of Things, a platform which is connecting the one to the advanced platform with just a click. Technologies like, sensors, thermostats, smart gadgets are worth understanding the concepts that curb human efforts and act brilliantly. With IoT, it is quite easy to understand the notion that be acknowledged before any sort of mishappening. 

It is to be believed that that in upcoming years, the IoT will acquire the sources of mobile application development company as well for creating advance futuristic causes.

  1. M-Commerce:

Growing technology often lead to exposure in business in affirmative context. The business is now moving from local shops to shopping website or apps. These applications are enhancing its market techinques with the input of social media optimization and marketing alluring its customer with great deals and off.

Apart from just shifting of business over the internet to usage of new technologies are employed involving augmented and virtual realties. Augmented tees are trendy all over the internet on clothing sites to better inventory in culture in hardware firms are best examples, how these trends are surging the business platforms.

The Bottom Line:

Experitest, Headspin, Appwatch,  are some tools commonly used by any mobile application development company with the involvement of technologies like JAVA, C++, SWIFT, PHP and many more for shaping the tomorrow with the trends of more such upcoming mobile applications.

The tech’s employeed in gaining niche space to individual are conceited with the fact endorsing the result and technology-driven era.