How to Design a Mobile App User Interface like a pro?

How to Design a Mobile App User Interface like a pro?

If you want to design a functional Mobile app interface, here in this article we will help you in understanding it. Let’s get started with the designs. It is important to understand about the UI designs as it is hugely important. Let’s discuss the design guide to understand the topic i a better way.

UI Design Principles

When used together, design principles make the UI designer’s job much easier. They remove the guesswork and make the work more predictable and therefore is easier to use.

Before moving further lets quincy discuss six of the most common interface design principles-

The Structure Principle

Design should organise the stoner interface purposefully, in meaningful and useful ways grounded on clear, harmonious models that are apparent and recognizable to druggies, putting affiliated effects together and separating unconnected effects, secerning different effects and making analogous effects act one another. The structure principle is concerned with overall stoner interface armature.

The Simplicity Principle

The design should make simple, common tasks easy, communicating easily and simply in the stoner’s own language, and furnishing good lanes that are meaningfully related to longer procedures.

The Visibility Principle

The design should make all demanded options and accoutrements for a given task visible without abstracting the stoner with extraneous or spare information. Good designs don’t overwhelm users with druthers or confuse them with gratuitous information.

The Feedback Principle

The design should keep users informed of conduct or interpretations, changes of state or condition, and crimes or exceptions that are applicable and of interest to the stoner through clear, terse, and unequivocal language familiar to druggies.

The Tolerance Principle

The design should be flexible and tolerant, reducing the cost of miscalculations and abuse by allowing death and redoing, while also precluding crimes wherever possible by permitting varied inputs and sequences and by interpreting all reasonable conduct.

The Reuse Principle

The design should exercise internal and external factors and actions, maintaining thickness with purpose rather than simply arbitrary thickness, therefore reducing the need for druggies to reevaluate and flashback.

The Mobile App Design Process: What are we Building?

Before creating a mobile app we need to know what we are actually designing. We just need to communicate the overall functions of the app. After giving it some allowed , then are the main functions we ’ve linked

Announcements – We ’ll need to push the new words to the stoner via an announcement, so we ’ll need an onboarding screen that asks the stoner to allow drive announcements.

Home Screen – The stoner should be suitable to buy multiple different language assignments, so we ’ll need a home screen where they can buy these assignments and spark being bones .

Tracking Progress – The stoner should be suitable to see the progress of each assignment that’s presently actuated.

Viewing an Assignment – the stoner should be suitable to see a list of the words they ’ve learned so far in a given assignment.

Viewing a Word – The stoner should be suitable to view words they ’ve formerly learned. This should include the description, image reference, the part of speech, audio pronunciation and link to conjugation.

There ’ll clearly be a lot further to this app, but this list works well for the compass of this tutorial.

How do we Build an App?

To get started, we ’ll use pencil and paper and start sketching out these colourful app functions. Once these delineations are perfected, we ’ll move over to Sketch and start breathing life into them.

Sketch is the perfect tool for the job because it’s made for designing stoner interfaces. It’s also got some nifty erected- in tools that help you set up your mobile designs and exercise them on your device. More on that latterly.

Sketching Our App

The first thing we need is a simple flowchart so we can understand how the stoner makes their way through the software.

This helps us understand how the different defences of our app interact with each other. Next we ’ll work on sketching out each individual screen

From then, we ’re ready to fire over Sketch and start bringing our designs to life!


The first thing we need to do is make sure the stoner allows us to shoot drive announcements to them. This is how we ’ll serve up new words to them every day.

Let’s launch putting these stoner interface design principles to work. It’s easy for onboarding to feel like work, so we want to make sure the process is as simple and light as possible.

I took a quick look at some onboarding teardowns to see how other apps handle asking the stoner to enable drive announcements. I noticed that Foursquare is really smart then.

Occasionally druggies can be caught off guard when asked to enable announcements or to use their position. So Foursquare overlays the announcement bubble on top of instructions which explain why they need to enable the announcement.

I really like the idea of giving the stoner redundant information before they accept drive announcements. This keeps inline with the common design principle of keeping the druggies in the circle by making sure they understand why they’re giving me these warrants.

When a new stoner launches the app, the first thing we ’ll show them is a screen which explains why we need authorization to push announcements to them.

Let’s get our hands dirty. First thing we ’ll need to do is draw up a quick sketch of this screen. Starting on pencil and paper is pivotal since the medium is so forgiving. The more you can figure out in this stage before pushing real pixels around, the better.

Now we’ve a good base to start designing from. From then we ’ll fire over Sketch, select the Artboard tool( A), and use the iPhone 6 preset in the inspector pane to the right. To add common iOS rudiments like the status bar, we ’ll head to train>> New From Template>> iOS UI Design. This train contains all of the common iOS rudiments you ’ll need frequently.

Now, let’s launch designing!

When the stoner hits “ Enable announcements ”, we ’ll detector this native authorization dialog box

“ Business owners know about the significance of having a mobile presence and we ’ve seen how the demand of app controversy has been adding to our point.

Mobile operation has surpassed other device operations in 2015. Also, Google started using mobile usability as a rank, so if organic hunt business is a major source of business for their business, contrivers need to have a mobile-first mindset.

To impress a new customer, it’s important that contrivers produce a brand style companion for their guests that includes both the look and the voice that will insure effective and harmonious branding across all media. This will lead to more effective marketing collateral affair and a more unified brand communication for their guests.

The first step is to estimate their means to determine if they need a refresh grounded on current design trends( e.g. flat design, simplicity, etc). As an app developer, do n’t forget that the right balance between design and functionality is crucial. ”

A developer gives feedback on some mobile app UI designs

Home Screen

Once a stoner accepts drive announcements, we ’ll shoot them directly to their home screen. This would be a great time to give them an introductory walkthrough and explain some of the mechanics of the app, but we ’ll save that for another day.

Actually, if we stick to the common stoner interface design principles, we may not need a walkthrough at all. The app should be intuitive enough to understand without too important hand holding.

The main information we want to show on the home screen is

We want an element of gamification, so we ’ll show their stats nice and big at the top of the home screen.

Below the stats, we ’ll show their current assignments, their progress, and locked assignments. We want to make sure that it’s egregious that these assignments are unapproachable. This will allure the stoner to unleash them every time they visit the home screen.

I want the app to be veritably visual so I ’m going to try and incorporate nice photography into each runner.

Since this is the home screen, the stoner should be suitable to go anywhere from then. To begin with, our app will offer some introductory stoner settings, so we ’ll make sure there’s a way to get to the settings screen from this home screen.

Now that we know what we need to design, we ’ll throw together a quick sketch so we can get an idea of how we want to lay these rudiments out visually without having to do too important work.

Now we ’re in a great position to fire over Sketch and start designing the rudiments of our home screen. the utmost of the work has formerly been done, so it’s just a matter of putting each element where it belongs and adding a splash of colour.

With the home screen complete, the stoner now has a place to track their overall progress, as well as the progress of each individual assignment, buy new assignments and tweak their stoner settings. Nice!

View A Assignment

So, what happens when a stoner clicks one of these assignments? I ’m glad you asked! Now we ’re going to put together an assignment runner where the stoner can view each word that’s been revealed to them.

We also need to give the stoner the capability to disable an assignment since they may want to break if they’ve too many assignments enabled at a time.

So, that’s what we need on this screen

Assignment name

Visual representation of the assignment( image/ icon)

List of words that have been revealed

From then we ’re going to use the same process as ahead. First we ’ll roughly sketch out the runner with pencil and paper, also we ’ll produce the high- dedication interpretation in Sketch. Formerly we’ve a good idea of what it’s we ’re structure.

We want to stick to the principles of good structure and scale then, so we ’ll start with the section name/ progress at the top, also the words below. We also want to start incorporating the exercise principle, which states that common factors should be reused in order to produce thickness. On the home screen we ’re using these handy little circles to indicate progress, so we ’ll use those same rudiments to indicate progress on this screen.

Now that we ’ve sketched out our assignment screen, we’ve everything we need to start putting some pixels together and creating a high- dedication design

We are also clinging to a common iOS/ OSX design pattern then. Notice how the vertical line that separates each word is cut off just before it meets the left edge? This is a subtle cue that druggies have learned when interacting with the operating system. It implies that clicking this menu item will reveal a deeper menu from the right.

Subtle cues like this are monstrously important and understanding them makes the developer’s job just a bit easier.

Then’s another tip, this time from Neil Turner of UX for the Masses In theirMobile UX Design Principles

“ suppose about what it’s your druggies will be trying to negotiate and concentrate on the crucial stoner pretensions that you have linked( immaculately through stoner exploration). Do n’t get distracted by trying to design and make features that are veritably doubtful to be used on a mobile anyway. ”

View A Word

Still, the deepest position a stoner can go in this first replication is viewing a word, If you look back to our original inflow map. That’s what we want to include on this screen

  • A print which represents the word
  • The word itself
  • The part of speech( verb, noun,etc.)
  • The pronunciation
  • The description of the word in English
  • An audio recap of the word
  • Links to more coffers like conjugation

I want this app to be veritably visual, so I want to start with the image front and centre, and also work our way down the scale in order of significance.

As always, we ’ll start by putting the pencil to the paper in order to get an original idea of how we want to lay out all of these UI rudiments.

We ’ve formerly talked about the exercise principle, and it’ll become more and more important as we see the colourful screen of the app. We need to make sure the sources are harmonious with all of the other defences of our app, as well as buttons and links. Since we ’re using blue as our accentuation colour, we ’ll want to use that then too.


Testing Your Designs

At this point we ’ve got some well-conditioned study out designs in our Sketch train. Nice! But how can we make sure that everything looks and feels correct on a mobile device without actually erecting the app? This is where Sketch Mirror comes by.

For times, bluffing mobile designs on your device was delicate to say the least. At first you ’d principally just shoot a png or a jpeg to your phone and pull that up. This works but is time consuming and hamstrung. Products like Skala exercise made it possible to exercise your Photoshop designs on your mobile device, but setting this tool up was delicate and it did n’t always work.

Luckily, Sketch has this capability erected right in! All you have to do is download Sketch Mirror from the app store, make sure your device and computer are both on the same network and fire over Sketch Mirror on your device. also just click “ Mirror ” to the top right of the Sketch app and select your mobile device.

Presto! Now each runner and artboard in your Sketch train can be fluently viewed on your phone and will incontinently modernise as soon as the commodity in your Sketch train is changed.

Designing a Mobile App Next Steps

By sticking with some introductory UI design principles as well as an introductory design process, we were able to snappily distil our ideas into solid, usable UI designs.

Still, take a look at this in- depth post I wrote about how to become a UI developer, If you ’re not relatively ready yet. It talks about what it’s like to be a UI developer and will help you decide if a career in UI design is the right path for you.

What You Should Do Now

Get a hands- on preface to UI design and design your first app screen with a free, tone- paced UI Design Short Course. Contact our team for Mobile app development.

Know How to Create a Shopping App?

Know How to Create a Shopping App?

In the recent trends buyers are opting for Mobile shopping in the category of e-commerce. There are many buyers or customers who prefer shopping through shopping apps on Mobile applications. 

Therefore if you want to boom your e-commerce operation, creating a shopping app is the way to go. In this article we shall understand the step by step process to create a shopping app.

How to create a shopping App?

Anyone can create a Shopping app by these 9 simple steps-

Step 1- Market Research for your Online Store

Before thinking of making a mole app, you need to validate your idea with market research. This step will be different for everyone as every business has different requirements. There are generally two categories in which businesses fall-

  • You are having an existing e commerce business, now you want to make a mobile app
  • You are starting your business and want a mobile app from day one.

For those who are already running an ecommerce business have already done market research so they must be aware of the market strategies and all.

Whereas businesses which are new and starting their business from scratch must take the market research step very seriously. Otherwise you could invest in the market where customers are least interested.

Identify Customer needs and Requirements

Before starting any business you must do market research properly of what customers require and what not. 

Your business technique must be unique from the one who is already in the market. This will atacts your customers towards your business. Therefore you must do market  analysis of your nche customers before selling your product.

Business Model

Shopping app typically falls into these three categories-

  • B2C- Business selling their products directly to the customers
  • B2B- business selling products to other businesses, sometimes at wholesale.
  • C2C- Customers selling to other customers through an online marketplace i..e e-bay, Etsy etc.

Monetization Strategy

Next you need to determine how you will earn from the mobile app. Your primary focus must be on sales revenue or you can also charge sellers a fee to use the platform or by taking a commission of each sale in case of C2C businesses.

Step 2- Platform and tech Stack Selection

Once you have done market research before starting your businesses you must choose the platform you want to build i.e. whether you want a shopping app for Android or IOS users. 

Native Development

Next you need to decide the shopping app you want to develop for the platform you want. This is the most time consuming path to development and it’s not necessary for basic shopping apps.

Cross platform app development

This is typically the best option for all the shopping apps. This means that the app is developed for both android and IOS users with a single build and codecase. This saves time and money on development.

Step 3- Choose agency or experts for Shopping App development

For preparing a shopping app you need to hire an agency or experts in developing shopping apps for creating your shopping app. You must choose an agency which has proven track records of creating successful apps, which have a good team composition of android developers, ios developer, UX designer, UI designer, project manager, web developer, quality assurance agents etc. 

Step 4- Identify Essential Features for your Shopping Application

After hiring the agency you need to identify the fairies you want in your shopping app. Always focus on the bare minimum and essentials required for your app to run smoothly. Of Course you can add features later on. Below are some of the features that you should add in your shopping app-

  • User Registration and Sign in process
  • Easy Navigation
  • User profile Editing
  • Product Catalogue
  • In-App smart search engine
  • User Reviews
  • Shopping cart
  • Easy checkout ad payment options
  • Shipping options
  • Key Admin panel features for online shopping app

Step 5- Identify Additional Features that help your store stand out

Other than  the features mentioned above you can add additional features that go beyond your basic functionality. However it is not important to add these additional features right now but you can opt  for it are the fe features hat you can add on later on-

  • Customer with lists
  • Ibeacon
  • Maps
  • Augmented reality
  • Machine learning
  • Social media sharing options
  • Barcode scanner
  • Push notifications
  • Chatbox for improved custom service

These features are not must have for your mobile application but it is nice to have fto attract customers.

Step 6- Create a Mockup of your Online Store App

Mockups are non-functional static designs of an app. This wil help your team to understand the look and feel of your final product.

This will help to establish things such as fonts, visuals, images, contents layouts, colour schemes, and overall user experience from a design standpoint.

Step 7- Begin Mobile Shopping App Development Process

The next step is to begin with the process of shopping app development. Before hiring a development company just make sure to have basic knowledge of the development timeline and a rough idea of when the app will be ready. 

Step 8- Test Your Shopping App

Once the app is created, you need to test it for its smooth operation for real users. If there is any bug in the app you need to clear it out. There are different approaches for application testing including alpha testing, Beta testing, user testing and more.

Step 9-  Launch your Shopping App

The last step is to auch your shopping app for the real users. For that you will need to get it submitted to the Apple app store and Google play store. Each of these platforms have different requirements for approvals and submissions. So make sure to understand the guidelines thoroughly before submitting.


Shopping apps are superior to mobile websites for earning revenue generations, conversion and customer satisfaction. 

If you want to get a shopping app, reach out to our expert team at winklix. We can create a custom shopping app as per your requirements along with the features you want to add. We will assist you with the re-development process and also provide maintenance and updates on post launch of the app.

Best Advantages of Android App Development to SkyRocket Your Organisational Concept

Best Advantages of Android App Development to SkyRocket Your Organisational Concept

Companies nowadays are realising how mobile applications may assist amplify impact and increase their client base in the technological society. With practically everybody utilising a smartphone to browse a range of applications – it has most surely provided a major boost to the eCommerce company.

Android OS presently commands a substantial share of the mobile application development industry. With over 2.5 billion active members dispersed throughout the world – the number is always expanding. What shows the relevance as the ideal system for enterprises are appealing benefits like large consumer reach, easy personalization, quicker implementation, increased scalability & many more.

When it comes to providing your business with a digital increase in the mobile environment, there are a lot of factors to consider. We’ll go over the advantages of Android application development in this article and assist you to figure out how to keep relevant in the market in today’s world.

What’s the Point of Android Development?

Android is often regarded as the best operating system for startups and businesses. Here are some of the benefits of developing an Android app:

Platform with a Low Cost of Ownership:

  • Android developers have simple access to technology and systems.
  • End-of-life gadgets and hardware are less costly.
  • Every upgraded OS version has a few compatibility concerns.

Fast and Simple to Create:

  • The accessibility of the simple functioning model speeds up the development of applications.
  • In the previous five years, application adaptability has resulted in an exponential increase, with performance metrics and the price of application creation being essential features of this technology.

Furthermore, the future of applications isn’t just about applications. The emergence of wearable devices and Smart TVs has ushered in a new age in application creation.

Android App Development’s Advantages

To grab the eye of more prospective clients, each businessman must fight with inventiveness. It’s because the true objective of any company is to make money. Furthermore, the Android development system’s progress provides entrepreneurs with a cost-effective and scalable way to create applications.

As a result of the online revolution, Android mobile apps have touched almost every industry today. Even though iOS is a successful system, there are several factors why Android development is the greatest and most successful system for organizations.

High Return on Investment (ROI) at Low Costs

The Android SDK is readily available, which is one of the main benefits of Android application development. The material design from these SDKs could be used by development teams to create innovative applications. Moreover, for app deployment, developers/development groups must pay a one-time registration fee. After that, people may design and perform testing for their devices on any computer device, assuring minimum investment and enhanced user involvement. As a result, end-users benefit from an interactive app, while the company sees a larger financial return.

Deployment in Less Time

The development process for Android enterprise applications is only a few hours long. It gives enterprises with fresh ideas a comparative benefit by allowing them to go to market quickly. As a result, one of the major advantages of Android development is the reduced Time to Market (TTM).

Target a Variety of Platforms

Because the software is written in Java, it may be ported to a variety of operating systems, including Symbian and Ubuntu. As a result, organizations may use Android app development to reach a variety of devices. One of the numerous reasons why businesses pick Android development is because of this.

Learn all you need to know about migrating iOS apps to Android. And how it enables businesses to make the most of their time and money by focusing on the interests of various species groups.

Kotlin has also been designated as an official language (or a Java substitute) for Android development by Google. Kotlin Multiplatform could be used to create apps for both iOS and Android. Major technology firms such as Pivotal and Atlassian, as well as industry behemoths like Pinterest, Uber, and Evernote, use Kotlin for their Android solutions.

Scalability and versatility

With the addition of Android Studio, the OS’s adaptability and versatility have increased. It works with all Android devices, such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and Android TV. It allows Android apps to work with new technologies including IoT, AR, and VR. As a result, it is among the most important Android app advantages. Furthermore, the Android app network’s adaptability enables software developers to create dynamic mobile apps that fulfil numerous roles once downloaded on a gadget.

Increased Security

Android P included several new and built-in security mechanisms. This would assist in the prevention of malware and viruses. As a result, android app development offers remarkable security and dependability. Continue reading to learn about Android best practices for security and privacy, which may assist enterprises in determining the best strategy to take in the whole application lifetime.


Android is an open-source system with a lot of personalization options for developers. It is for this reason that Android apps are so successful. Furthermore, the OS allows you to create adaptable Android applications that may be readily linked to your current organizational procedures’ multimedia analysis and data management features. As a result, businesses could benefit from accessing a larger client base by adapting to shifting business needs.

The number of advantages of Android development also includes business-friendly characteristics that allow expanding the market. Winklix could assist you in developing unique and powerful corporate-grade applications that are future-ready as an experienced business mobile application development firm.

About Us

You must design mobile apps that respond to changing client needs as an entrepreneur. And, as you might expect, a compelling Android application may provide businesses with access to a broad client base while requiring little marketing effort. However, this effectiveness is contingent on the application’s performance, which is determined by several aspects, such as personalization, ease of use, and technique.

Winklix, a reputable and capable technology partner, will assist you to accelerate business expansion with a tailored application while lowering IT and resource expenses. Our staff provides a high degree of knowledge to assist you in maximizing the benefits of Android development.

Capability in Native App Development

And have a glance at a few of the different sorts and kinds of native applications that we could create:

App Development for Grocery Delivery

The surge in grocery delivery application development, just like any other online purchase, has solved the need for secure and easy supermarket buying. If you’re a beginning, a small enterprise, or a major corporation, creating an app can assist you to achieve your goals and satisfying the requirements of customers.

We could create applications for the following, based on your needs:


  • Shopper-to-grocery-store facilitator or mediator
  • Organizations that own a grocery store or a network of stores will benefit the most.


  • Organizations, like aggregators, have their delivery workers who deliver things.

Single-story establishments

  • Grocery store with a customized application to manage the real store and expand online

Supermarket Conglomerates

  • Grocery store on-demand applications that are large and scalable
  • Customer information is collected to give highly tailored offers.

If you want to understand further about the on-demand service application and the function a development partner will play in terms of advising on the tech foundation – functions and technologies required – read that article. This will be in addition to researching, validating, and evaluating your concept to see how far it can go.

Development of Location-Based Apps

Geolocation technologies are already found in 90% of smartphones, enabling consumers throughout the world to receive highly tailored suggestions. Location-based application development, on the other hand, can assist with a lot more than just local discovery. Here’s how we may assist you in creating applications for a certain business:


  • Use your present location to find hotels and trendy restaurants.
  • Send passengers real-time alerts and texts.


  • Items should be easy to find within stores.
  • Examine product availability as well as discounts and special offers.
  • Choose between pickup and delivery.


  • Tracking the position of your vehicle
  • Passengers are kept up to date on arrivals and delays.
  • Meeting deadlines and ensuring delivery compliance

Tracking your health and fitness

  • Make a daily fitness plan.
  • Find local gyms or personal trainers.
  • While on the go, connect with like-minded fitness lovers.

Dating & social media

  • Individuals should be shortlisted and showcased depending on their proximity to a specific location.
  • Relate to people from all over the world based on their location choices.

Development of Mobile Apps for Healthcare

There is a spike in demand to increase client experience and deliver tailored treatment for important clients in this period of a global medical emergency. To deliver linked care and shift away from old procedures, healthcare startups, hospitals, care centres, and medical experts are focusing on healthcare mobile application development. Here are the various types of applications we could assist you with, each tailored to the specific demands of your company.

Apps for healthcare

  • Allow for regular consultations between doctors and patients.
  • Remote medical monitoring, video consultations, scheduling management, and online medications are all included in this telemedicine package.

Apps for tele pharmacy

  • Allows pharmacists and patients to communicate quickly and easily about drugs, prescriptions, dosage, and other topics.

Apps for medical purposes

  • Designed specifically for medical and pharmaceutical organizations to automate operations and share updates on new medications, medical treatments, and other topics. Discover more about how we use personalized healthcare applications to assist medical practices to enhance clinical efficiency and provide better patient care.

Apps for getting in shape

  • With frequent guidance on nutrition and exercise routines, people may achieve their fitness objectives and keep active.

Apps for Mental Health

  • Using therapy sessions and consultations that encourage good sleep and stress release through stimulating images and exercise, aids in the maintenance of mental well-being.

We provide a mature viewpoint to aid organizations like yours in producing simple and feature-rich technology apps, with more than a decade of Android Application Development Services expertise.

Final Thoughts

The process of developing a virtual appliance on the Android or iOS system is based on the organizational requirements and resources provided. An Android app development business could help you connect with customers with the features and functionality you need. They could assist you in taking advantage of the operating system’s advantages and international market dominance. While beginning application development, it’s also important to think about the project’s estimated time and cost. Evaluating revenue goals, targeting the right customer (demographic and geographic features), required application features, variety of gadgets (phone, tablet, and more), application support budget, publication, and constraints are all key elements to consider. We could assist you if you’re still unsure where to begin.