How To Explain App Idea To App Development Company

app development company

Do you have a app idea ? You have made your mind of hiring an app development company ? Then probably the next step would be finding the right team for catering your project . In order to successfully deliver the project you have have to firstly explain the project in detailed manner , and secondly establish effective communication with app developers .

It has been seen that most of the app idea gets failed because of not proper communication because of which app has to suffer after its release . Although a team of app developers might implement their own ideas and creativity but its important some details about your tongue of taste as its after all your app .

However if you don’t communicate your ideas to app development agency , then unfortunately you might not be able to get your app with proper functionality as expected , moreover you will not get your app within stipulated time , thereby increasing the cost of app development . Therefore it is essential to communicate effectively with the app development team in effective manner .

Brief Introduction About Your Company

So the very first thing you need to do is to introduce your company to app development company and tell them exactly what you want , what your company is dealing in , what are you expecting from your app , who are the targeted audience and other stuff .

The App Development Team Composition

The composition of any app development team wholly depends on the size of the project and the resources it requires to complete the project . The app development team consist of UI and UX designer , Android and iOS developer , backend developer and a tester.
Thus while discussing our project , you have to deal with professionals listed above .

Launching Of App With Minimum Viable Product

As we all know app development is not one time task , it requires a time and cumbersome process to build a successful app. So it is viable to create the app with minimum viable features in order to authenticate the idea of app into the market .
This not only saves your money ands time , but will also decide the minutes details of project needed at this junction . And if you think is it doing good , you can ask your developer to add new features later on .
Always remember , when we are talking about MVP , it must contain most important features of your app .

Explaining With The Help Of Flow Charts

In order to more effectively describe your idea , taking help of flow charts with diagrams and images is better option in which you must focus on the app functionality only . Explaining the screen by screen process to team will help you guide team for what will happen next on the click and helps them to deliver you the better application .

Asking For Quotation And Project Deadline

When it comes to budget , it is always considered as indispensable factor as most entrepreneur keep it on the top of the notch . When you contact your app development team , you will obviously be curious of knowing the app development cost , as you have to pay it out of your pockets only .
The development team obviously would enquire about the budget estimate from your . You can always get a free quotation either on emails , online video chat or even meeting with business development managers directly .
Secondly the most important factor is , you also need to account the deadline of the project and tell them clearly about your view point on deadline of the project .

Designing The Wireframe And Prototype

It is essential for any app developer to initially design the visual mockups that will be really helpful for development team to get the app idea together with idea about app design , colour , icons and more .

Establishing A Healthy Communication With Team

The app development team always enjoy working with client who values their hard work and establish long term relationship with app development company . The communication link should always be from both the sides .
the most common problem which is faced being is that the app developers sounds technically when talking while the client use simple verbal language . So finding a better way out for common term always suits better and easier .


It is always proven beneficial for your business to have a app . But hiring a app development team should be taken care with utmost priority as whole app development depends on experience professionals who can either create your app or destroy it .
So if you are looking for proficient and knowledgable professional development team , you can right away contact us .

Pros And Cons Of Developing Mobile App For Your B2C Business

mobile app developer delhi

Mobile apps are now becoming a necessity for every business organisation irrespective of the nature of business you are dealing in . Different industry have different kind of app design requirement , for instance e-commerce industry might have a demand of different UX than a banking sector app .

In order to come out with better UI design for your brand , you need to hire a mobile app development company , who can with their expertise knowledge can serve you with the best professional skills for an awesome outcome .

There are always pros and cons of releasing a mobile app in the market . Hiring a mobile app developers is the only solution to come up with something new that can role out in the market .

Pros Of Mobile App Development For Your Business

Expectation Of Customer

It does not matter whether you are running a big organisation or a small company , mobile app is required for every business organisation now a days . Remember days when ” World Wide Web ” was fascinating new heights ?  Similar kind of evolution is seen with popularity of mobile devices . Users are preferring more of phones and tablets to browse rather than than PC or laptop .

Mobile App Design Attract User Attention

User spend more time on browsing over the internet and moving from one site to another . The internet consist of millions of sites to distract the user easily with their content and services .
Thus in order to succeed in the market and to keep on attracting more users , you need to have a strong mobile app development .

Partnering With Best Mobile App Development Company Can Add On Value To Your App

Many of us think that the best time to launch the mobile app is when it is fully loaded with all the features together with the new features thus making it unique to launch , and that is the reason many of the brands delay releasing apps .
But that should necessarily not be the case , you must launch the app with the features you have to engage more audience and then keep on updating the app from time to time to keep the audience engaging .
Due to over years of experience of successful mobile application development company , they can understand your need better and can help you taking advantage of mobile device specific technology .

Cons Of Mobile App Development For Your Business

You Are Unprepared For After Launch Efforts Of Mobile App Development

It does not matter how useful your mobile app is , you need to provide regular and multiple updates for engagement of your customers which a small business owner might not undergo with . If you are running low of man power , then your ability to provide regular updates is limited .
You can overcome with the situation by hiring some third part app development company who can work as a agile company for doing fast changes .

Mimic Competitors Mobile App Design

There is a different between offering a unique functionality of getting ahead with your competitor in the market or copying them completely all their features. Your app must be unique offering different set of unique features that your competitors might not be offering , to give unique tailored experience. This usually means the more you are familiar with mobile application development , the more likely you will tend to have a valuable app .
Hiring a mobile app developer who has years of experience can not only help you build a rock awesome app , but will also help you to plan and strategise with the help of experts advice .

Most Important App Designing Principles

Designing principle are largely important for designing a great, functional mobile application interface.App designers must stick to designing principles otherwise it may lead to loose their orders.

In forwarding a step towards becoming the best mobile application developer , developers must focus on UI.

One of the most successful advice for designing mobile app is:

Research must be done with complete understanding of the task we want to accomplish on your app.You should not waste the time of your user , although the most used cases for mobile is killing time

Now lets focus on  some most important app designing principles:

The Structure Principle

Structure of both android app designing and iOS app designing are different.Design should organize the fan interface carefully, in meaningful and useful ways based upon determined, consistent models that are apparent and recognizable to users, putting joined things together and separating unrelated things, differentiating dissimilar things and making same things resemble one jarring. The structure principle is concerned after that overall enthusiast interface architecture.

The Simplicity Principle

The designing of app should be as simple as it can , thus making common task easy and using shortcuts in such a way that even a large task can be easily done with small under stable , easy to use shortcuts , in the users own language.

The Visibility Principle

The design must not distract the user with extraneous or redundant information , rather they should make application in such a way that all needed options and features must be visible.

Good designs don’t overwhelm users with alternatives or confuse them with unneeded information”

The Feedback Principle

The design should save users informed of behavior or interpretations, changes of ventilate or condition, and errors or exceptions that are relevant and of join up to the fan through sure, concise, and unambiguous language au fait to users.

The Tolerance Principle

The design should be athletic and cooperative, reducing the cost of mistakes and cruelty by allowing undoing and redoing, even though with preventing errors wherever realizable by tolerating varied inputs and sequences and by interpreting all reasonably priced activities.

The Reuse Principle

The design should reuse internal and external components and behaviors, maintaining consistency as well as take hope rather than merely arbitrary consistency, so reducing the craving for users to rethink and recall.

Winklix is software and app development company having well experienced professionals who follows above designing principles and give you awesome graphical user interface.