Struggling With Your Existing Outsourced App Developers ?

mobile app developer winklix


At Winklix , we are often approached by frustrated clients , who are unhappy with their current agencies of mobile app development . As far as we know , client may get frustrated with communication problem , the quality of work and lack of  progress due to serving lots of clients at a time .

Common issues with the outsource problems and their overcome is given below :

1) Lack of understanding :

Mobile app development companies often start working on project , without even making the wireframe of it and if the company is not able to fully understand the requirement , obviously they will not be able to guide the developers of their company to carry on the project . That means the core feature of would be application are either missing ,or is developing in a wrong way , giving the app difficult to use and thus adversely affecting the end result .

This problem can be overcomes by focusing on the end user requirement of the client , i.e., what is his/her business goals , and what exactly they are expecting from a app developers .Its preferable to have a wireframe and modules to be written on the piece of paper to proceed further without any hesitance , and give a better output .

2) Poor Communication

Another biggest reason you may be struggling is biggest communication problem .Throughout the project , you may be not getting the regular updates of your project ,  and it fell like , what the hell is going on with your project . Are they really doing it or is just focusing on other clients who  have higher priority , thus arising lack of transparency inspite of you are paying for services required by you .For instance there me be some technical jargon which may arise , making it difficult for developer to do right now , and you may be misguided that it can’t be done as it is impossible to build the features desired by you .

At Winklix , we believe that it is important , there is a process of communication , in which we can regularly update to our clients by mail and our online softwares so that we can give the necessary updated to clients as and when required by clients , so that at every stage we do development , client can cross check the app and make necessary changes accordingly , rather than at the end of the development .

Having in app development industry since 2004 , we have developed may softwares for exchanging information with clients . Our project manager will give you regular updates by various means using our software to keep you updated with the development process .

3) Bad coding practise 

Another biggest issue that you may face is bad practising of coding by developers , that you may not even get to know about this . This means developers might me using some old technologies , inspite of new technology availability . For instance , they may still be using objective c , inspite of apple is about to release swift 4 .

It is always preferable to use the latest technology available , at it minimises the security risk and at the same time may not be compatible with the latest operating systems .

Structuring of code in right manner is another important task .For instance  , they may have written enough comments while doing coding , and this will arise difficulty , in case you want to hire your own in house team , understanding the code with be a difficult task for your developers then .

At Winklix , we are always keen on using the latest technology , at the same time make is scalable and reusable .

4) Too many bugs and too little testing

Another biggest reason that you might be suffering is getting lots and lots of bugs while testing . There may be question arises that if you have to test all the bugs , then why the hell they are charging for the testing the bugs !! Often fixing the bugs has knock on affect causing other issues . That means you may be getting behind targeted schedules , causing project to fall behind schedule .
At Winklix , our project manager and quality assurance team will test the app and website on each and every step before passing it onto your feedback . our app development company has a concept of testing the app on every phase , thus almost minimising the bugs .

5) Behind Schedule

If you are facing any of the issue listed above , then your you are getting behind the targeted schedule .That is why it is important to set back out targets and to have a fight to complete the project on time .
At Winklix , we use our online tool that act as timeline of task and app building , so that everyone can see the progress work.
So you can hire winklix so overcome with the problem and get an ready app within stipulated time .Winklix is mobile app developer in Delhi , India serving the world .

Native Application Vs Hybrid ?? Which one to choose ??

app developer

Today we are going to discuss about native app and hybrid app , what it is , the changing technology behind it , which app for development to be preferred and much more.Lets start with intro of both categories of applications.

Mobile application are now a days become necessity for an any kind of business to run their company and stay ahead from their competitors . To get the best result out of it , you must hire best mobile app developer who will be going to solve all your need’s and give you best suggestion as well as design and development for your would be application.

Native Applications : 

Native app are application developed specifically for their respective platforms , like Xcode for iOs app development and android studio for android application development and so on.These kind of apps are preferred by most of the recognised business owners because of their ease of usability and minimum bugs . Native apps are build by experts like java developers in case of android application designing and development.Professionals who knows the programming of application well can neatly design and develop parameters of the application and can boost user experience and sales of the company . Now a days customer only download or uses that kind of application which are easy to use  , with best user interface and the most important which fulfils their usability in competitive market condition .

Native apps are usually proves best for all category of application , but in case you are in process of developing something big , then you must have to encode it via native applications only .The best way to build e-commerce application is on native app only as we can design the app according to customer needs and requirement , and thus enhancing the user experience.

Hybrid Application :

Hybrid application are one which are nothing more than the mobile responsive version of website , which are converted into application common for all platform by the use of software like CORDOVA and many other available softwares. In case you have limited budget , and is having a small website , then obviously you should choose to go on with hybrid category of application as it can be proven beneficial as it will give you app for all platform at very cheap cost .But in case you are planning something big , or want a great user experience their native application is preferable.

In hybrid kind of application , we cannot define design specifically for different platforms , all we can do it conversion of website into application.Hybrid application development does not require a profession to convert or decode the application , any person who have good knowledge of HTML,CSS,JS can convert the application easily by softwares .

In Winklix terms , going for an hybrid application development is non other than just waste of money , clients if they can afford it they must build an app only and only on native platform. is leading app developer in delhi having experience of creating more than 200+ applications.Call +91-8882-31-31-31 in case of any expert guidance.

All You Need To Know About New Google Play Store : Winklix

More than 2 billions mobile devices are used by users all over the world .With such a giant users database , a big big number of android user will be logging into google play store .And such a huge numbers implies app developers and publishers must know each and every minor things about the play store .

Google has recently introduced some changes , and every app developers must be aware about it , which are given below :

The Top Developers Programme Has Been Discontinued

Google has now chosen the apps to be displayed with the editors choice , rather than top developer programme. By this , a top quality app can be selected . The main reason behind it is to focus more on top quality apps and give a change to individual application also .

Android Excellence Collections

Android excellence is great expansion by play store in order to feature the app that has awesome design , and user experience , and at the same time , it must be optimised according to google play policies .Google do their best practises to feature that category of applications .

Google Back With Play Award

Google awards those who are best among the developers. All you need to participate is to make quality apps using new technology and five star ratings.

Introduction Of New Security System By Google Play

Google new security update has spy on each app flooded in the play store .It will scan every app on android device for security . If any suspicious activity has been founded , appropriate actions will be taken against app . The security scan system will be updated with interference of the application , just click the green rotating arrow on right side and tan tana… google play protect will scan the app.

Policy Updates On Google Play Store

Google has updated policies for developers and revised its rating ,install policy and malicious policy .Any developer if founded with doing any manipulation , increasing rating and downloads of application by unfair means , then stringent actions will be taken against them , and may lead to suspension of developers account too .
Google is trying to restrict apps who are trying to steal data, monitor data or any other malicious in general .