How to Design a Mobile App User Interface like a pro?

How to Design a Mobile App User Interface like a pro?

If you want to design a functional Mobile app interface, here in this article we will help you in understanding it. Let’s get started with the designs. It is important to understand about the UI designs as it is hugely important. Let’s discuss the design guide to understand the topic i a better way.

UI Design Principles

When used together, design principles make the UI designer’s job much easier. They remove the guesswork and make the work more predictable and therefore is easier to use.

Before moving further lets quincy discuss six of the most common interface design principles-

The Structure Principle

Design should organise the stoner interface purposefully, in meaningful and useful ways grounded on clear, harmonious models that are apparent and recognizable to druggies, putting affiliated effects together and separating unconnected effects, secerning different effects and making analogous effects act one another. The structure principle is concerned with overall stoner interface armature.

The Simplicity Principle

The design should make simple, common tasks easy, communicating easily and simply in the stoner’s own language, and furnishing good lanes that are meaningfully related to longer procedures.

The Visibility Principle

The design should make all demanded options and accoutrements for a given task visible without abstracting the stoner with extraneous or spare information. Good designs don’t overwhelm users with druthers or confuse them with gratuitous information.

The Feedback Principle

The design should keep users informed of conduct or interpretations, changes of state or condition, and crimes or exceptions that are applicable and of interest to the stoner through clear, terse, and unequivocal language familiar to druggies.

The Tolerance Principle

The design should be flexible and tolerant, reducing the cost of miscalculations and abuse by allowing death and redoing, while also precluding crimes wherever possible by permitting varied inputs and sequences and by interpreting all reasonable conduct.

The Reuse Principle

The design should exercise internal and external factors and actions, maintaining thickness with purpose rather than simply arbitrary thickness, therefore reducing the need for druggies to reevaluate and flashback.

The Mobile App Design Process: What are we Building?

Before creating a mobile app we need to know what we are actually designing. We just need to communicate the overall functions of the app. After giving it some allowed , then are the main functions we ’ve linked

Announcements – We ’ll need to push the new words to the stoner via an announcement, so we ’ll need an onboarding screen that asks the stoner to allow drive announcements.

Home Screen – The stoner should be suitable to buy multiple different language assignments, so we ’ll need a home screen where they can buy these assignments and spark being bones .

Tracking Progress – The stoner should be suitable to see the progress of each assignment that’s presently actuated.

Viewing an Assignment – the stoner should be suitable to see a list of the words they ’ve learned so far in a given assignment.

Viewing a Word – The stoner should be suitable to view words they ’ve formerly learned. This should include the description, image reference, the part of speech, audio pronunciation and link to conjugation.

There ’ll clearly be a lot further to this app, but this list works well for the compass of this tutorial.

How do we Build an App?

To get started, we ’ll use pencil and paper and start sketching out these colourful app functions. Once these delineations are perfected, we ’ll move over to Sketch and start breathing life into them.

Sketch is the perfect tool for the job because it’s made for designing stoner interfaces. It’s also got some nifty erected- in tools that help you set up your mobile designs and exercise them on your device. More on that latterly.

Sketching Our App

The first thing we need is a simple flowchart so we can understand how the stoner makes their way through the software.

This helps us understand how the different defences of our app interact with each other. Next we ’ll work on sketching out each individual screen

From then, we ’re ready to fire over Sketch and start bringing our designs to life!


The first thing we need to do is make sure the stoner allows us to shoot drive announcements to them. This is how we ’ll serve up new words to them every day.

Let’s launch putting these stoner interface design principles to work. It’s easy for onboarding to feel like work, so we want to make sure the process is as simple and light as possible.

I took a quick look at some onboarding teardowns to see how other apps handle asking the stoner to enable drive announcements. I noticed that Foursquare is really smart then.

Occasionally druggies can be caught off guard when asked to enable announcements or to use their position. So Foursquare overlays the announcement bubble on top of instructions which explain why they need to enable the announcement.

I really like the idea of giving the stoner redundant information before they accept drive announcements. This keeps inline with the common design principle of keeping the druggies in the circle by making sure they understand why they’re giving me these warrants.

When a new stoner launches the app, the first thing we ’ll show them is a screen which explains why we need authorization to push announcements to them.

Let’s get our hands dirty. First thing we ’ll need to do is draw up a quick sketch of this screen. Starting on pencil and paper is pivotal since the medium is so forgiving. The more you can figure out in this stage before pushing real pixels around, the better.

Now we’ve a good base to start designing from. From then we ’ll fire over Sketch, select the Artboard tool( A), and use the iPhone 6 preset in the inspector pane to the right. To add common iOS rudiments like the status bar, we ’ll head to train>> New From Template>> iOS UI Design. This train contains all of the common iOS rudiments you ’ll need frequently.

Now, let’s launch designing!

When the stoner hits “ Enable announcements ”, we ’ll detector this native authorization dialog box

“ Business owners know about the significance of having a mobile presence and we ’ve seen how the demand of app controversy has been adding to our point.

Mobile operation has surpassed other device operations in 2015. Also, Google started using mobile usability as a rank, so if organic hunt business is a major source of business for their business, contrivers need to have a mobile-first mindset.

To impress a new customer, it’s important that contrivers produce a brand style companion for their guests that includes both the look and the voice that will insure effective and harmonious branding across all media. This will lead to more effective marketing collateral affair and a more unified brand communication for their guests.

The first step is to estimate their means to determine if they need a refresh grounded on current design trends( e.g. flat design, simplicity, etc). As an app developer, do n’t forget that the right balance between design and functionality is crucial. ”

A developer gives feedback on some mobile app UI designs

Home Screen

Once a stoner accepts drive announcements, we ’ll shoot them directly to their home screen. This would be a great time to give them an introductory walkthrough and explain some of the mechanics of the app, but we ’ll save that for another day.

Actually, if we stick to the common stoner interface design principles, we may not need a walkthrough at all. The app should be intuitive enough to understand without too important hand holding.

The main information we want to show on the home screen is

We want an element of gamification, so we ’ll show their stats nice and big at the top of the home screen.

Below the stats, we ’ll show their current assignments, their progress, and locked assignments. We want to make sure that it’s egregious that these assignments are unapproachable. This will allure the stoner to unleash them every time they visit the home screen.

I want the app to be veritably visual so I ’m going to try and incorporate nice photography into each runner.

Since this is the home screen, the stoner should be suitable to go anywhere from then. To begin with, our app will offer some introductory stoner settings, so we ’ll make sure there’s a way to get to the settings screen from this home screen.

Now that we know what we need to design, we ’ll throw together a quick sketch so we can get an idea of how we want to lay these rudiments out visually without having to do too important work.

Now we ’re in a great position to fire over Sketch and start designing the rudiments of our home screen. the utmost of the work has formerly been done, so it’s just a matter of putting each element where it belongs and adding a splash of colour.

With the home screen complete, the stoner now has a place to track their overall progress, as well as the progress of each individual assignment, buy new assignments and tweak their stoner settings. Nice!

View A Assignment

So, what happens when a stoner clicks one of these assignments? I ’m glad you asked! Now we ’re going to put together an assignment runner where the stoner can view each word that’s been revealed to them.

We also need to give the stoner the capability to disable an assignment since they may want to break if they’ve too many assignments enabled at a time.

So, that’s what we need on this screen

Assignment name

Visual representation of the assignment( image/ icon)

List of words that have been revealed

From then we ’re going to use the same process as ahead. First we ’ll roughly sketch out the runner with pencil and paper, also we ’ll produce the high- dedication interpretation in Sketch. Formerly we’ve a good idea of what it’s we ’re structure.

We want to stick to the principles of good structure and scale then, so we ’ll start with the section name/ progress at the top, also the words below. We also want to start incorporating the exercise principle, which states that common factors should be reused in order to produce thickness. On the home screen we ’re using these handy little circles to indicate progress, so we ’ll use those same rudiments to indicate progress on this screen.

Now that we ’ve sketched out our assignment screen, we’ve everything we need to start putting some pixels together and creating a high- dedication design

We are also clinging to a common iOS/ OSX design pattern then. Notice how the vertical line that separates each word is cut off just before it meets the left edge? This is a subtle cue that druggies have learned when interacting with the operating system. It implies that clicking this menu item will reveal a deeper menu from the right.

Subtle cues like this are monstrously important and understanding them makes the developer’s job just a bit easier.

Then’s another tip, this time from Neil Turner of UX for the Masses In theirMobile UX Design Principles

“ suppose about what it’s your druggies will be trying to negotiate and concentrate on the crucial stoner pretensions that you have linked( immaculately through stoner exploration). Do n’t get distracted by trying to design and make features that are veritably doubtful to be used on a mobile anyway. ”

View A Word

Still, the deepest position a stoner can go in this first replication is viewing a word, If you look back to our original inflow map. That’s what we want to include on this screen

  • A print which represents the word
  • The word itself
  • The part of speech( verb, noun,etc.)
  • The pronunciation
  • The description of the word in English
  • An audio recap of the word
  • Links to more coffers like conjugation

I want this app to be veritably visual, so I want to start with the image front and centre, and also work our way down the scale in order of significance.

As always, we ’ll start by putting the pencil to the paper in order to get an original idea of how we want to lay out all of these UI rudiments.

We ’ve formerly talked about the exercise principle, and it’ll become more and more important as we see the colourful screen of the app. We need to make sure the sources are harmonious with all of the other defences of our app, as well as buttons and links. Since we ’re using blue as our accentuation colour, we ’ll want to use that then too.


Testing Your Designs

At this point we ’ve got some well-conditioned study out designs in our Sketch train. Nice! But how can we make sure that everything looks and feels correct on a mobile device without actually erecting the app? This is where Sketch Mirror comes by.

For times, bluffing mobile designs on your device was delicate to say the least. At first you ’d principally just shoot a png or a jpeg to your phone and pull that up. This works but is time consuming and hamstrung. Products like Skala exercise made it possible to exercise your Photoshop designs on your mobile device, but setting this tool up was delicate and it did n’t always work.

Luckily, Sketch has this capability erected right in! All you have to do is download Sketch Mirror from the app store, make sure your device and computer are both on the same network and fire over Sketch Mirror on your device. also just click “ Mirror ” to the top right of the Sketch app and select your mobile device.

Presto! Now each runner and artboard in your Sketch train can be fluently viewed on your phone and will incontinently modernise as soon as the commodity in your Sketch train is changed.

Designing a Mobile App Next Steps

By sticking with some introductory UI design principles as well as an introductory design process, we were able to snappily distil our ideas into solid, usable UI designs.

Still, take a look at this in- depth post I wrote about how to become a UI developer, If you ’re not relatively ready yet. It talks about what it’s like to be a UI developer and will help you decide if a career in UI design is the right path for you.

What You Should Do Now

Get a hands- on preface to UI design and design your first app screen with a free, tone- paced UI Design Short Course. Contact our team for Mobile app development.

All You Need to Know About the (SVOD) Subscription Video On Demand

All You Need to Know About the (SVOD) Subscription Video On Demand

Transactional video on demand, premium video on demand, subscription video on demand and the new AVOD / SVOD hybrid platform have been a street fight for online audiences these days. We started off with a dive on ad-supported video on demand (AVOD). If you miss it and want to catch up, you can find it here. The focus of this blog is on demand subscription videos commonly known as SVOD. Let’s start with a short history lesson.

In this article, we are talking about the discovery of various digital entertainment distribution platforms. We are looking for entertainment in today’s world and we live on stage one at a time.

SVOD’s Connection with Netflix

For your information, tell us about SVOD, when Netflix launched its monthly subscription website in the United States in September 1999, Netflix began renting a big movie blockbuster video in the late 90s, when it started as a movie rental service. Netflix subscribers can order a bundle of movies to be delivered to their homes on the Internet, where they can enjoy DVDs. Family wise, there was no late fee, you returned the bundle of titles when you were finished with them, and could then go ahead and order more.

This experience was not perfect because it was not immediate. On the other hand, Blockbuster customers will walk up to their local shop (it’s hard to believe now, but they are everywhere), select a title off the shelf. Give on Pay $ 6.99 to rent the latest release for one night. Should you return them late, you will be charged late. These charges can be substantial, and consumers hate them better. The blockbuster did away with them in one last ditch to save himself before the very end, but it was too late. Delay fees have also always been controversial within the industry, as Blockbuster did not pay the rights holders of those films and refunded a portion of those late fees.

Netflix has rightly identified that subscribers will rent more movies at once, failing to consume all of them within 24 or 48 hours if they knew they should not face late fees. needed. They also knew that blockbuster stores often did not demand new release titles due to less information from the public. However, this unfulfilled demand was very good for the film industry, as customers would almost always opt for an alternative film. Vs. returning home empty-handed, it was a constant source of frustration for the consumer. Because Netflix did not rely on physical stores, they were better positioned to meet the demands of the latest releases.

In 1999, Netflix opened up the industry to a wider audience when they offered you the option of a consumer in exchange for a monthly subscription of $ 9.99. You can eat all the options that existed at the time which were limited to pay TV networks like HBO in the United States or TMN (The Movie Network) in Canada. Cable and satellite TV distribution had begun experimenting with video on demand as a means of enriching the value of cable or satellite TV subscriptions. These services were new and had strict restrictions for the investors we used to see today. The amount of pay available for all the films you could eat was limited by the network’s broadcast schedule and the amount of inventory provided by cable and satellite companies.

Netflix, on the other hand, had an invention of titles available on a large scale. Subscribers would order the films they wanted to watch from the website that sent the movies to subscribers’ homes, where they could be viewed on DVD, as they had rented. Some titles were available to stream directly on the Internet, but the overwhelming majority of their content was disc-driven, and ready to go to consumers’ homes after just a few clicks.

In the early 2000s when Blockbuster Video declined an offer to buy Netflix, Netflix doubled down on its efforts to become a lean, mean, entertaining machine. He took advantage of the increasing availability of high-speed Internet services in the US and Canada, and began focusing on putting more of his catalog available online for streams. As the rental component of their business declined, and subscriptions moved forward, Netflix began to become the streaming giants we know today.

I have looked at several details here, which suggests that in the late 2000s I was selling films to buyers domestically and internationally, and I can tell you that Netflix’s impact on the market was dramatic. They disintegrated in every area. Today, he leads SVOD and PayTV globally with 205 million subscribers globally. Amazon is behind more than 150 million customers, and Disney’s SVOD service Disney + ranks third with over 90 million subscribers.

Also Read : How much does it cost to develop app or website like Netflix ?

How Works the SVOD Market?

There are many SVOD platforms. More than a few dozen of these platforms are easily present, and compete globally for customers. The platform may be interested in Netflix, but the overall market size is such that no player will own the globe.

SVOD operators provide a mix of content to viewers in exchange for a fee paid monthly, weekly, or annually. The hallmarks of the SVOD service are exclusive content, subscription fees, no advertisements with content distributed to viewers on the Internet. Platforms typically view content licensed based on particular content, to attract viewers based on the shows they have available. License fees are usually paid in lieu of rights in these shows. Some of these fees are bonuses, or are structured with variable payment systems, where the content provided is rewarded based on the number of views their programs receive. SVOD platforms require deep libraries of content to keep their audience interested, and exclusive access to Premier Premium content to prove the ongoing value of membership.

SVOD platforms distinguish them from each other by indicating the depth of their specific content, and their content catalogs. They court fans of known content franchises, and promote new shows bought away from their rivals to attract viewers. Some of the past mega franchises such as FRIENDS, and OFFICE have such intense, built-in audiences that we have seen big players spend serious money to secure the rights to these shows – perhaps better, to take these builds. Pay big fees for – audiences away from their competitors.

Subscribers pay a monthly fee on the platform, for the right to view content available on an unlimited basis without interruption by advertisements, at a time that is convenient for them, and robust, keeping uninterrupted sessions in high quality formats Can be paid with technology. Talking about strong technology, SVOD platforms live and die from the user experience. If fans cannot find the show they are looking for, or they cannot watch it in high quality, or end up watching an episode without crashing the app, they must leave the stage in search of an alternative.

Operators court potential customers with limited trial experience – often just one week, although some operators will offer more frequent monthly trials. It is essential that the app is easy to navigate, that the available content is easily browsable, that the suggestions are relevant to the user’s performance preferences, and sufficient to see them coming back after testing.

The SVOD platform is slightly different from the AVOD or SVOD platform in relation to which devices they should be compatible with. A strategy that puts their service on all or a large number of devices will give them plenty of opportunities to win new customers, but because of the user experience, the quality of the video feed, and the high standards expected by viewers with respect to the service , It can be a risk strategy for any but the biggest players.

Avoid These Pitfalls If Launching SVOD Platform

Millennial viewers have been conditioned by Netflix to expect a premium experience in exchange for their membership fees. They expect an ad-free experience. They expect to be able to easily navigate the mix of content available by minimal style. They always expect an experience, with all episodes of the series available to binge in its entirety.

SVOD services are available on the best mobile platforms (Apple and Android) with home-built experiences. Standing with a premium look and feel will really help manage Subscriber Retention issues, and put pressure on customer care. Increasingly, operators are able to take advantage of digital SVOD marketplaces such as Amazon Channel, or ROKU Marketplace, which provide SVOD services, and promote them on a large scale platform of users. While these seem like a way to save money, to build your own 10-foot experiences; They may come with significant revenue sharing implications that will require management.

Do not make the mistake of complicating your model based on your experience. Quiby learned this the hard way. Quibi has developed an SVOD / AVOD hybrid solution that will provide users with an ad-supported experience at a monthly fee of $ 4.99 and an ad-free experience for $ 7.99. They tried to push the boundaries by creating content that was viewable only in portrait mode on your mobile device, and all their episodes were short. Despite all the buzz surrounding its launch, and hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in the development of premium content, Qwoby did not come quickly and hard. While Quibby has officially blamed COVID-19, it is difficult to swallow given the overall development experience by the SVOD industry.

Tips To Plan OTT with SVOD Platform

After planning and launching yourself on OTT with your own SVOD platform, here are the 3 main tips as follows:

  • Investor in Premium Content Will Command Listener 

The SVOD scenario is very competitive. Your service is going to compete with the big boys on the block: Netflix, Amazon, HBO Time Warner, CBS-Paramount-Viacom, ABC-Disney; And other small fish. Each manufacturer with an idea is looking at these key services to invest in their scripts. You will not be able to compete with the big boys at the time of launch, you will need to be creative.

This can take the form of aggressive producing producers, spending to advertise co-production opportunities, being prepared to take risks. But it can also go another way. Some of the most successful SVOD services begin with hyper-targeted content offerings that attract a niche audience, spending time delivering premium formats such as 4k and developing a reputation for excellence in a genre.

Examples of this include the following:

  1. Love Nature – Under this comes a service, which dedicates to wildlife material.
  1. Pureflix – A service dedicated to spiritual programming
  1. Muslim Kids TV – This includes a service dedicated to Muslim children with appropriate, educational content.
  1. Fubo TV – a service dedicated to sports programming, which has since expanded significantly.
  1. MetOnDemand – A service dedicated to broadcast opera

After providing core content offerings to niche communities, these services serve to develop a reputation for excellence within their target audience and do not have to compete with large companies for content. Distributors with focused content offerings will carry new content to these buyers, which suggests that the show will gain a larger audience more quickly and is more likely to be renewed for subsequent seasons, as they will be at mainstream outlets.

  • Investment in Premium User Experience

Subscription video on demand is a competitive business. There are a lot of options for today’s consumers, especially between cable cutters and cable nevers who are piecing together multiple subscription services to change the cable experience. This customer is ruthless. They will not stick if the service does not meet their expectations for ease of use, and around 24/7 uptime. Even if you just have to see that this is the hit of the year, once your customers have consumed it, they will leave you like a hot potato. You need to keep these subscribers on board for as many months as you can to maximize the value of every single customer you pay.

Honor your investment in content, and continue advertising, and investing in it to win new customers by investing in the best possible user experience you can afford. You have to stay in it for the long haul and need to spend continuously to keep your app stable and improve over time.

  • Avoid Apple Tax

Do you know how many billions Apple earns from the App Store? Apple cuts 30% of your app’s revenue globally for the privilege of distributing your app to its App Store across Apple devices. Your SVOD business margins are too tight to operate without 30% of your gross revenue. You can’t avoid distributing your SVOD app in the App Store, and you need to be creative and clever and you can get around Apple Tax.


Thus, It’s clear from the above discussion that Netflix gave birth to SVOD, and the Millennial generation has wholeheartedly adopted it. Cable Cutter and Cable Never come to these solutions, ready to subscribe to more than one service, and to swap between providers month-to-month. It is a competitive landscape, with hundreds of options for consumers.

If you are considering taking your entertainment product to the next level, such as NY Met with MetOnDemand to use that global marketplace, it can be transformational. There is plenty of room for new SVOD services, but you need to be prepared for the competitive landscape ahead, and to spend aggressively on technology, content and advertising. More and more potential viewers are coming online as the access to high speed internet is improving globally. The market potential for subscription videos on demand is globally. Many users will see multiple platforms to enjoy their favorite shows.

Transactional video on demand, premium video on demand, subscription video on demand and the new AVOD / SVOD hybrid platform are engaged in a street fight these days for online audiences.

Costs, Features & Business Models in Creating A Bar Management App

Costs, Features & Business Models in Creating A Bar Management App

Has bar management become the biggest headache for you? Are you still spending hours manually tracking bar lists and bookings? If yes, switching to a “bar management app” is not only a good business move, but also an immediate demand for the success of your bar. With the launch that nightclubs and bars generate approximately $ 259 billion in revenue each year and are expected to grow at a 1.9% CAGR, clubbing and boozing have undoubtedly become a modern American culture.

We have to tell you about the US nightlife and the ever-evolving competition that you have to face daily in the bar and nightclub industry. But we can all assure you that when other people are going to lose using a pen, paper, calculator or excel sheet to manage their business so you can have a game management app for your nightclub or restaurant. A well-planned bar management app can bring all of these benefits to your business from organized inventory records, innovative business insights to better business opportunities for operations and sales. With a strategically developed bar app, you can take full control of your bar and make better decisions to run your bar profitably.

Well, technology is everywhere and integrating the right tech-stack or hiring app development company at the right time for restaurants or clubs to take their business to new heights. No matter whether it is a pizzeria or casual food, we can notice technology everywhere. As the competition picks up speed, restaurants, bars and nightclubs are looking for new ways to retain old customers and attract new ones. Creating a bar management app is one of the best ways to prepare your business for market changes and stay ahead of your competition.

Bar & Nightclub Industry Snapshot at Macro Level

Before you dive straight into the app development process and learn how it can benefit your business, let’s take a look at a bigger picture of the market:

Essential Bars and Nightclub Industry Statistics

  • Bars and nightclubs in the US generated revenue of approximately $ 24 billion each year.
  • 7 million people regularly buy liquor at a bar or nightclub.
  • More than 2 million people visited a bar or a nightclub located in a casino.
  • Currently, 62,500 bars and nightclubs are operating in the US-based industry in active form.
  • The bar industry is growing at 2.9% yo.
  • The tavern is making over 30% of the bars in the US, which is considered the most important segment of bars.

In summary: These trends and analytics show that bars and nightclubs are booming – as revenue is increasing, customers are spending more, people have started moving more often. On one hand, the industry is growing at its best. On the other hand, new businesses entering this industry face all these challenges.

However the challenge of owning a bar or nightclub that takes $ 850,000 + to start this business is already there, so bar management makes the best impact on the community by developing an app.

Bar Management App and It Works

The bar management app is a simple software application designed with advanced level features so that you can manage the daily tasks of running a nightclub or bar more efficiently. So instead of spending hours managing bar inventories or reservations, a single bar management app can help you fix everything from offer announcements, happy hours, pre-booking deals. Technology-integrated bar management solutions are designed to meet the needs of the nightclub industry and increase efficiency in all aspects.

The app is ideally developed for restaurants, bars and nightclubs with many features, even simple enough to reach even small bars. These point-of-sale solutions have been developed for cross-platform (Android and iOS), making your server mobile and convenient to use and enhance the customer experience by eliminating wait times.

Therefore, all you have to do is to hire app developers who can help you build the right app. By using the bar management app, you will have better control over your entire bar operation. This allows you to automate daily tasks, keep track of tasks and stay on top of changes. Bar management app developed with an easy to navigate user interface to make users feel comfortable and allow administrators to manage and manage reservations in a hassle-free manner.

  • The admin feature of the app measures all in-house data related to total booking, reservation, sales, stock and growth insights.
  • The app’s reservation feature provides a user-friendly display of all reservations and their stats.
  • The staff facility will show all staffing schedules for assigned stations.

Further, the app is integrated with many tools that allow bars, nightclubs and lounges to manage their events and reservations according to their table arrangements, floor plans, customer relationships, staff assignments, guest lists and more.

To get more control over your operations, using the bar management app, here’s how it usually works:

  • Place a command by the user with a simple touch on the application.
  • Make a reservation at a bar or nightclub or restaurant using valid coupons or during happy hours.
  • Payment processing can be done in advance by taking advantage of multiple payment gateways.
  • Provide an electronic receipt to confirm payment and reservation.
  • Take advantage of advanced features such as HD quality image gallery, 360-degree view of the venue, live bar location and more.

Apart, it all depends on your business requirements and budget and how complex app structure you will need for your enterprise.

Bar Management Software makes your Business More Profitable

The bar management app is a lot more than managing your bar and gives you the best platform yet to generate potential business revenue generating opportunities. While bars and nightclubs are the most lucrative industries to start, what if you cannot involve customers in your business? How do customers know about the best display menu item? If you do not know the answer to these questions, you are probably missing a potential segment of the market. Before you hire a software developer, let’s understand how it can add a competitive edge to your business and give you real information in the market.

Here is the following discussion about how a management APP can make your business profitable:

  • Minimise the Risk of Error in Database

Keeping track of bookings and inventory with pen and paper can cause human errors and you may lose business. However, with one click on the application, you can get the exact information of your bar at the end of each time. Through the admin access of the app, you can determine how much product is used, sold, and how much stock is left in the house for the next shift.

  • Analyse Business Performance

Feeling Tired to keep your nightclub weekly records in Excel sheets? If yes, then a Bar management app will be an excellent option for you. It comes with a unique report feature that tracks all valuable information such as the amount of bar spills, your monthly booking, sales and more. With a one-time management app, you can access data to reduce costs and improve customer services.

  • Save Valuable Time

Since running the bar is not enough of a challenge, you have to manually handle and manage the bar data. The valuable time you have to manually do the calculations, reservations, and business progress will take valuable time. Instead of manually entering each item and its details in a spreadsheet, it is better to let your bar management app manage data automatically, adding stocks, inventories, processing orders, reservations, and more.

If all of you are convinced to get started with your bar management app, then it is simple to hire a mobile application development company and start rolling in this thriving industry. But only by having the best app development team will you not work. You should have an app idea and feature set and technology that you want to leverage in the application. So let’s know how to develop your app.

How to Develop A Bar Management App?

There are many guides available on the Internet explaining the lifecycle of app development, but before falling for that idea, keep in mind that every business has different app requirements, target audience, and budget. So let’s understand how to create a management app that helps you stand first in the competition.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a bar management app for your business:

1. Mark Research and Define Your Business Goals

No matter how great an app idea you have, it makes no sense if it has no users. So before you start building your bar management app, make sure to do market research and analyze the data to find out exactly what it is, does it help you meet the end needs of users and it How to help your business grow. As you plan to develop a bar management app for your nightclub, bar or restaurant, so you need to pay attention to these questions:

  • Are you developing a business bar management app or looking for an aggregator model?
  • If you are looking for an aggregator business model, then set a parameter to collaborate with other business owners.
  • How complex will your app be, and how long does it take to launch an app?
  • In which budget are you ready to invest in the app? Will it be for customers only or will it also be for staff shift or management of tracking inventory?

App development planning is the key to success; Therefore, it is worth hiring a mobile app developer that can help you gather information and enable you to get started correctly.

2. Choice of Operating Platform

The next step is to decide the platform to launch your app: native Android / iOS or both. Generally, Java, Swift, C ++ are used to develop native iOS or Android applications and Flutter, React Native, Xameric, Ionic are mainly used to build cross-platform applications.

If you are confused about how to make the right decision to choose a suitable platform, then first of all understand your audience. Since, people between the ages of 25 and 45 regularly go to bars or nightclubs; So they should be iOS and Android users. And presenting your app on only one native platform means that you are missing the potential user segment of the other platform. So it makes sense to hire a software developer for cross-platform application development that enables you to build an application that runs on multiple platforms with basically the same codebase.

3. Features & Functionalities to develop Bar Management App

Although app features and functionalities eat up the most important segment of app development cost, it is also an important element that determines how successful your app will be in a competitive market. While various mobile applications are already available in the App Store, you need to move forward in the market by integrating the specific feature set in your app.Here are the essential features that you will have to integrate into the bar management app. But to go beyond these features, it is recommended to appoint a mobile app development company. That can fit your business needs and budget, and you can create an application that will help you meet your goals.

Key Features For Bar Management Application are as follows:

  • Table Reservation: Add the option to reserve the table at a convenient time to avoid long waits.
  • Booking tickets for the event: Add the provision to book a slot for the bar counter and purchase tickets for the event that most lounges, bars or nightclubs usually organize on weekends such as DJ Nights.
  • Photo and Video Gallery: Provide a glimpse of your location through high-quality photographs so that customers get an idea of ​​the ambience of the place and without a doubt reserve a table.
  • Push notifications: Keep your customers updated with the latest offers such as happy hours, pre-booking discounts, cashback offers, deals and more.
  • Social Media Sharing: This feature will help users to share their experience with others on social media networks and enhance your branding.
  • Payment Gateway: Encourage users to make advance payments using multiple payment options, including credit / debit cards, in-app wallets and more.
  • Loyalty Points: To encourage users to pay in advance, you can reward them with loyalty points on every booking and those points can be easily redeemed on the next billing.
  • Jio Auto-Sharing Message: Add a feature to your app to send messages to customers when they are near their location and book a table with the best offers.
  • Sending auto reminders: Customers are required to send a reminder message before their appointments and booking.
  • QR Code Scanning: If the customer refuses to pay in advance and asks to be paid at the table, add the option to scan the QR code for quick access.

4. Hiring a Mobile Application Development Team

Now you have an app idea, a list of platform features and favorites – all you have to do is hire a mobile app developer. Which can transform your app’s idea into a scalable, robust and flexible product by integrating the right methods, techniques and tools. Many of you are wondering whether you should develop an in-house app development team or outsource it to developers. Well, the truth of the fact is that 40% of organizations choose to outsource to a software development company as it helps them achieve a right solution and enables them to focus on their core goals. 

To develop a bar management app, you need a team, which is as follows: 

  • Project Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Backend / Frontend Developer
  • UX / UI Designer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer

The hourly cost of hiring programmers, designers and developers typically starts at $ 20, $ 100 and $ 150 + in India, Europe and the US respectively.


How to profit from your application is one of the pressing concerns of organizations. So here is the best monetization strategy that you can implement for a bar management app. The aggregator business model is a network model where you can collaborate with multiple bars, lounges, night clubs and restaurants to provide services under your brand name. Using this model, you can provide the same quality and value to customers offered by different partners.

Using the aggregator model is a win-win monetization strategy as it helps to market your brands and allows you to make money on services offered by other nightclubs. Integrating the aggregator model into your app can be a bit misleading for startups, so they may consider hiring a cross-platform app development company to get started early with the product.

6. Cost To develop A Bar Management App

It is always difficult to provide an estimation of application development costs because many factors affect the final application development cost. The complexity, features, and functionalities of the app, from the app development team to the technologies used in app development, are hundreds of things that add up to the cost of your project. According to statistics, the initial cost of app development can range from $ 37,000 to $ 50,000 + and it can go anywhere from $ 100,000 + depending on various factors.

So the simple way to get a real-life estimate is a software development company that works with a team of experts who analyze your project requirements and provide estimates accordingly. In addition, you can apply this formula to calculate the final application development cost:

Developer Per Hour Cost * Total Number of Development Hours = Final Cost Estimates


Bars and nightclubs have become a staple for American culture. With this blog, you have understood how fast this industry is moving forward and increasing competition between nightclubs and bars. Therefore, we have elaborated on the baseline of the app’s idea, its development life cycle, the cost of development, and all the criteria to help you expand your business. You can easily get started with your bar management app by taking help from a mobile app development company.

Nevertheless, if you have any doubt on any point of this blog, you can contact our profile and us for expert help and solution.