Going Mobile : Ways That A Mobile App Will Help Your Business


Mobile apps are no longer an optional choice for business , rather it is an necessity to successfully run any business  in 2018 . While you are planning of hiring a mobile app development company , your competitors might already be on the top of the market and stealing your customer all way . So 2018 is the time to step into the evolution in order to start enjoying the benefit mobile app .

Mobile app can benefit your business in number of ways like engagement with the customer , easily connecting with the employees of the organisation and much more . Some of the greatest benefit are given below :

1) Geo Targeting :

Geo targeting is mainly used for business owners to give push notification to user when they are in and around the vicinity of the business place . They can be notified about the great offers going in the store , discounts and any other information that may attract customer to walk in into stores . This type of programmes increase brand awareness and customer loyalty .

2) Mobile Loyalty Programme

Are you aware about customer loyalty programme . Then why not to mobile loyalty programme . Increase awareness among customer to download mobile app to get great discounts . Loyalty cards are now really old fashion , and are often misplaced most of the time , as they are obviously not the ATM card of the customer , which they will handle with utmost care . You can favour them with special discounts and coupons on their birthday and give them an additional option to share the things  on social media platforms which will indirectly promote your brand and that to free of cost .

3) Mobile Customer Service

Serving the customer with their answer in short span of time with use of mobile application increase customer loyalty and repeated number of customers . Mobile app can help your customer to connect with your brand from anywhere , all they need is mobile app with running internet connection . Choosing the right app developer will add on to your business .

4) Accepts Payments

You may have seen people making the payment via their credit card right away from their phone . This is possible by use of payment gateways . Payment can be done from almost anywhere , and this can also be used for accepting payment via COD invoices . This might be proven great advantage for the business . A good mobile app development company can integrate the app with the cloud devices in order to make worth it . With mobile app we can really minimise human intervention and right away can transfer transaction to accounts , tax and marketing department , thus promoting automation .

5) Scheduling & Followups :

For service industries , one of the best thing that a custom mobile app development company can do is to automatically scheduling meetings and follows up of the leads , making an appointment with the customers , or even sending mail and text messages automatically .

7) Easier Communication

In case you are looking for solution of direct communication between employees , nothing can be better than a custom mobile app developed specifically for your business . Your team member can right away communicate with the team member , can transfer the documents or even can connect with the video conference .

Next Step

So what is your next step of yours ? Planning to have a mobile application for your business to ? Then Contact us now , to hire the best mobile app development company with 200 + app already developed .

Technology Trends In 2018

technology trends winklix

Here are some of the most expected top trends in 2018 , which is expected to define a whole new features :

The New Age Fine-tech :

We have seen in 2017 that blockchain and bitcoin is on the top of the trending news in 2017 , and newly introduced payment specially the mobile is changing the financial market . 2018 might be the year of facial recognition and fingerprints while will make the shopping experience easier and will almost eliminate the need of credit card payment at the checkout . Verifying your identity with your face or finger scan would more be preferable by the user .
We can also expect some retailers  introducing their own currency .

Increment In Augmented Reality Uses

Shopping experience would never been more easier than checking it on a real time basis and that to from the convenience of their home . It will facilitate user to make trial of the dress from their convenience place , and even the car accessories can be purchased by getting the real time live demonstration through mobile devices .
Combining real with virtual objects you can virtually check and use almost everything , can change the color or can even see how its gone a look like at your home with the use of mobile application .
In short , 2018 will be the starting of  discovering a lot more in augmenting reality .

More Bots In 2018

We all have been experiencing bots while chatting with the service engineer , or while paying the bill or booking a movie ticket . Bots are expecting to do much more than just playing music or booking the cab .

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is all about data and information , rather than robots and drones . AI can give your business a boost by making to deceptive while choosing the best Scrabble option for your business . AI can help you filter more informed decision as they will help you to extract more trending data that can obviously help you to extract data which is more relevant for your business .

Internet Of Things Will Become Smarter In 2018

Its has already been predicted than by 2020 more than 75 billion devices will be connected to gather data and other things , thereby connecting the world in more streamlines way . As AI will surely grow , you can expected more interaction in the environment around you .
Internet of things is all about installing installing smart devices in the device and using mobile to turn on or off its features using smart sensor .
In 2018 ,  we can expect blockchain connecting with IOT devices and lot more .
So all we can say right now is 2018 is the year of technological advancement , and lot more things is yet to be technological advanced .


how to create hybrid app with android studio

There has been an exponential rise in the purchase of android devices. With this growth of android devices, the demand for the apps is constantly increasing.

What are hybrid apps?

Just like websites on the Internet, Hybrid apps are designed and developed using the web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Hybrid apps are similar to any other app on the phone. You can install and download them from the app store. The key difference is that hybrid apps are hosted inside a native application that uses mobile platform’s web view. This helps it to access all the capabilities like camera, accelerometer, sensors, contacts etc.

Android Studio is an easy to use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is used to develop android and hybrid apps. One can develop hybrid apps by following these simple steps:-

Design your Application

The first baby step towards building hybrid apps is designing your project. Before you start the development process, it is advisable to make sure that you have all the pre-requisites of the development process.

It is essential to have access to the features available in the browser if you are creating a pure HTML5 application. Make sure that you have all the pre-requisites in place. For example make Cordova CLI and the android SDK tools ready before going into the development phase. You will have to install Node.js before installing Cordova CLI.

Now, to install Cordova CLI, run the following commands

sudo npm install -g cordova

The next step is to download the Android SDK tools which you can download by clicking the following link…



HTML5 Mobile Framework Application

HTML5 Framework is the building block for creating an HTML 5 application. Another major tool JavaScript enables you to add animations, show/hide things on a website. Now in the next step, you can edit the index page of your website

Testing Application through Browser

HTML5 comes with an advantage that you can test the application through your local server browser. You can easily access your application by going through the following URL replacing MyHybridApp with the name of your app


If you are a chrome user, then you have added advantages. For example you can use Chrome DevTools to debug your application. You can even check the responsiveness of the app by clicking of the mobile icon on the top left side of the debugging page.

You can debug your application by inspecting the elements and using features like console, Network, source, application etc.

Packaging the application

To package the application, you will have to use third party applications like Xamarin and PhoneGap. Now, what these third party applications do is – they package the application in a native wrapper which acts as a bridge between the native API and your app. The application is loaded into the web view by the third party applications like PhoneGap. And this web view displays the application to the users.

Now, after the packaging of the application is done, we can generate a release version of the APK

Cordova build –release

When we have generated a release version, you can find your apk in the following location platforms/android/ant-build/MyHybridApp-release-unsigned.apk

To submit the apk in the app store, simply sign in and submit it.

The Testing Process

We know that we can test and debug our application using the chrome DevTools like console, Network, sources, application etc. But do you know that you can debug the application without using chrome development tools? We will have to run the application on actual device to test the hybrid app using native API.

One of the options on phone to debug app is GapDebug. By using this Gap Debug you can install .ipa files for IOS or .apk for android. It provides a debugging interface in which any kind of change in the interface will reflect the change in the application.

Distribution Process

Before you can launch the application on the play store, you will need to sign your application on app store. The pre-requisite for signing your application on the play store is to generate a keystore.

To create a keystore, one can use Java Keytool utility. This utility already comes with the standard JDK distribution and can be located at %JAVA_HOME%\bin. In windows, this can be found at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin.

Final Process

After creating a keystore, you can easily sign in and users can install the uploaded app on the play store.