Understanding accessibility in native android apps

Understanding accessibility in native android apps

Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of user experience (UX) design for any mobile application. It ensures that people with disabilities or impairments can effectively use and navigate through the app. In the context of native Android apps, accessibility encompasses features and components that make the app more inclusive and user-friendly for individuals with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive disabilities.

When designing an Android app, it is crucial to understand the diverse needs and abilities of potential users. By incorporating accessibility features, you can create a more inclusive and engaging experience for everyone. Accessibility is not just about complying with guidelines and regulations; it is about empowering users and providing equal opportunities for all.

Importance of accessibility in user experience

Prioritizing accessibility in your native Android app is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to reach a larger user base, including individuals with disabilities or impairments. By making your app accessible, you tap into an underserved market and demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity.

Moreover, accessibility enhances the overall user experience. Accessibility features such as larger text sizes, high-contrast color schemes, and alternative navigation methods benefit not only users with disabilities but also those without impairments. These features improve readability, usability, and overall usability for all users.

Lastly, ensuring accessibility in your app aligns with legal and ethical obligations. Many countries have regulations in place that require digital products to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. By adhering to these guidelines, you avoid potential legal issues and contribute to a more equitable society.

Introduction to Jetpack Compose and its benefits for accessibility

Jetpack Compose is a modern UI toolkit for building native Android apps. It simplifies the process of creating engaging and accessible user interfaces by providing a declarative approach to UI development. With Jetpack Compose, you can easily customize the appearance and behavior of your app’s components to meet the needs of different users.

One of the key benefits of Jetpack Compose for accessibility is its support for dynamic font scaling. This feature allows users to adjust the font size according to their preferences or visual impairments. By enabling dynamic font scaling, you ensure that your app’s content remains legible and accessible to users with varying degrees of visual acuity.

Jetpack Compose also provides built-in support for high-contrast color schemes. This feature is particularly beneficial for users with visual impairments, as it enhances the visibility and legibility of the app’s interface. By utilizing high-contrast color schemes, you can ensure that important information and interactive elements are easily distinguishable for all users.

Key accessibility features and components in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose offers a range of accessibility features and components that can greatly enhance the usability of your app. Some of the key features include:

  • Semantics: Jetpack Compose allows you to define semantic descriptions for your app’s UI elements. By providing descriptive labels and hints, you enable screen readers and other assistive technologies to convey the purpose and functionality of each component to users with visual impairments.
  • Focus management: Jetpack Compose provides APIs for managing the focus order and behavior of UI elements. This is particularly important for users who rely on keyboard navigation or alternative input methods. By ensuring a logical and predictable focus order, you enhance the usability and accessibility of your app.
  • Custom accessibility actions: Jetpack Compose allows you to define custom accessibility actions for your app’s components. This enables users to interact with the app using alternative input methods or gestures. By providing custom accessibility actions, you empower users with motor impairments to navigate and control your app more effectively.

Implementing accessibility features in your native Android app with Jetpack Compose

To implement accessibility features in your native Android app with Jetpack Compose, follow these steps:

  • Define semantic descriptions: For each UI element, provide descriptive labels and hints using the semantics API. Use concise and meaningful descriptions that convey the purpose and functionality of the component.
  • Manage focus order: Use the focus order API to specify the logical order in which UI elements should receive focus. Ensure that the focus order follows a natural reading flow and is consistent across different screens and interactions.
  • Handle accessibility actions: Implement custom accessibility actions using the accessibility API. Define actions that enable users to perform common tasks or navigate through your app using alternative input methods.
  • Test and evaluate: Regularly test your app’s accessibility using assistive technologies and accessibility testing tools. Evaluate the effectiveness of your accessibility features and make necessary adjustments based on user feedback.

Testing and evaluating the accessibility of your app

Testing and evaluating the accessibility of your app is a critical step in ensuring that it meets the needs of users with disabilities. Here are some best practices for testing and evaluating accessibility:

  • Use assistive technologies: Test your app using screen readers, magnification tools, and other assistive technologies. Observe how these tools interact with your app and identify any issues or areas for improvement.
  • Conduct user testing: Involve users with disabilities in your testing process. Gather feedback on the usability and accessibility of your app through interviews, surveys, or usability testing sessions. Use this feedback to identify and address any barriers or challenges faced by users with disabilities.
  • Perform automated accessibility testing: Utilize accessibility testing tools and frameworks to automate the detection of common accessibility issues. These tools can help identify problems such as missing or incorrect semantic descriptions, improper focus management, and inaccessible UI components.
  • Stay up to date with accessibility guidelines: Regularly review and adhere to the latest accessibility guidelines and standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the Android Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines provide valuable insights and best practices for creating accessible apps.

Best practices for achieving accessibility in native Android apps

When developing a native Android app, there are several best practices to keep in mind to achieve accessibility:

  • Design for inclusivity: Consider the diverse needs and abilities of your potential users from the early stages of app design. Incorporate accessibility features, such as adjustable font sizes, high-contrast color schemes, and alternative navigation methods, into your app’s design.
  • Provide clear and concise content: Use plain and simple language to ensure that your app’s content is easily understandable for all users. Avoid jargon, abbreviations, or complex sentence structures that may confuse or exclude users with cognitive impairments.
  • Ensure keyboard accessibility: Make sure that all interactive elements in your app can be easily accessed and operated using a keyboard. This includes providing a visible focus indicator, supporting keyboard navigation, and enabling keyboard shortcuts for common actions.
  • Test with real users: Involve users with disabilities in your testing process to gain valuable insights into the accessibility of your app. Conduct usability testing sessions and gather feedback on the effectiveness of your accessibility features.

Resources and tools for improving accessibility in your app

Here are some resources and tools that can help you improve the accessibility of your native Android app:

  • Android Accessibility Suite: This suite of accessibility services and tools provided by Android helps users with disabilities navigate and interact with their devices. It includes features such as TalkBack (a screen reader), Switch Access (an alternative input method), and Select to Speak (text-to-speech).
  • Accessibility Scanner: This tool, available on Android devices, scans your app for accessibility issues and provides suggestions for improvement. It can help you identify areas in your app that may require further attention to meet accessibility guidelines.
  • Accessibility Developer Guidelines: The official Android Accessibility Developer Guidelines provide comprehensive documentation on how to design and develop accessible Android apps. It covers topics such as designing for color blindness, creating accessible layouts, and implementing accessibility services.

Case studies of successful accessibility implementations in native Android apps

  • Google Maps: Google Maps is a prime example of an app that prioritizes accessibility. It provides detailed audio instructions for navigation, supports alternative input methods, and offers customizable color schemes for users with visual impairments.
  • Microsoft Office Suite: The Microsoft Office Suite, including apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, ensures accessibility by providing comprehensive support for assistive technologies, such as screen readers and magnification tools. It also offers features like alternative navigation methods and adjustable font sizes.

Conclusion: The importance of prioritizing accessibility in app development

In conclusion, achieving accessibility in your native Android app is crucial for providing an inclusive and user-friendly experience. By understanding the needs of users with disabilities and implementing accessibility features with Jetpack Compose, you can create an app that caters to a wider audience and enhances the overall user experience.

Remember to test and evaluate your app’s accessibility regularly, using assistive technologies and feedback from users with disabilities. Adhere to best practices, stay up to date with accessibility guidelines, and utilize resources and tools to continuously improve the accessibility of your app.

By prioritizing accessibility in app development, you not only comply with legal obligations but also contribute to a more inclusive and equitable digital landscape. Start building accessible native Android apps with Jetpack Compose today and make a positive impact on the lives of users with disabilities.

Top 6 Android Frameworks That will rule the Market in 2023

Top 6 Android Frameworks That will rule the Market in 2023

“ Gawad Kalinga ” aims to make a nation empowered by people of faith and nationalism. Their vision is to have a nation made up of caring communities, devoted to removing poverty and restoring mortal quality. They aim to engage at least,000 barangays through their platforms of solidarity, transfigure millions of lives and tell stopgap stories.

It hardly needs any brainstorming to understand that the Android operating system will hold the key to mobile app development in the coming times. With a stunning request share of further than 80, Android apps mandate request trends and technologies. This is why it’s essential to get a comprehensive overview of all the development fabrics most Android inventors find helpful.

Over the times, Android app development has evolved over the times, and we’ve seen several twists and turns in how inventors and Android app development companies embraced and renounced technologies. There was a time when Android apps used to calculate solely on Java, and delivering a native stoner experience couldn’t be allowed without native languages confined to the Android platform.

also came Reply Native, and we saw a smash incross-platform development. further than iOS, hire android app inventors have been the primary heirs of cross-platform development because Android is an open ecosystem without integrated control. This is why, from React Native to Flutter to Xamarin to Kotlin Multiplatform, all of them, despite being cross-platform fabrics, made their presence felt through native apps.

All said and done, what are the leading fabrics that will rule Android app development in 2023 and times ahead? Let’s describe them one by one.


Flutter was erected and launched by Google in 2017, and since also, it has continued to rise in fashionability and veritably soon took over the lead from React Native and came the most favored frame among app inventors. numerous Android app inventors consider using Flutter for their systems rather of native technologies similar to Kotlin or Java.

Several pivotal factors contributed to the rise and dominance of Flutter in the Android app development space. First of all, it’s maintained by Google. Flutter supports the design and modular development principles that reverberate with Google’s core values. Most important of all, just like Google’s no- holds- barred law- participating principle for the web and mobile apps are represented by the reusability of Flutter law for the web.

Let’s recap all the pivotal advantages of Flutter that made it notorious for Android app development.

Reusability of the core codebase across mobile, web, and desktop platforms give a business an excellent occasion to extend its app presence when demanded.

Flutter uses Dart programming language, a low- footmark, object- acquainted programming language with advanced features, scalability, and versatility.

In Flutter, every design element is presented through UI contraptions for the separate platform. This modular and each- inclusive UI development using UI contraptions made Flutter and flexible technology.

  • The access to third- party factors through plugins, APIs, and Dart packages allows Android inventors to pierce numerous web- grounded services, operations, and technologies.
  • By clinging to the Material Design principle of Google, Flutter is organically equipped for Android development.
  • The Hot Reload point helps inventors and testers make and estimate law in real- time.
  • Access to Google Firebase backend through inbuilt Firebase plugins makes Flutter a completely- equipped full- mound technology for inventors.

Also Read : Flutter the platform for cross platform


Ionic continues to dominate the mongrel app development scene with its “ make formerly and run far and wide ” gospel for times. This mongrel frame grounded on AngularJS adheres to time- tested web development technologies similar as HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. On top of that provides a rich depository of Android UI factors. This eventually helps Android inventors to produce beautiful Android stoner interfaces with a native look and feel.

What makes Ionic so popular among Android inventors? Let’s find out-

  • Simple modular frame using time- recognized web technologies that fluently sync with Android conditions.
  • Ionic comes with a completely element- grounded armature with numerous ready- to- use UI factors and plugins that can be employed freehandedly to deliver a unique stoner experience.
  • Ionic is largely extensible, scalable, and flexible for development and conservation.
  • Ionic enjoys a considerable following worldwide and provides tremendous literacy coffers.
  • Compared to numerous other fabrics, Ionic is straightforward to use and emplace and involves a manageable literacy wind.

React Native

React Native isn’t just a robust cross-platform app development frame grounded on JavaScript but the flag- deliverer for the entire cross-platform revolution. Fusing native UI structure with the reusability of the core codebase is commodity that React Native started. React Native is more protein than utmost other technologies; hence, it allows using indeed Java, Kotlin Objective- C, Swift, and others for development.

React Native allows inventors to use a single codebase for all the platforms while keeping options open for native UI development. While the core codebase takes the business sense and garçon- side configuration, React Native connects to the native UI rudiments using a JavaScript ground.

What made React Native so popular among Android app inventors? Let’s find out

  • React Native uses an element- grounded modular armature to simplify app development while maintaining scalability, versatility, and ease of development.
  • React Native comes with inbuilt testing and debugging help to get read of bugs and crimes.
  • React Native has the hot reload point to allow inventors and testers to estimate and make law changes in real- time.
  • React Native, by connecting the native UI subcaste of the Android platform, ensures a largely platform-specific Native stoner experience.
  • With a worldwide following of inventors and a massive quantum of online coffers devoted to React Native, it brings down the literacy wind of inventors.


Xamarin is another leading frame that, after Microsoft’s preemption in 2016, came indeed more robust and well- equipped. Since Xamarin uses just one programming language called C#inventors frequently prefer it for its straightforward approach.

Xamarin can fluently pierce native UI factors, native UI rudiments, and APIs to deliver the app’s authentically native look and feel. On top of everything, Microsoft support and an active global community of inventors make Xamarin the most performance- concentrated technology.

Let’s have a quick recap of the Xamarin advantages of Android app development-

  • Native development capability with easy access to native APIs, factors, and UI rudiments.
  • The modular element- grounded armature ensures more manageable conservation and support for the future.
  • As important as 75% reusability of the law across multiple systems.
  • Worldwide inventor community support and Microsoft support.


NativeScript came into the request in 2015, and since also, it has continued to grow in fashionability as an open- source app development frame. The type trait of NativeScript starts with its unique programming languages for rendering. The frame substantially uses TypeScript for rendering, though inventors can also useVue.js or AngularJS in the blend.

By penetrating native Android APIs, NativeScript ensures delivering the apps’ truly Android-specific look and feel. On top of that, a plethora of ready- to- use and applicable plugins make this frame an excellent option to speed up development.

What makes NativeScript so unique and popular among Android app inventors? Let’s find out-

  • All the programming languages used by NativeScript, similar as TypeScript or AngularJS, cleave to core Android design and development principles.
  • NativeScript is largely modular, allowing ready access to platform-specific features and UI attributes through plugins.
  • NativeScript, by using low- footmark typescript language, ensures lowering the codebase and optimising stoner experience.
  • Modularity and easy coding patterns of NativeScript also reduce the literacy wind and speed up the design.

Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova or PhoneGap works with time- tested web technologies similar to CSS3, HTML4, and JavaScript, along with a wrapper for native UI access and deployment. Despite being old from the time of mongrel development, the frame allows inventors to pierce native APIs and deliver the native stoner experience.

Let’s snappily explain the most significant value propositions of Apache Cordova-

  • This frame comes to your aid whenever you need to release a simple app within a strict deadline.
  • Working with time- tested web technologies reduces the literacy wind and design complications.
  • It immaculately fits into simple apps with a small number of features.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform as the name suggests, is across-platform development tool that allows reusing the core codebase across multiple platforms. But since the frame laboriously uses Kotlin language for law, it’s an excellent volition to native Kotlin for Android development.

Let’s look at the crucial value propositions of Kotlin Multiplatform for Android development-

  • Since it uses Kotlin, the sanctioned native Android language it’s further equipped to fulfil the UI/ UX conditions.
  • It also can connect native APIs and native UI factors to deliver a robust and largely platform-specific stoner experience.
  • Since Kotlin came just many times ago , Kotlin Multi Platform has continued to grow in fashionability, inventor coffers, and content.


These 6 fabrics mentioned in this blog epitomise the protean options for developing Android apps. Since Android offers a multifaceted device and zilches ecosystem,cross-platform fabrics and modular technologies fluently fit in. We’ve chosen the most accomplished and acclaimed fabrics that impeccably fit Android development requirements.

How to Make an Effective Pitch to Investors for Your App

How to Make an Effective Pitch to Investors for Your App

The app startup sector is full of intimidating difficulties, but for most, the biggest one is securing that first investment. We live in a world where we are constantly hearing about businesses receiving large sums of money in fundraising, which gives people the impression that money is being thrown at anyone with a good concept. This, of course, is not always the case.

A large part of my job at Messapps entails assisting potential clients in obtaining the finance they require. When a company does not receive the investment it seeks, it is usually due to one of two factors. They are as follows:

Being unprepared with financial projections

Not comprehending the fundamentals of pitching an app idea

As a result, it’s critical that we all go over what we need to include in our pitches in order to increase our chances of acquiring that app funding.

Make Your Prototype

Do you want someone to put money into your app? The first stage is to have a fully designed and functional prototype. Keep in mind that the app business is only a decade old, which means that many major investors still struggle to understand how an app might work unless they experience it for themselves.

Furthermore, creating a prototype demonstrates that you are more than just a thinker – you are serious about making this app available. Execution and dedication always trump ideas, and if you’re not prepared to put up the effort and money to create a true prototype, how can you expect others to put up their money to assist you take it to the world?

Making a prototype is less difficult than you might think:

  • First, design 1-3 core user stories (or the sequence of screens seen by the user prior to attaining their goal).
  • If you have the money, engage an app design and development company to assist you with the design. Are you short on cash? Use UI kits to quickly develop a user story using basic drag-and-drop pieces.
  • Run a prototype with InVision, and you’re ready to go!

A single day of labor, putting in the time and effort to create a prototype, can make a significant difference. It may mean the difference between a $1 million deal and struggling to get through the week’s grocery shopping. Next, consider how you will deliver your pitch. We’ve all seen how it’s done on Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den, but in real life, you rarely get to stand up in front of investors and show them your pre-prepared presentations!

At actuality, most pitches take place in an office or over a cup of coffee at a central cafe. Think again if you think your laptop and printouts will fit comfortably between your cup of tea and slice of cake. By opening up a prototype on your smartphone and walking them through your app, you can keep things simple, straightforward, and attractive.

Make a Development Plan

Assume for the moment that the investors are enthusiastic about your concept. If that’s the case, they’ll want to know what it takes to carry it out and see it through. App development can be accomplished in one of three ways:

  • You can create it yourself.
  • You have the option of hiring full-time developers.
  • You can enlist the help of an app development business.

The decision you make will be influenced by the extent of your task, your project budget, and the talents you presently possess. For example, if you’re a top-tier developer with the abilities and experience can polish up the app on your own in less than two months, go ahead and do it. However, that is uncommon in our field because both back-end and front-end coding will be necessary, and when was the last time you met a developer that was proficient in both?

Set about establishing a full-time development team if you have access to a large budget and know where to recruit exceptional developers. There are some drawbacks here: you’ll need to pay fair wages, and people can be untrustworthy (as I’m sure we all know).

Another option is to engage an app development business. This solution allows you to preserve all of your equity, avoid long-term obligations, and have access to a variety of developers and designers with the necessary abilities. The only significant disadvantage here is the price: as you are surely aware, app development firm prices range widely, from the very inexpensive to the exorbitantly costly.

Whatever method you choose, make a milestone based on milestones and associated costs. Examine the average salaries and speak with a few app development businesses to get a variety of quotations and a better understanding of your possibilities.

Having an app means you’re operating a business… therefore promote it!

The app market has numerous unique characteristics that set it distinct from other firms. For example, when you’re ready to launch, you’ll already have a distributor lined up who is eager to show off your app to the world. However, if you’re a breakfast cereal manufacturer, for example, you’ll have to jump through hoops and pay a variety of fees in order to gain shelf space in supermarkets. If you own a business that sells vehicle parts, you must pay for the real estate on which your firm is located, and so on.

Apps are vastly different. You already have your’real estate’ and shelf space, as well as income from the App Store, with your launch.

This actually causes some misunderstandings in people’s perceptions of apps. Many people believe that just since your software is displayed on the app store, the developer can sit back and collect the money. How could they be so wrong?

There are numerous acquisition tactics available. Here are a few of the most crucial:

  • Optimize your app for the App Store to ensure you rank high for essential keywords.
  • Launch a website with an email signup form to alert users when your launch is scheduled.
  • Set a budget for “cost per install” advertisements. These will allow you to pay just for consumers that download your software and install it on their phone.
  • Consider public beta tests, which may assist you in gaining early devoted users.
  • Use typical public relations techniques to reach out to blogs, publications, and influencers and ask them to write about your product.

Remember to research your competition and observe how they market their products. This will give you an estimate of your expenses and potential users. Furthermore, you should always have those numbers on available in case an investor inquires about them!

Remember the pitching rules.

Regardless of the variances described above, apps adhere to the basic pitching principles. Prepare your pitch deck effectively by explaining the problem(s) you’re tackling, as well as how you intend to solve it and the financial benefits you anticipate from your achievement.

Be a salesperson as well as a storyteller. Make certain that you are familiar with your numbers (but be sure to avoid slipping into boring accountant mode). Put your enthusiasm forward – and remember, it’s often not the concept that’s being invested in, but you as a creative, developer, and individual. If you’re excited and passionate about the figures and the execution, the rest of the puzzle should come into place.

It’s not always straightforward, and it sometimes take much longer than we’d want to acquire the correct investment. However, it is critical not to give up. Continue to put yourself out there, reaching out to new investors and building the necessary relationships. It’s only a matter of time before an investor provides you with the funding you require to make your ideas a reality.