At Winklix , we are often approached by frustrated clients , who are unhappy with their current agencies of mobile app development . As far as we know , client may get frustrated with communication problem , the quality of work and lack of progress due to serving lots of clients at a time .
Common issues with the outsource problems and their overcome is given below :
1) Lack of understanding :
Mobile app development companies often start working on project , without even making the wireframe of it and if the company is not able to fully understand the requirement , obviously they will not be able to guide the developers of their company to carry on the project . That means the core feature of would be application are either missing ,or is developing in a wrong way , giving the app difficult to use and thus adversely affecting the end result .
This problem can be overcomes by focusing on the end user requirement of the client , i.e., what is his/her business goals , and what exactly they are expecting from a app developers .Its preferable to have a wireframe and modules to be written on the piece of paper to proceed further without any hesitance , and give a better output .
2) Poor Communication
Another biggest reason you may be struggling is biggest communication problem .Throughout the project , you may be not getting the regular updates of your project , and it fell like , what the hell is going on with your project . Are they really doing it or is just focusing on other clients who have higher priority , thus arising lack of transparency inspite of you are paying for services required by you .For instance there me be some technical jargon which may arise , making it difficult for developer to do right now , and you may be misguided that it can’t be done as it is impossible to build the features desired by you .
At Winklix , we believe that it is important , there is a process of communication , in which we can regularly update to our clients by mail and our online softwares so that we can give the necessary updated to clients as and when required by clients , so that at every stage we do development , client can cross check the app and make necessary changes accordingly , rather than at the end of the development .
Having in app development industry since 2004 , we have developed may softwares for exchanging information with clients . Our project manager will give you regular updates by various means using our software to keep you updated with the development process .
3) Bad coding practise
Another biggest issue that you may face is bad practising of coding by developers , that you may not even get to know about this . This means developers might me using some old technologies , inspite of new technology availability . For instance , they may still be using objective c , inspite of apple is about to release swift 4 .
It is always preferable to use the latest technology available , at it minimises the security risk and at the same time may not be compatible with the latest operating systems .
Structuring of code in right manner is another important task .For instance , they may have written enough comments while doing coding , and this will arise difficulty , in case you want to hire your own in house team , understanding the code with be a difficult task for your developers then .
At Winklix , we are always keen on using the latest technology , at the same time make is scalable and reusable .