Powerful ways to convert and retain app users through personalization

Powerful ways to convert and retain app users through personalization

There are 4.5 million apps on leading app stores and this only proves that the competition is only getting fiercer and fiercer. Companies are totally aware of the same as they vie for customers’ attention for their own mobile creations. The present pandemic has only increased this competition as apps have become the chief source to communicate with the external world.

The entities in the e-commerce, health, fitness, and media and entertainment domains, the pandemic has proved to be a boon. With consumers depending a lot on the digital touch points to communicate with brands, many enterprises witnessed digital traffic rising like never before.

To illustrate with an example, there was a 25 percent increase in eCommerce app installations during the pandemic (Q2 vs. Q1 2020), 7% more than the usual times. Once you attract the users’ attention it becomes imperative to retain them as well.

An effective manner to regularly drive user engagement, conversions and retention is by adopting app personalization into your mobile strategy. This write up tries to explore three ways to retain your fresh app users with personalization.

3 Ways To turn and retain users via Personalization

Deploy Voice To Add Personalized Touch to Search Experience

It is predicted that with the conclusion of 2020, 50 percent of search will happen through voice technology. Also, as per A December 2019 survey of Comscore Mobilens Plus, US smart speaker owners have begun using their devices to ask regular questions, stream music, and have updated info on sports, traffic, and weather and other things. Each voice search query requested by a particular user gives an intimation about their imminent requirements, needs, and preferences. Utilize this data to quickly generate product or content advice on the basis of partial or full search terms, assisting users to find what they want quicker. It needs to be kept in mind that these recommendations are becoming precise with every eventual search action of a user, aiding you to cut down the distance from product discovery to purchase.

Fully Extract The Potency Of Predictive Guidances

As competition and traffic to digital platforms spikes it only makes sense to employ advanced technology like AI, which offers an option for businesses to connect with users in a big way, apart from enhancing profitability. AI and machine learning-powered apps enable entities to fully extract the data gathered through online traffic and mobile devices to take user experience up by several notches. By deploying AI you can figure out trends and offer advice to make more logical and relevant options to get involved with your users. Netflix is a classic example that uses AI in an entertainment/media app, customize video content to suit personal preferences and contexts. As a result, the concerned or relevant product or content guidance get featured at the top.

Customize App Navigation Experience To Suit All

We know how useful users’ search, browsing, click pattern, and consumption history are. However, you can even personalize the way your users navigate your mobile app. Rest of the criteria such as gender, buyer personas, timezone, seasons/weather, etc. can be fully exploited to personalize the banner images, graphics, CTAs, popular products, offers, etc.

It is even important to utilize insights from your users’ most regular ways towards conversion to cash in on their navigational sojourn properly. If the navigational journey becomes more personalized, then there is a high prospect of your users finding what they need.

Last But Not The Least

The mobile app users desire and seek an excellent, customized user experience from the initial app launch itself. People in domains such as health, fitness, and media and entertainment the above-mentioned statement has a lot of relevance, especially in the post-Corona scenario. As we embrace the new normal, it’s a must to opt for consulting assistance. Our qualified and experienced mobile experts can work with you and answer any of your queries round the clock.

admin: I am a freelancer blogger expert ready to write some classy content.