Struggling With Your Existing Outsourced App Developers ?

mobile app developer winklix


At Winklix , we are often approached by frustrated clients , who are unhappy with their current agencies of mobile app development . As far as we know , client may get frustrated with communication problem , the quality of work and lack of  progress due to serving lots of clients at a time .

Common issues with the outsource problems and their overcome is given below :

1) Lack of understanding :

Mobile app development companies often start working on project , without even making the wireframe of it and if the company is not able to fully understand the requirement , obviously they will not be able to guide the developers of their company to carry on the project . That means the core feature of would be application are either missing ,or is developing in a wrong way , giving the app difficult to use and thus adversely affecting the end result .

This problem can be overcomes by focusing on the end user requirement of the client , i.e., what is his/her business goals , and what exactly they are expecting from a app developers .Its preferable to have a wireframe and modules to be written on the piece of paper to proceed further without any hesitance , and give a better output .

2) Poor Communication

Another biggest reason you may be struggling is biggest communication problem .Throughout the project , you may be not getting the regular updates of your project ,  and it fell like , what the hell is going on with your project . Are they really doing it or is just focusing on other clients who  have higher priority , thus arising lack of transparency inspite of you are paying for services required by you .For instance there me be some technical jargon which may arise , making it difficult for developer to do right now , and you may be misguided that it can’t be done as it is impossible to build the features desired by you .

At Winklix , we believe that it is important , there is a process of communication , in which we can regularly update to our clients by mail and our online softwares so that we can give the necessary updated to clients as and when required by clients , so that at every stage we do development , client can cross check the app and make necessary changes accordingly , rather than at the end of the development .

Having in app development industry since 2004 , we have developed may softwares for exchanging information with clients . Our project manager will give you regular updates by various means using our software to keep you updated with the development process .

3) Bad coding practise 

Another biggest issue that you may face is bad practising of coding by developers , that you may not even get to know about this . This means developers might me using some old technologies , inspite of new technology availability . For instance , they may still be using objective c , inspite of apple is about to release swift 4 .

It is always preferable to use the latest technology available , at it minimises the security risk and at the same time may not be compatible with the latest operating systems .

Structuring of code in right manner is another important task .For instance  , they may have written enough comments while doing coding , and this will arise difficulty , in case you want to hire your own in house team , understanding the code with be a difficult task for your developers then .

At Winklix , we are always keen on using the latest technology , at the same time make is scalable and reusable .

4) Too many bugs and too little testing

Another biggest reason that you might be suffering is getting lots and lots of bugs while testing . There may be question arises that if you have to test all the bugs , then why the hell they are charging for the testing the bugs !! Often fixing the bugs has knock on affect causing other issues . That means you may be getting behind targeted schedules , causing project to fall behind schedule .
At Winklix , our project manager and quality assurance team will test the app and website on each and every step before passing it onto your feedback . our app development company has a concept of testing the app on every phase , thus almost minimising the bugs .

5) Behind Schedule

If you are facing any of the issue listed above , then your you are getting behind the targeted schedule .That is why it is important to set back out targets and to have a fight to complete the project on time .
At Winklix , we use our online tool that act as timeline of task and app building , so that everyone can see the progress work.
So you can hire winklix so overcome with the problem and get an ready app within stipulated time .Winklix is mobile app developer in Delhi , India serving the world .

Why Updating Your Website Regularly Is Important For Your Business

website developer winklix delhi


We all know that what mean is dress code in an organisation , to show professionalism . The dress code varies with industries , but correlation between dress code and professionalism is strong . In modern day culture , employees are free to come in casuals, but the person who is dealing with the clients of the organisation must be dealing in professional dress code to impress the client and it also reflects professional image of the organisation . Same is the case with updation of your website on regularly basis .

No other alternative platform is know to be best than world wide web .Some of the most important reasons for updating website on regularly basis are given below :

1) Website gives virtual appeal

When persons see your dressed in professional way , that reflect your companies image , in the same way if site looks professional and if is has all the important relevant to the requirement of the user , it will create more professional image of your website and thus ultimately be able to attract customers .

Do you regularly update your website with blog , events with date and more ? Then you can remove your outdated things on website .

2) Responsive design and mobile friendly

website designer in 2017 is the one who must make website mobile friendly . Responsive website designing means a website which can be opened at fast speed at any available gadgets having different screen size , in such a way that it is easy to use and readable . Now it is must to have a responsive website , otherwise you want to discouraged by search engines and thus the ranking of your website may also get affected .For more tips on digital marketing you can refer our article here .

It also make sense now a days that you can opt for designing a mobile responsive website first , otherwise oh ohhhhhh…. you may be loosing potential customers of yours .

3) Photo Gallery

Storing an outdated picture on your website is no use . The images must convey true object of your organisation .Using the creative image can impress your visitor at first sight , as soon as they visit your website .

4) Great impression On Clients

Website reflect your organisation . So regardless of the size of the organisation , when clients visits your website , they must have positive impact of company . Isn’t it ? The website who is getting updated regularly with custom needs of the clients requirement , the client might think they have reach in safe hands , and thus referring numerous other customers , thereby increasing your business and revenue .

5) Effective use of call to action button

Some website may look professional with all the relevant information , but they lack the use of call to action button .Call to action button is nothing but a simple button , that is when it get clicked person may able to call you or contact you by the medium you choose to be contacted .Call to action button must be presented on every landing pages .

6)Content is all you need to focus on

 The beauty of your website may not reflect the information needed by user . But if your website can crisp and engaging content ,they your website will be just wow ! So try to engage customer with some awesome stuff which will hardly take 5 seconds to draw your customers .

Winklix is web design and  web development company offering all kind of website designing services to all clients in Delhi, India and all over the world . We are also SEO agency based in India , offering digital marketing solution to customers worldwide , which can help your business to next level of heights . For further queries you can contact us .

Why Should Every Mobile App Should Focus On User

app developer delhi

Global revenue from app is expected to reach $ 80 billion by 2018 . As millions of app has been flooded in app market , the competition among app has raised to new heights . In 2017 , app is available for everything we need , and what we even can’t think off . With so many apps rising in short span of time , app is useless if it is not focusing on end user experience . To be a successful , your app must have a good user experience , that is what it can separate the your app from unsuccessful one .

In order to have compelling mobile experience , user wants , need is to be taken into consideration .Based on numerous of factors , user may either choose to actively use your application or uninstall it . Their are apps , which are only downloaded once and then they are never been installed .

User loyalty is essential aspect of app development . Your app will be counted in good categories of application , if you have engaging content , good design and best communication channel within your application , in such a way that user will be able to freely give genuine feedback and suggestion which can also help you to make necessary changes according to user expectation . For instance , of you are into the business of buying and selling , user may have higher expectation from customer support team .

Millions downloads  , thousands reviews and showing the app on top of play store is is every app owners dream . But to get their , it require patience , quality and services .

Usability :

Now a days mobile app developers generally focuses on business goals and client requirement , rather than focusing on user interface and experience. Rather we should take the user’s perspective the most important part of the every step we are taking towards app development , in such a way that app will be able to cater needs which leads to increase in user retention and loyalty .
Usability and user experience mainly depend on :
– How well app is responding to user’s expectation ?
-How well app fulfils individual need of the user’s ?
-How an problem is getting solve in app ?
-How user’s need is fulfilled by functionalities of the application ?
This is short , if we lack user usability , then the resources we are putting on to develop an app will have no use and will definitely cost time , efforts and money .

The challenging part is defining appropriate uses of app :

Entertainment Value :
We may have heard that films runs on 3 principles ” Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment ” , so is the case with application now a days . App should be made in such a way that is should be engaging and at the same time , user can enjoy it , which induce users to come back and use app again .Entertainment can be gained by offering short game , allowing people to go the things they want in your way like music ,competition and other short of things.
Utility :
The second most centric approach is utility .Utility simply means to offer regular updates and have engaging and attractive content in app .
Solve the problem :
Problem solving process is pillar of modern technology . Mobile app must focus on solving problem .The basic information of what all your app is about , is required in every application .
Facebook is best know example for user centric approach that solves basic problem of user , by connecting user via world wide .Similarly some banking app will help user to check account balance and so some short of transactions using app . Hence mobile app should either solve fundamental problem or enhance user’s lifestyle .