Native Application Vs Hybrid ?? Which one to choose ??

Today we are going to discuss about native app and hybrid app , what it is , the changing technology behind it , which app for development to be preferred and much more.Lets start with intro of both categories of applications.

Mobile application are now a days become necessity for an any kind of business to run their company and stay ahead from their competitors . To get the best result out of it , you must hire best mobile app developer who will be going to solve all your need’s and give you best suggestion as well as design and development for your would be application.

Native Applications : 

Native app are application developed specifically for their respective platforms , like Xcode for iOs app development and android studio for android application development and so on.These kind of apps are preferred by most of the recognised business owners because of their ease of usability and minimum bugs . Native apps are build by experts like java developers in case of android application designing and development.Professionals who knows the programming of application well can neatly design and develop parameters of the application and can boost user experience and sales of the company . Now a days customer only download or uses that kind of application which are easy to use  , with best user interface and the most important which fulfils their usability in competitive market condition .

Native apps are usually proves best for all category of application , but in case you are in process of developing something big , then you must have to encode it via native applications only .The best way to build e-commerce application is on native app only as we can design the app according to customer needs and requirement , and thus enhancing the user experience.

Hybrid Application :

Hybrid application are one which are nothing more than the mobile responsive version of website , which are converted into application common for all platform by the use of software like CORDOVA and many other available softwares. In case you have limited budget , and is having a small website , then obviously you should choose to go on with hybrid category of application as it can be proven beneficial as it will give you app for all platform at very cheap cost .But in case you are planning something big , or want a great user experience their native application is preferable.

In hybrid kind of application , we cannot define design specifically for different platforms , all we can do it conversion of website into application.Hybrid application development does not require a profession to convert or decode the application , any person who have good knowledge of HTML,CSS,JS can convert the application easily by softwares .

In Winklix terms , going for an hybrid application development is non other than just waste of money , clients if they can afford it they must build an app only and only on native platform. is leading app developer in delhi having experience of creating more than 200+ applications.Call +91-8882-31-31-31 in case of any expert guidance.

Twitter’s 280 Character Limit : Implications It Holds For Future ?

twitter 280 character limit

Twitter has just cramped out some space to fit its miniature packer , and we are not really ready for it.

In the recent blog post  published by Twitter , they made sure that we need some extra wording , while posting a post on twitter .

” Our research shows that the character limit is major cause of frustration among people tweeting in english ,when people won’t have to cram their thoughts into this small space , they might just be more of a human instead of a bots” .

Many times , when we are posting it on twitter, their 140 character limitations , break out sentences into stupid end , it happens with me almost all the times , when i try to post the sentence on twitter .

What Exactly Was There A Limit At First Space ?

When the world was total chaos , that is at the starting phase when twitter has just been introduced and there were not much competitors , twitter send the normal text message which was 160 character , which is combination of 140 as limit for sentences and 20 for damn username .
But due to people discovery , suddenly the words got more power and is becoming meaningful .
So at that time also , twitter played his role , thereby increasing the limit to 10000 characters in 2015 .
Now lets think of twitter becoming Facebook , and lots of words are becoming fluffy . Thank to Jack Dorsey for not making it Facebook .

Why They Want To Change It Now ?

Yuppie , you are so happy !! Finally twitter has increased its limit . But oh ohhh… limits are just arbitrary frame for references that can change from time to time and from mindset to mindset .
We are human beings and we can limit our thought for expressing it on twitter , and at the very next movement , we realise that you need to break the text .
How sad it is ?
So instead of being happy with it , you have to ultimately focus on how to fit your thoughts within that constraint . Twitter might also be thinking all these , but why they did all these years ?

Why Isn’t It Working Anymore ?

Even twitter don’t know it . Twitter itself has twitted  ” We won’t now until the updates got live !” Really nice twitter you are learning from us !!

What’s Next ?

Well we are yet to discover that  .whether it will make the steeples more active to what !

Artificial Intelligence – Benefit For Retailer

artificial intelligence winklix

Inspite of the fact that some of the largest advancement is taking place in AI , in all industry across , but retail industry is leading the way . Some of the biggest implementors of AI are Amazon Eco , Google Home , and Apple Siri . Every now an then , we see application coming online using AI, but there is a lot that can impact retail industry .

Snapchat is also using AI in neural networks way . Now let’s move on to how AI help retail store owners ?

Artificial Intelligence technologies are set of big datas , which combining with technology , creates a model that can provide answer like real human . The answer depends on what AI has learned through data set .The more the AI faces customer interaction , the more it will get chance to improve the question and answer ability .

Since AI runs on machine oriented algorithms , it can discover actionable information about business , customer and inventory which are even not known by business owners . It can benefit the retail in numerous of ways .For instance , AI can get to know about the taste and preference of customer together with what they want and what they need .

And AI knows even before you know it . AI produces a great result , it can give multiple benefits to business owner . Secondly , without the help of AI , if customer gets discount coupon , even before going to shops of business owners , both customer and owner will be benefited .Another benefit we can say is , if AI gets to know what is the exact need of the customer , and can offer them at best prices , you can start building personal selling relationship with your customer .

Let’s take another example of product images , the biggest problem faced by online retailers and marketplace where large number of catalogs are to be dealt in . It is a time consuming job of tagging each product one by one , and high chances of getting wrong tagging . Product tagging and thereafter searching for the right product is one of the crucial task that can seriously impact search result and sales . Currently manual process of tagging online retailer is time consuming and error prone job .Inaccurate tagging can frustrate the customer and result in loss of revenues .

This problem can be solved by AI . Instead of manual tagging , retailer can upload all the images to AI engine , and can tag them by colour , pattern , style , and other parameters all at once .

AI are also used by business owners to transform the way customers are looking for the product . Image searching , replacing the text search to find products online by shoppers , is an opportunity for retailer to help them tackle the problem of discovery while building new experience .