When It Come’s To Design , Process Is All It Matters

When It Come's To Design , Process Is All It Matters

So you have been assigned with a branding project – it is really a challenging task for any of the designer in which you have a blank canvas in the field of infinite possibilities . Well your very first goal as a designer is to take the task as a challenge , and be crazy to start a new project which will welcome appreciation of your work , and you can showcase your best work to the world .

In my 7 year of experience of working with various clients starting from startup to an enterprise client  , i have discovered series of designing techniques to deliver the best in designing . As a designer we should always think for the client , so that client can easily digest with the design and we can receive our appreciation part .

Here is the R&D done during the day at Winklix


As a team leader in Designing Team in Winklix , I am a big believer in having a creative process , a process that can help the designer to perform best at their expertise level , and thereby giving the best output possible . We try to set up the system our designers will get to know exactly what they need to focus on , what are the client expectation and how to present to the client in such a way that client get influenced with our work .

The key to success in field of designing is deep evaluation of the previous projects . Once done with the designing , our team held a short meeting with the designing team to discuss the project in deep and welcoming any suggestions , thus helping us in reviewing our work and making the improvement thereon .

The very first thing that we do is calculation of resources required to do any particular project , and how long does it will take to complete the project . To evaluate we love to keep an eye on how much project in hand we have right now in our hand together with the capability of our team member . It is always proven to be beneficial to set goals based on the number of resources available , as by this we will always to able to accomplished client goals and received thumbs up from them . If we are able to achieve those goals , then we are able to manage client expectation . At the same time , we should also focus on the ability of our team member to do the work accordingly to their skills . The ultimate goal of any designer is to  ” Maximising efficiency while producing quality end product ” .


Before cooking the food into spicy one , you must have in-depth knowledge about the project , for which you must speak with the client to hear about their ideas , future goals and their targeted market , along with the app design prototype they are having in their mind . In order to get the right information a small question like what are your core values ? What are your targeted audience ? will definitely add cheesiness before the actual process starts . This helps both the parties to discuss and execute the ideas of the client into reality upto their expectation .
The answer to above questioner blows light bulb of the designer . At this point designing team gather all the approaches that could be taken to begin with the idea . This is one of my favourite stage job – The Unknown .


Putting all the ideas after collection on a piece of paper is one of the toughest phase to move on . Initially designers have freedom to think creatively , and to move to in any direction they want as per the project end goal in their mind . The client has more likely tasked you with ” I want something unique , that haven’t been seen before ” .
So now the question arises is where do you want to start with ? Will you jump straight onto your mac , open illustrator and start crafting . You can , but my experience does not say it all . Designer who straight away start with the design , will be limited by the tools available , and you will definitely have no idea of the colour theme to choose from together with the fonts which will look awesome in the design . It is preferable to but down a rough sketch on the piece of paper with the pencil and then start with your illustrator part to get the output as desired , which is solid and real to interact with  . Pencil articulate ideas without any restriction .
Don’t put me wrong , but it is next to impossible to bring your idea into reality without a Mac and a creative programming we know and love . The next step is to play with some combination of colours using correct tool in illustrator to develop your idea . You can also browse with the fonts that suits your identity rather than using only predefined assets .
So in my opinion the only way to start the branding project is to start with a pencil and paper . We can go to any direction without any resection , and it is the main benefit of it , without thinking of which direction is right or wrong .
Our main focus is to give our client the cheesy pizza they desire , and we can start our party night after the work .


The initial exploration help us to explore endless ideas . This is the point our team deeply reviews the things we have made and tries to search whether we have missed some great opportunity ? Then we try to search with every angle and tries to find an angle which might have not been explored yet .

We held the weekly meeting with our designing team to come up with new ideas and challenges that they might be currently facing , as compromising with our client ideas are not in our veins . We always be on our client expectation , as we know client has chosen us from among the numerous option available in the market , and thus has bought us for a reason . Client has trusted in our team ability to perform the work , and so we accept it as a challenge to give them a app that they can’t live without .

It is always proven beneficial to save on your previous steps of designing progress in old folders rather than deleting the same for any future reference . Our team are curious to get our ideas and realistic view to be checked by our client , so that they can start exploring the world of endless opportunity in tech field . Once we are satisfied with our design , we explore the magic to our clients .

So next time when you are starting your project , think twice , Am I ready ? Do I have clear understanding of all the things ? Have i worked on client requirement ? And most importantly ” Do you have pencil in your hand instead of a mouse ” !!

When It Comes To App Design, It’s A Matter of Process

Impact Of Augmented Reality

ar impact

In present world AR has become a more common place for entertainment . If you are a gamers , focusing on AR will increase your chances higher success of games with thrilling experience . Games like Pokemon Go went viral in very less time are also based on the concept of augmented reality . In present world , AG has gone beyond the doors of gaming and entertainment . Look at the popularity of it , a famous game trailer named ZombieGo has gained over 100 k views , as it is using AR in real world . This has focused developers and mobile app development companies to focus and believe on in the endless opportunities of AG , which is just the beginning of the whole new development .

So let’s look what exactly can AR go from here , and how well it can improve day to day life ?

 AR Apps In E-Commerce

E-commerce and AR might not seen like a cousin brother , but retailers and developers are making a fast move towards implementation of AR in order to attract more customer . Despite the exponential   growth of e-commmerce industry  , many of us still prefer to shop our desires in physical store . That is because of the missing element of trial before be buy . Person usually love to have a trail specially when it comes to buying a cloth online . To solve this problem Harsh Sinha , the FastestMart owner has introduced to try a bunch of clothes of customer choice at their home before they really select one of them . These types of initiatives have been widely successful , but AR is the next step in bringing the gap between the bricks and mortar shopping experience . The retail industry has come up with seamless AR app to try the things in virtual reality . The app like LensKart has introduced to try the frames on their face . The Sampler , allowed customer to virtually try on the sneakers by pointing their phone camera at their feet .

With the introduction of ARKit by Apple , many believed that AR is rapidly becoming the future of the e-commerce industry .Amazon has also recently launched the feature  in their iOS that gives the ability to view electronics , toys and other things alike in AR . Earlier it was just being implemented by gamers , but AR is also getting a good result in e-commerce industry too .

AR Apps For Education

First there were  SMARTBoards , the touch screen boards that has reached millions of students globally . I still remember when i was in tenth standard , a shy student like me was forced to go to solve a math problem on the SMARTBoards  . Now with the introduction of AR , there is lot more to come . Augmented Reality has the potential to change the complete revolution of the primary and secondary school more than any other technology has yet done in the past .AR apps can be used to animate a historical timeline , can also turn an illustration into 3D images and lot more .

AR Apps Advancing Healthcare

With the technologies like Google Glass , AR and VR will come up with routine healthcare within the next five years . AR developers are making a very sincere efforts to make healthcare smarter and safer . With the help of AR many of the spinal surgeries are also been conducted by doctors .
There is lot more to come to maximise the efficiency and ease on the advancement process with the help of AR .

What Is Next For AR ?

So if you are looking for technology which is beyond your imagination ,  and want to really look beyond the gimmicky games and viral entertainment apps , use AR to enhance our daily lives .

Although developers worldwide are accepting AR as challenge , AR is expected to generate $ 120 billion in revenue , which is nearly six times more than its current revenue . Now lets dream for something big , with the next big innovation together with Winklix team of professionals .

Why To Consider Android App Development , Even After Having iOS App

android vs iOS

Android app faces different challenges that iOS app development , but can be proven advantageous due to flexible Android infrastructure . But is there any possibility of replicating my iOS app into Android ? Or do I need to build the whole new app right from the scratch ?

The answer to all above question is its not possible to directly convert developmental work . Even a minor designing change in the app requires tons of development time . This is possible because of difference between the coding languages between the two competitors  . Its not like we can simple copy it and then paste it on another version . There may be the case that app that is featuring currently on the App store may also be on the top of the play store .

Apple app store was firstly launched in 2008 , and since then Android and iPhone are in direct competition with each other fight like Tom and Jerry . Apple launches phone at incremental level . Every upgrade contains few features upgrade with iOS version and chip upgrade . The app running on iPhone 7 will also run on iPhone 6 and iPhone 8 and iPhone X . But yes we agree apple is always dedicated to provide sleek , touch based design .

In 2008 , Android phones has not gained that much ubiquity . But in recent years , they are the most used smartphones worldwide . Android apps are developed to work across all the platforms , where it is large touch screen or a phone with small screen .

Finding Market Fit Product

If app development was science . we would till now have been the einstein of it . Well you have to study market demand in case your user want Android app , you must proceed with it .

If your current position at iOS market is giving you satisfying experience , then you are likely in good place to implant Android app in the market .

Android App Development Allows More Growth

Walk around a New York city and you will find iPhone everywhere . But oh ho wait a minute , are you startup app developer ? Then your presumption is absolutely wrong . Although it’s the fact that Apple is leader in terms of App Store Revenue and hardware profits , but but Android market has already touched 88 % worldwide last November .

In European and Asian countries , where english is not so common , people find it convenient to use Android phone , which fulfils their needs in their own local language . And its the universal fact that in android phone is affordable , whether it is US or whatever country it is . The innovation of phones like Pixel by Google and , plenty of budgeted phones are available in the market , except the added flavour of the world best camera in iPhone . But if we have you buy a camera phone , then you would be don’t take a decision to buy a DSLR camera , instead of phone which has limited memory and small screen size ?

Also right from Google maps to Google drive , all these are the child of Google , which are inbuilt software present in Android phones . Whereas in iPhone they are cohesive and disjointed as they are not native to the platform .

App On Google Play Store ? Your SEO Ranking Will Get Boosted

The key to success in online industry is getting discovered in search engines worldwide , or at least in the market you want to target the customers in . So want to increase the brand awareness ,  SEO(Search Engine Optimisation ) is the key .

Open Source = More Freedom

The most common advantage of Android platform is its open source nature of platform .In open source developers can easily cope up with the upcoming modules due to its flexible easy to use framework . Also Android app development is cheaper and easy process , say integration of push notification in the app can be easily done by using Google Firebase , even within a day , whereas in iOS it can take upto two or three days .

Thus the above point must have created a short story in your mind that how the app works , and on which platform you can choose from to launch your mobile application . In case you want the expert opinion , you can Contact Us , Winklix – The leader in mobile application development .