web and native app winklix

There are many businesses that just have the website for their businesses. They do not have a mobile app for their business. But just having a website is not enough for the businesses to expand. They are missing out on key customers. To trend in today’s highly competitive market, it is essential to have a mobile app so that they can compete with their competitors. But moving on to mobile app from a website is not a simple task as it looks. There are lots of things that need to be considered while moving from website to native app. These things are explained below:

Analyse your existing website


First thing to do before migrating from website to native app or hybrid app is to analyse your existing website. This will not only help your website to improve but it will help in enhancing the user experience of the app which is going to be created. Find out the features that are working for you and what are not working well. Implement the features in the app that are working well and have much popularity.

For example Facebook first launched its website and then after analysing what is working for them, they launched an app on the android and iOS platform. This will enhance the chance of more successful app launch.

Analyse your audience


It is very vital to determine type of audience you have. It may happen that when you just have the website, you may be losing a certain type of demography who is more interested in using native apps. You can identify the devices and platform people are using for visiting your website using tools like Google analytics etc. So it is crucial to analyse your audience. If your audience is of a type where the native app is not required, then it may be bad idea to build an app for your business.

Think through the different use case for apps


Thinking about the use cases for your app is very vital. Will the people use your app in crowded place? Will they use your app after a long day of work? Will they use the app when the mobile charging is low? So it is quite important to go through these test cases before building a native app for your business.

Think about the reasons for building the app


Analyse if your current website is meeting all the requirements of your business. If yes, then you don’t have to build an app for your business as building a website is very time consuming and costly process. However if you believe that you have to provide services which your website cannot provide or looking to attract mobile demography, then you must build an app as it will help your business to grow.

Apps changes the user experience


It is highly noted that the mobile apps are very progressive and interactive. Due to these reasons, the app completely changes the user experience. For example if you want to implement messaging feature, then mobile app is a good option as it will provide a better user experience when compared to the website.

Concluding Note


All the above factors must be considered while trying to move from website to an app. This will help you to grow and boost the revenue of your business. Native apps will provide an edge to your business.

So are you searching for app development company ? So just close you eyes and hire Winklix – Best App Developer , who can provide you all type of app development right from e-commerce mobile application to cryptocurrency app development solution .


app development

Wireless charging provides a convenient, reliable and safe way to power and charge millions of mobile phones in the world. With the IPhone X and IPhone 8 supporting wireless charging, it has been creating a widespread sensation in the world. Wireless charging is known to be the future of the charging technology. But, with the breakthrough of wireless charging, there has been a slight glitch in wireless charging. The charging pads of the charger are a bit inferior when compared to modern standards. While charging, they often radiate bright light which is very irritating.

What if you can create something very stunning to wirelessly charge your phone? We have developed an astute hack which will completely make the wireless charging more elegant. This will transform your old book into an awesome wireless charger. Just put your android or IPhone on the top of book and it will initialise charging. We will guide you through a number of steps which you need to follow to create this stunning wireless charging pad.


First of all, let’s talk about the things which you will need before start making these cool wireless book pads. You’ll need:

A Hardcover Book


Wireless Charging Pads


Let’s Begin!!

Step 1: Firstly, open the first page of you hardcover book. Place the charging pad upside down and use the pen or pencil to draw the outline of the charging pad. Remove the pad and you will find an outline on the book page.The important thing here is that the book cover must be hard. It should not be soft because it will not work properly.

STEP 2: This is a very important step. Take a pen and draw a small rectangle on the side of book for the data cable which will be connected to the charging pad. Make sure that the rectangle is of appropriate size.

STEP 3: Now, the next step is to cut the book page along the outlines drawn in the previous two steps. Measure the height of the charging pads and note it down. Make sure that the depth of the cut in the page is according to the height of charging pad otherwise the charging pad will not fit properly.

STEP 4: Place the charging pad into the deep depression made by cutting the outlines. The depth of the trench must be such that the book must be able to close properly. Connect the data cable to the charging pad.

STEP 5: Here comes the last step! Plug the charging pad to the power point in the wall using the cable it comes with and close the book. Now, Put your Android or IPhone on top of the book and the magic begins! Your phone will start charging without emitting any flashy lights!

This little hack is very useful if you get really annoyed with the emitting of lights. As far as the future of charging is considered, wireless charging is going be a game changer in days to come.

Technology Trends In 2018

technology trends winklix

Here are some of the most expected top trends in 2018 , which is expected to define a whole new features :

The New Age Fine-tech :

We have seen in 2017 that blockchain and bitcoin is on the top of the trending news in 2017 , and newly introduced payment specially the mobile is changing the financial market . 2018 might be the year of facial recognition and fingerprints while will make the shopping experience easier and will almost eliminate the need of credit card payment at the checkout . Verifying your identity with your face or finger scan would more be preferable by the user .
We can also expect some retailers  introducing their own currency .

Increment In Augmented Reality Uses

Shopping experience would never been more easier than checking it on a real time basis and that to from the convenience of their home . It will facilitate user to make trial of the dress from their convenience place , and even the car accessories can be purchased by getting the real time live demonstration through mobile devices .
Combining real with virtual objects you can virtually check and use almost everything , can change the color or can even see how its gone a look like at your home with the use of mobile application .
In short , 2018 will be the starting of  discovering a lot more in augmenting reality .

More Bots In 2018

We all have been experiencing bots while chatting with the service engineer , or while paying the bill or booking a movie ticket . Bots are expecting to do much more than just playing music or booking the cab .

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is all about data and information , rather than robots and drones . AI can give your business a boost by making to deceptive while choosing the best Scrabble option for your business . AI can help you filter more informed decision as they will help you to extract more trending data that can obviously help you to extract data which is more relevant for your business .

Internet Of Things Will Become Smarter In 2018

Its has already been predicted than by 2020 more than 75 billion devices will be connected to gather data and other things , thereby connecting the world in more streamlines way . As AI will surely grow , you can expected more interaction in the environment around you .
Internet of things is all about installing installing smart devices in the device and using mobile to turn on or off its features using smart sensor .
In 2018 ,  we can expect blockchain connecting with IOT devices and lot more .
So all we can say right now is 2018 is the year of technological advancement , and lot more things is yet to be technological advanced .