What Is Best Programming Language That You Should Use For Your Software Development Project ?

software development company

Software development is one of the hardest job ever , being as a developer from last 5 + years , who can know better than me , but at the same time highly demandable and the most innovative line of business which influences me to develop something new every time . Software development requires money , patience and every other resources that you might have never think off . The most difficult task being its beginning of development as your tester will actually find a lot of bugs that will hinder your development carry on .

There are almost 256 languages available in the market today which keep on increasing to . So the actual point is which development language to choose from even before you start developing your  software development project ? Well you can choose from among the most popular one – Javascript , PHP , Java , C# , Python .
Let’s look at some of the quick methods which can help you deciding which process to choose from in which situation :

Look At Your Competitor Or Your Project Similar To Your Own

Well this is the best known way to carry on the development on the language on which your competitors are already playing on with . Simply copying their project and offering features better than your competitors will let you stay ahead of your competitors . For instance say you are creating a  social media platform , then you ca compare Facebook with Google Plus and can see why the one is being liked by millions and other one being not . Look at their back end and database structure and more which will guide you in choosing the best platform .

Choosing High Graphical User Interface (GUI) Language For Front End Of Project

Always keep in mind the front end is the one which will be seen by everyone . It really does not batter how to design and develop your backend , but you need to give full attention to your front end , thus making it user friendly as well as attractive at the same time . The most famous front end development language is Java as seen in top companies . Making a project on Java will lead you feel great with minimising the errors . Hence choosing the one with high GUI will surely add brightness in your front end design .

Think Of Support Needed While Carrying On Development

When it comes to supporting libraries and strong support while carrying on the development process , not all languages gives the equal support . So always keep in mind if you have an expert for the language you are choosing you can carry on the project smoothly but in case you don’t have the same it will unnecessarily delay the project and your morale will also falter .

Think Of Future Consensus Before Getting Started

Who else can think of future consensus better than a programmer itself  ?  Your knowledge is only as good as consensus of the stakeholder . But even if one of your team member is getting hesitated to choose the language , you may need to look at the same or think of the alternative option to choose from .

Make Sure You Have Manpower Of Your Chosen Language

It is obvious that a software development project can’t be carried on with a one man army . You need a team to complete the same with desired functionalities . If you are choosing the common language then it is fine . But if you have gone with some difficult language and you don’t have in house team of software developers , then the most obvious solution is running a free add on Indeed to find the right talent first and then carry on developmental process .
From the above points , it might have get the brief overview of which language to choose from . Winklix is also leading software development company having expertise team of different software development languages.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Node.Js Web App Development

node js developer

What Exactly Is Node.js ?

Node.js is javascript run time environment that helps in integration of Javascript code in server side . It is basically referred as a web tool for frontend development and is always proven beneficial for cross-development platform . It has also gained its popularity due to its development of real time application . In addition to above it can be used with other popular platform also like react native , PhoneGap , Apache , Native Script and more .
Now lets draw down some major advantages and disadvantages of Node.js

Pros Of Node.Js

It Offers Easy Scalability

Node.js allows developers to scale applications in horizontal as well as vertical directions which is one of the biggest advantage of the technology .  The scaling of the application in horizontal manner is possible by just adding nodes to existing system .

Easy To Learn

As one of the world’s most popular programming language , most of the front end developer has good grip on this technology . It becomes much easier to learn in comparison with other technology and thereby consumes less time to work with it .

It Uses Single Programming Language

It offers writing the server side application in one single language , ie Javascript . This facilitates Node.Js  developer  to develop both front end as well as back end web application using runtime environment , thus making the deployment simpler all popular web browser support Javascript .

Offers High Performance

Node.Js interprets javascript code via Google’s V8 Javascript engine . This engine injects the javascript code directly into machine code thus making implementation of code faster .

Facilitate Development Of Apps

Another big advantage of using Node.JS is it facilitates mobile app developers freedom to develop apps and software . You can actually build the app right from the scratch using this technology  , which is not in the case of Ruby On Rails or other platform by imposing some limitation .

Getting Support Of Large And Active Community

Behind Node.Js , there are large number of active developers working to continuously improve this technology to next level . This facilitates well supported javascript programmer and ready to use code in GitHub .

Cons Of Node.Js

Application Programming Interface (API) Not Scalable

We can say one of the key problem that developers might encounter while developing the API’s , it needs to keep on changing at frequent intervals and hence does not stay stable .
There may be times that new API appears wherein you have to work on number of backward incompatible changes , thus making it incompatible to match with latest version of Node.Js API .

Does Not Have Supported Strong Library System

Unlike other , it does not have strong library system . As a result developers are forced to use common available libraries for various orientation of task such as processing of images , handling database operation , XML parsing and more .

Asynchronous Programming Model

This programming model facilitates scalable application making.  However , many developers may find this usability difficult while comparing with linear blocking I/O programming .


The Node.Js has much more advantageous than the platform and hence its disadvantages goes in veins . What’s more important is that it extended the area of Javascript application and can be used by developer for both Frontend as well as backend development .  With passage of time , more business organisation are loving to adopt this technology and is contributing towards positive results .

The Benefits Of CRM For Real State Industry

real state crm winklix

There are  numerous of industries available in chaotic marketplace and the most recognised been a real state industry . With almost very limited barrier to get entry in this industry and ever growing potential for earning power and flexibility , real state firms no matter whether it is small or large firm are constantly fighting for gaining market share and customer database . In this atmosphere , client relationship is one of the top most priority to make your business either success or failure .

For this reason , real estate firms need to have a real estate CRM software to increase conversion rate and manage their efficiency effectively . Even if you have a good understanding of local market , it will not maintain a long term relationship with your customer who plays a great role in success of industry . In real state industry , it is always seen that the  customer relationship that build today  will become a revenue model for your future . Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays a important role in establishing and maintaining successful business .

The Benefits Of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

In this digitally chaining world , customer database across all industries is one of the top concern , including real estate . For any firm or company to be successful , they must use a CRM which is easily accessible from any where no matters whether it is day or night .
One of the most usable advantage of customer relationship management is their ready to use features which can be accessed by professionals to maintain a healthy relationship with customer database . The customer data is like lifeblood for real state industry and hence should be taken care to manage stronger relationship with customer .

CRM platform maintains  agent notes , leads sheet , market data and all record of communication done with the customer at one single place which can be easily accessible from desktops , laptops and mobile phone .

Also Read : Hint To Choose Best Real Estate CRM Software

Automated Efficiency And Personalisation

If any client is demanding constant connectivity with you , then it also has its drawback . But at the same time seamless communication maintenance is plays a critical role in continuous customer support . To overcome with the problem , a CRM system must be enabled to automate all the important task and responsibilities such as automated text message , mails and more to maximise the efficiency of real estate professionals operations .
While automated message does not give look and feel as in case of interpersonal communication , but can be extremely helpful for providing information , automated message for the request placed and will denote a sense of professionalism in it .

CRM Should Never Be Far Away From Arm’s Reach

Regular communication with the customer in real estate profession is one of the needed task for maintaining long term relationship . For instance , a past client might have not connected with you over the sales matter in past , but sending the mails on special occasions to him will build trust in the mid of customer , and they may convert into a permanent customer if maintained a healthy relationship .
Thus customer relationship management includes ability to track and distribute communication . When a business become large enough with thousands of customer , then communicating with each individual customer is cumbersome task for every team of professionals and only an automated and efficient CRM system can help you manage all the customer at once

CRM Goals For Choosing Right CRM Partner

With customer base increasing day by day towards a younger demographic , real state professionals need a agile CRM to maintain your brand and increase ROI . Winklix can be your partner in need to maintain successful and lasting future with client with Winklix Real Estate CRM Solutions .