Legal Issues To Consider : Mobile App Development 2021

Legal Issues To Consider : Mobile App Development 2021

Everyone’s dream choice while having  mobile app development is to have technical giant app which user feels attractive to use and hence will succeed . However have you wondered why it is equally important to consider legal aspects of the app even during initial stage of app development ? 

It is because each of the mobile app development life cycle may attract legal issues for you and in order to get yourself secured , you must take care of legal part in your app development as well . In this article , we will guide you about critical legal issues which might deviate your mind if not properly handled with care.

NDA ( Non Disclosure Agreement ) 

NDA or non-disclosure agreement is legally valid document under which parties bind themselves to not to disclose / share confidential information with any other person . That is the reason why we always encourage our clients to sign NDA even before sharing any of their business idea with us .
We can say NDA is one among few steps available to protect your product concept . You may challenge the agreement in courts if any party breaches its terms and condition . But wait , NDA is not just simple documents , rather it must include points which make it more informative are some of them are :

  • Definition of Confidential Information : It is proven to be beneficial for parties to specify all confidential information which may or may not be limited to financial data , know-how , show-how , operating , marketing or trade data .  In addition to it it should also include information concerning to products , its ideas , solution and other confidential information . 
  • Obligation of other party: Obligation of other party needs to be defined in advance including confidentiality clause as well as obligations involved in accordance to with other party can disclose information to its staff .
  • Choice of laws : While signing of any NDA , always try to write jurisdiction under which you will feel comfortable to contract .
  • Penalties : You should also write about the penalties it involved in case of breach of contract . It may be in monetary terms or fix sum of money .
  • Term : As per general rules of law , any NDA is valid for the term of 2, 3 or 5 years . Hence it is your sole choice for the information you want to protect . As the case may be , you may get involved in contract . 
  • Obligation to return : You must include obligation to return information in case you want to or willing to switch to any other party .

Independent Contract Agreement    

Contract agreement is concerned about points which you should mention before starting of with software development company . This agreement should be draft in a way that if will help you in guiding the process of cooperation in its entire duration of contract and what if situation in case of doubt and conflicts. That is the reason it is proven beneficial to write step by step how collaboration will move . For instance say it is worth mentioning which methodology your app developer will follow , eg agile methodology . In brief it should include the following : 

  • Methodology of cooperation : It should include how cooperation will work to come up with result which is favourable to both the parties . It will also mention tools which you will be used , preferred methods of communication as well as procedure for arranging meetings .
  • Force majeure : In case of unpredicted pandemic situation or force majeure which might occur due to unavoidable circumstances then you must define the outcomes and mutual binding of it .
  • Exit plan : It is another beneficial points as it defined the exits plans if plan does not go according to plan has been specified in agreement and bth parties want to withdraw before the planned duration . It is worth including information about who will be owner of existing code , what will be payment due dates and penalties and so on. 

Privacy Policy & Protection Of Data 

Wondering what legal requirements you have to meet in connection with your data protection at personalised level ? 
Protecting of your’s user personal data is one of the primary thing to focus on which is Las common cause to attract legal obligations . This requirements various from country to country . For instance say if you are planning to launch your app in European markets , you must adhere to GDPR compliances , while in case of USA , you need to take care of Children’s online privacy protection act. 
This requirements also depends on in which industry your app is focus on . For instance Healthcare sector app must have HIPPA compliant . Since it is complex task and may require lawyer interference to draft proper agreement in app development process . In case of any data leaks , it will be app owner who will be held responsible for the same , hence it should be taken care with utmost priority .
Tips to fulfil personal data obligation :

  • Collect only limited amount of user data which is meant for your app only 
  • Don’t ever try to sell or use data for the purpose other than for which you have collected data for 
  • Make sure that your data is being seen by your authorised person only who make necessary use of it
  • Always showcase users that their data is protected with them and is in safe hands 
  • Try to maintain documents of data received or you have so that if asked can be provided by you immediately. 

Terms & Condition 

Terms and condition as in case of privacy policy varies from country to country . You must specify following points while writing terms and condition in contract : 

  • It is beneficial to include basic information about your company in general terms and condition 
  • Conditions of service provision :  In terms and condition define in advance your app working , its registration conditions as well as when agreement is concludes and terminated between both parties . Apart from it also mention your use of app as well as tech slacks about languages used along with conditions in which users account will be blocked 
  • End user license agreement : This is concerned with binding users with your terms and condition while using your mobile app 
  • Complaint processing : In terms and condition , try to include the process to handle and hear complaints as well as ways in which customer can contact you in case of need . 
  • Limitation of liability : Define your liability in advance and make it clear to users . It will help you building trust among your users .

App Store Requirements   

What is the use of mobile app if it has not been published on App Store or Google play store ? No body is going to download the same and all your investment will go into veins . That is the reason why your app should comply with all guidelines from Google and Apple to publish your app on their stores . All these policies focus on personal data protection as well as intellectual property rights .


Any mobile app development is complex project and involves various process . It is always beneficial to considerer all aspects involved in development of app which includes legal factors at initial starting . This will aid you to carry on your app to reach larger marketplace without facing any hurdle which may become obstacle in your success journey if not taken care of .

How To Create Buy And Sell Marketplace Like Letgo , Shpock , Carousell : Timeline & Cost

Buy And Sell Marketplace

Letgo is online e-commerce marketplace which facilitates user with buying from , selling to and chatting with different vendors present in application . It was initially launched in 2015 by Enrique Linares with single aim , ie to become largest second hand marketplace in the world . Their hard work has helped them with raising & $ 975 million  since the time they has established themselves in app and website marketplace . It can be seen as perfect example of how can a startup has got a chance to beat old players in marketplace . 

In this article , we will review features as well as functions of Letgo and how you can actually build marketplace app like Letgo for buying and selling of almost everything and succeed .

Planning To Develop App Like Letgo ? About Letgo & Reason For Its Popularity

Letgo is one among the biggest name in e-commerce corporations as is Shpock or eBay . These apps has single aim : To facilitate people to connect with local people who way to either buy or sell stuff . User can firstly view / post the product and then can chat with the buyer/seller and then can buy / sell the product . Letgo is completely free application app to post / buy products .

Letgo Market 

Almost 5,00,000 used items are posted daily on Letgo and more than 1,00,000 items are purchased . Letgo has financial flow of 5M USD on daily basis as per recent report by DMR statistics . Letgo is now expanding their branches globally . In present terms it has presence in more than 25 countries and majority of its users are in USA .

Working Criteria Of Letgo

The reason of its success is easy user interference and user experience of app . Let’s quickly discuss its main features : 


One of the main features after downloading buy-and-sell marketplace mobile app is user registration . It can be either by email / phone or by social login like Facebook , Gmail , Twitter , Apple Sign in .


After successful registration , it will bring you to screen wherein you can simply click photo , enter their price and post the product to sell . Letgo has very intelligent built in artificial intelligence system by which they recognise the category of the product in automated manner with use of AI . After posting of pic , all you need to do is write the price of the product or you may even post it for free cost . 
That’s all you have to do if you are willing to sell your product . After posting of your product  , you will start receiving messages and offers from buyers . You can also edit / update your pricing and description . Apart from it you can also see how many people has viewed your product by just simply clicking item for sales in profile and viewing the product info from eye symbol .
Buying As soon as you signup , app will automatically showcase items which are on sale in your area . A filter option is also present which will showcase you option to filter products as per location , category or posting date . In case you want to get description of the product , you can simply click on the image to get details .You will also find option to send message to seller for further sale cycle .

Payment Integration 

Unfortunately there is no payment gateway integration , hence we can say there is a room for feeling of unprotected . That is the reason they suggest to give cash in person for sale .
ChatIn this marketplace buyers needs to be connected with seller on real time and at the same time admin needs to take care of. their privacy and frustration . Hence in order to do their best chat features is what it all needs which can be effective mode of communication to connect with each other .
Rating & ReviewsWe all know financial transaction comes with risk . Adding rating and reviews of the seller and buyers willextra layer of trust while dealing with respective people in buying and selling marketplace 
Push Notification
In oder to engage user with regular updates free of cost , then push Notificaiton is the only way to achieve that . By this way you can engage your app users as well as they can get any new post as well as chat Notificaiton .

Advance Of Letgo As Compared With Other Marketplace

  • Mobile first approach and simple to use interface 
  • Geolocation tagging that facilitates listing of product according to location 
  • artificial intelligence and image recognition helps in saving of time as well as selling fast 
  • Facebook account verification process make it simple 
  • It is active on overseas market as well like Turkey and Norway 
  • app is completely free

Now as we all have looked on the features and benefits of Letgo app , the question might be arising in your mind that if app is free then how this app is actually making money  ?

How Does Letgo Make Money ? 

If you are wondering how actually Letgo is making money , then let me tell you the fact . At this stage app doesn’t make any money from its services , but have strong plan to monetise platform by adding sets of paid features as in gumtree or so . Hence is Winklix suggestions for making money out of such apps :

  • integrating payment gateway and start taking our commission for every successful sale 
  • facilitating user to promote their products post to sell 
  • charge some more bugs for additional description 
  • limit number of items they can post in a month or in total 

Which Technology Stack Letgo Is Using 

Thanks to our team which helps us in Antonio’s monitoring for the Jost post vacancies posted by Letgo on regular basis on their LinkedIn profiles .

As seen above , development team is searching for PHP along with Express.js , React.js and MySQL developers to build web applications .

The mobile app for Android is developed in Java and for iOS they have used Swift both in  native platform . Let us guide you the advantages of using this language : 

Server Side : Express.js

Express is well know framework for Node.js and is also top rated technology in leading websites and app . In making comparison with other languages , Express.js has faster load and boot time . Additionally it has biggest community while comparing with other frameworks of Node.js .  In short we can say this technology is best choice for mobile apps as it delivers faster performance on server side and your app will be more dynamic .
Client Side : React.jsReact.js is we can say library of Javascript which is used for developing user side view . Biggest advantage of using this technology is one way data binding thereby making it easier to control as well as change data .
Mobile App Letgo is using native technologies in their mobile app . Java in android and Swift in iOS , thereby using different developers for building different apps . In case you are looking for cost effective solution you may choose hybrid app which may reduce development time and cost .

How To Build Your Own Mobile App Like Letgo

After COVID-19 outbreak basic brick and mortar shops are finding a way to get online to order to reach mass audience over their for buying and selling . Everyone has understand in post covid situation that online presence is must for business as majority of the population worldwide is spending their time and money online .
In order to start of , it is always suggested to start with minimum viable product and basic server and you may grow these with time .

How Much Does It Cost To Develop App Like Letgo ? 

The cost of any app development depends on combination of  scope of work , technology stack and location of hourly rates of software development company . Cross platform app is cheaper but lacks in performance whereas native apps gives quality app . Hence we always suggest our clients to go with MVP at initial phase to enter the market quickly and grab some app users .
At per our experience and knowledge , the time range may vary between 449 hours to 1020 hours and the price will vary accordingly 


Building an app like Shpock or Letgo is not big task from technical side . The important task is to properly plan and select the features you want in your mobile app . If you have properly planned everything in advance , you are halfway to your success . Feel free to contact our technical consultant even after it you have questions .

Why should Node.js be used for mobile app development?

Why should Node.js be used for mobile app development?

Choosing the appropriate web app development technology is a tough task. Wrong selection can drastically affect your project. As Node.js is considered as an efficient cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment perfect for building scalable and effective REST APIs, desktop and mobile applications etc.

What exactly is this Node.js?

This happens to be a runtime environment and relies on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome which assists in applying the JavaScript code server-side. Node.js provides instant two-way interaction between the client-side and server-side. So, it bifurcates the workload between the client and the service provider. If your business needs a customized solution with every incredible feature, making one with Node.js will be erelatively economical from other options.

Usual Place Where Node.js is Used

Node.js is basically used for projects that aggressively utilize JavaScript on their front-end and back-end. Some common areas to use Node.js:

  • Real-time chat applications
  • Static file server
  • Web app framework
  • Embedded systems
  • Microservices
  • Command-line applications
  • Automation and Scripting
  • Browser games Hardware programming
  • Data streaming applications
  • Complex SPAs (Single page apps)

Also Read : Python VS Node.js Comparison .

Major Reasons to Select Node.js for Web App Development

1. Share with Ridiculous Ease

NPM (Node Package Manager) can be shared easily by disclosing it. This is exactly why web app development companies opt for Node.js. This expedites several activities involved in a project as well. Several Node.js developers accept this feature to share things easily while working on a similar project. NPM facilitates Node.js developers to deploy the codes easily by revealing them.

2. Offers Great Support

Node.js’s each release gets actively maintained for the next eighteen months from the date of its entry to Long-Term Support. In this duration, no new feature is integrated with the present version whereas all security updates and bug fixes are looked into the development team.

Close to 62% of developers consider long-term support for the web application and Node.js is a good alternative for the developers to maintain with an app.

3. Very Swift

Node.js is quick as it is supported by Google’s V8 engines. In comparison to other development services, it assembles the JS code into the native device and enables it to operate swiftly. This is precisely the reason why enterprise hire more Node.js developers these days globally. PayPal is a fine examples of this.

4. It Permits Smooth Data Streaming

Superior software development requires premium I/O management. This becomes tough with web frameworks that consider HTTP0 responses and requests as total data objects.

This is the where Node.js turns handy as it can handle I/O procedure perfectly by permitting users to transcode media files at the same time when they are getting uploaded.

5. It Enhances Productivity

Node.js has the propensity to increase the output of a development project with regard to its libraries and features. It permits developers to write code smoothly and use single scripting language for both server-side and client-side. You get several tools to lift a web development project’s work rate. US/CA organizations have implemented Node.js into their business plan stated and the same has them increase developer productivity by 68%.

6. It is Very Economical

Web app development with Node.js is not at all expensive. As per studies, organizations using Node.js development require computing potency to host them.

As this is faster than the rest of development frameworks, it can bring down developpment cost by 56 percent.

7. Helps Develop Real-Time Web Apps

Node.js can be beneficial for developers looking to simplify their jobs for real-time app development such as messenger and gaming applications. For web apps requiring a non-blocking and event-based server, the real-time web app is perfect and Node.js comes across as ideal.

8. It Permits Sole Codebase

Node.js helps developers to utilize a single codebase or scripting language to prepare codes for both client-side and server-side of a web development project. This happens to be a challenge for a web development agency. Certain frameworks require several languages for both client-side and server-side. In such a scenario, the organizations have to look for developers with expertise in over a single codebase or else look for 2 kinds of developers for one project.

9. Hosting gets Simple

As several open-source development agencies go for Node.js, the platform is increasing the pace of unleashing new features and including several facilities. This offers incredible support to people involved in offering PaaS (Platform as a Service) services that brings down companies to a single order. This would be the reason why companies prefer Node.js.

10. It is ably backed by a Robust and Huge Community

Node.js has a strong community that is growing in size and stature. As a result of its popularity, there is a large group of developers who are constantly improving of the platform.

This is precisely why professional developers are using Node.js for its tools, libraries, and frameworks.

11. It is in sync with SEO guidelines

SEO is a critical part of web app development. Nobody wants to ignore the same. Node.js’s backend offerings provide increased visibility to sites. This happens as search engines are able to fully extract the React projects. As Node.js has rapid pace and superior performance, it enhances the SEO strategies together with better user experience.

12. It Extracts Developers’ JavaScript Potential Ably

Each developer is aware of writing JavaScript codes despite jQuery plugin being hacked by that JavaScript. Also, using Node.js, a developer can derive maximum out of the smallest skill of JavaScript. This framework relies heavily on JavaScript; so, it is convenient for JavaScript developers to utilize.

13. It Assures Developers’ Availability

With regard to web application development, JavaScript is very elaborate. It operates on desktops through Electron and on mobiles via React Native, PhoneGap, Cordova, etc. and on the server as Node.js. This assists front-end and backend web development agencies to cash in on the available developers with JS skills. And getting maintenance programmers will be convenient going forward.

14. Utilize as a Proxy Server

This is the best part of Node.js. You can extract it for some intermediary administrations alongside comparing the reaction time. You only require a 20-line code for utilizing Node.js as a proxy server. Also, you can utilize stream data from various dependable sources.

15. Employs Web Apps Comfortably

Node.js web apps is deployed with comfort and skills. Through this framework, developers can examine every part of web apps with ease. This framework can be very beneficial for a PWA development agency. The process of finalizing the app for deployment can be boosted by several tools.


These reasons make it apparent that Node.js is an efficient option in building a web application. Your project will be successful without spending too much from your pocket. It facilitates the potential usage of web app for both users and developers.

Also Read : Advantages And Disadvantages Of Node.Js Web App Development

FAQs About Node.js Web Development

What makes Node.js useful for your next project?

Node.js can be used for developing single-page apps, operating classic web applications, facilitating chats, building APIs, proxy deployment, creating dashboards, etc.

How do web app development benefit with Node.js?

There are several benefits of utilizing Node.js for web app development such as enhancing performance, attractive UI, quick loading, mobile-savvy, very-secure, etc.

When do we avoid Node.js?

Node.js cannot be the solution for a web app that merely performs the CRUD operation, simple HTML, and CPU-heavy jobs.

How do you hire Node.js developers for your project?

There are several ways to select Node.js developers for your next web app project via searching on Google, LinkedIn, Clutch, etc. But, if you want a reliable source then come to us.