Ecommerce App Changing The Trends In Retail Industry

ecommerce app developer

Retail industry has been seen with tremendous change over the past few years , due to the fact that ecommerce solution are improving at fast speed , with major contribution of ecommerce mobile apps.

In order to know better what customer are going to expect with latest technology trends , companies must keep on researching the trending technologies . A professional ecommerce app developer can guide you about the trending technologies so that you can take full advantage of developing trends .

Some of the Ecommerce trends that are really worth paying attention to is :

The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence For Enhancing Mobile Apps In Ecommerce Industry

AI is considered valuable in retail industry due to its ability to analyse data in efficient manner than humans . For instance , if AI technology is integrated in ecommerce mobile app , it can analyse customer past behaviour , and can deliver the personalised shopping experience .

With the help of AI , customer can get the result on the basis of their interest and needs . Chatbots are another solution which can guide customer through the process of their shopping on ecommerce app , thus making it much easier that expected before .

Augmented Reality Is New Trend In Retail Industry

With the help of Augmented Reality ( AR )  , you can actually superimpose virtual images in real world . Or you can say , it is the same technology the Pokemon Go’s is based on .

It is acting as game changer in ecommerce industry . Many of the big brands has already implemented this technology to show people what their products are going to look like in customer real life . For instance , you are looking for furniture set for your home , then you can actually look how the furniture is going to look like at your home with different options via use of mobile app with AR technologies. For real time experience you can look at Ikea app .

For the best in class experience , you can hire a team of experts who know to be best in augmented reality app development company .

Ecommerce Is Shifting Its Focus Towards Mobile Solution Development

Mobile shopping is the new you . As per the recent studies , in United States customers did their online shopping via mobile devices than desktop computers . This clearly shows that customer are moving towards mobile purchases and this fortunately means that you must also move on with consulting some ecommerce solution specialist in order to optimise your mobile application .

Voice Search Is Another New Ecommerce Solution

Predicting that voice search with increase its popularity with time , Amazon has invested major resources in digital assistant . The implementation of voice search in app makes easier for people to simply speak to app and purchase what they desired thus matching the overwhelming customer experience .

Image Search Is Also Burning Heat

Images search allows people to search the product via use of images , which can be proven actually very helpful when customer is actually not sure of what the image is to be called . Companies can use it for making the search online more convenient .

Thus all the benefits listed above can be yours by choosing ecommerce app developers , who know how to leverage technology to its full benefit .

A Beginner Guide To Angular JS Technology

Angular JS is technology that rules over the internet for it’d easy to use interface . It is go on front end programming tool – which is known to be extension of Java which sets it apart from contemporary tool . It has always been in debate that Angular JS has made web browsers and its extensions more interesting , so lets have a look at some of the tool which has dragged it on top of the internet .

What is Angular JS ?

The very first thing which derive us of quickly using Angular JS is its user interface ‘UI’ which attract most of the users . Another use of this technology is to make application for internet . Earlier when was launched in late 2009 , most website and application are influenced by this technology . Angular JS has built in directives which are applied to incorporate new syntax into browser.

Features :

Although Angular JS seems like any pother framework , but what sets it apart from other is its compressive sets of features . So let’s look at some of the best features that has really made this technology popular :

1) The Angular Community : With over years of its existence and worldwide users , Angular JS has a well developed community which act as a repository which includes tutorials , tips , guides etc . The experience holder within this community has made the framework more worthwhile .

2) Open Source Coding : The open source platform which allows customisation to the extent it is needed leads to better quality of product by the developers . The level of security offered by this technology is another aspect of its open source technology .

3) Documentation : Angular JS offers vide range of documentation with all desirable features that might be needed for a developer to start working on .

4) Two Way Data Binding : This build a relationship between DOM and model that you are using , thus making this technology truly an appealing factor .

5)Templates : It uses a basic traditional HTML technology , thus acting as a buffer between DOM and browser , in such a way that it feeds templates into browser .

What’s New With AngularJS

Being an open source framework , Angular users enjoys constant updates for main as well as for extensions .The latest version of Angular JS , version 5.1 was released in December 2016 along with the updated version 1.6 of angular cli . The bugs which was in earlier version has been rectified in the new version .  The regular freezes and crashed has been minimised .

How Relevant Will AngularJS be For Your Future

Inspite of lot of competition in the market  , there are many alternatives that are in use today for same purposes .

Developers prefer to use Angular JS because of its wide range of infinite possibilities . While Python related tools do threat to AngularJS , but it has the potential to be above all .

In case you are looking for Angular JS web and app development company , you can right away contact us . Winklix is leading software development company as well as mobile app development company servicing across all domains .

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Travel App ?

travel app developer

With technology advancement , everyone around the world is influenced by digital devices . Technology has also break the boundaries of communication , now anyone present anywhere in the world can communicate within seconds , and that is the reason laptop and mobile phones are now known to be the must must have devices .

Who does not want the world in his hand , and that is the reason mobile phones are more preferred over laptops , and for this purpose various mobile application has been developed to ease on the things in people life .

While booking a travel booking app , the mobile app developer must consider factors like flight booking along with hotel booking , transportation and guidance on the same and lots of other factors in order to be ahead with your competitors . The various components involved in developing of travel booking app include :

Important Of Building A Travel Booking App

As per the recent studies shows , almost 80 % of the travel in USA are booked online , and that’s so through mobile app . Looking at such a great figures , many of the entrepreneur think of starting venture of developing travel mobile app .
In order to stay ahead with your competitors , you must have a unique strategy which really benefits your customers together with competition with your competitors .

Cost Of Making TripAdvisor Like App

The cost of the app depends on multiple factors , usually travel app consist of booking flight’s , hotels , generating travel packages and more . Considering these factors the develop of travel booking app depends on the following factors :

PlatForm Of App

The major factor that decides cost of app is platform you want to build in , and whether you want a native based application or hybrid one . As far as we suggest better go on for both android and iOS platform with a native based application .

Size Of The App

The size usually indicated the number of features and functionalities required in the app . As advisable , rather than thinking of app which consist of all the functionality of Tripadvisor , you must focus on smaller functionalities in phase 1 , and then gradually keep on adding new features for better audience engagement . It usually take 3 months for high quality app to develop . In case you are looking for more detailed cost , you can contact Winklix .

Type Of API’s :

When it comes to developing of travel booking app , most of the people use api’s to fetch hotels across the world , book flight and thus we can say works on the revenue model of commission basis . The more features you want in the application , the more number of api’s are needed to be purchased from mass vendors and will definitely add on to the cost of investment .


The cost of travel booking app depends on multiple factors . It depends on specific person choice that will decide the cost of developing travel booking app . So in case you are looking for best travel app development company , you can right away contact us .