How Automobile Industry Is Influenced By IoT

iot app developer india

The Internet of Things is a technology that is making a buzz in every possible form it can . The IoT that we see in present world is just the glimpse of the technology , and there is lot more to come in near future . Automobile is one of those industry that has adopted IoT to discover many aspects from it . So the million dollar question arises here is what are the infinite possibilities with this technology and what can we expect in the near future ?

The Automobile-IoT In The Past

There are various automated and semi automated features that exists for over a decades in automobile industry . For instance , the GPS system that we use was introduced in late 60’s by General Motors – American Automotive Giant for its driver aid programme that was similar to the concept of modern GPS system , but was based on ground based infrared system rather than modern satellite system, .
Later in 90’s General Motors in association with OnStar was successfully able to implement navigation system in CDMA phone , which has now become an obsolete one .

The Smart Cars Of Today

From the age of using circuits to going digital in present world , drastic change has been seen . 21st century has aid us in seeing the technologies that we have only thought of . Navigation  , Cab Services , Entertainment are just some of the aspects of the modern technology in car . There has been endless possibilities once the software application have started connecting with mobile devices . It is the outcome of the technology war for the things with which we are living today , and the war is still going on to discover endless possibilities . The self driven car that no one have either think of has been bought into life in distant future and its creditability is improving day by day .
Automotive industry has got boost and the result of which is automated features and better access .

Self Driven Cars

There are few self driven cars available today like Google’s Waymo , Tesla cars and more . Tesla cars has recently announced that all its cars will be self driven which we can say is a huge step towards a house of automated products .

Many More Things Yet To Be Discovered

IoT has just taken its first step in the technology market , and it has to driven millions of kilometre ahead to harness its full functionality . The things done so far is remarkable and will help in creating more things in future . But this is the known fact that idea of self driven car will take over decades to come into effect in reality . IT industry is trying hard to build something great in near future .
In case you are looking for IoT app developer , you can right away contact Winklix .

How To Develop A Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

blockchain app developer

The cryptocurrency exchange platforms are platforms in which user can buy and sell virtual currencies at the rates specified by the exchange market . It act as a mediator between customer and digital currency dealers .

In present scenario , numbers types of cryptocurrencies are available in the market . But when it comes to choosing a platform , there are only two types of platform available in the market to choose from :
The first one being direct trade platform wherein traders can trade their own exchange rate , without any interference of market established price .
Secondly , there are varieties of brokerage platform available in the market facilitating user to buy currencies at the rate set by the agent . The agent are somewhat similar to foreign exchange dealer .

Getting KickStarted With Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

The very first thing that need to be taken into consideration is the functionalities required by you in how much time and how much is the budget . As when we are dealing with such a complex software development it make take a year depending on the complexity of software and mobile app development company you have hired .
Once you are done with the documentation of what is required by you , the very first thing that a develop will do it to create a user profile module , by which user can deposit and withdrew cryptocurrency .
Apart from what is being stated above , you will also be needing an aggregator solution to facilitate user to create their own coin or token and put it on asset list immediately .
Any of the cryptocurrency exchange platform won’t work if it does not have an attractive look and user friendly interface , and most important the wallet in which cryptocurrency can be stored .
The following features should be necessarily present in order to build perfect interface :
  • Fast and easy user registration
  • Trading account
  • Wallet to store coins
  • Deposit and withdrawal of cryptocurrency
  • Order and booking history
  • Powerful customer support

How Can We Develop An Cryptocurrency Exchange Software

Once you have totally prepared your mind to own a cryptocurrency exchange platform , there should be clear understanding between you and the team you are hiring for blockchain web and app development – right from its functionalities to its principle and more . Also team must have potential developer to implement the technology properly .
The cryptocurrency type is going to decide the programming language a developer in going to use to develop the whole platform  . When talking about blockchain app development , security should be considered above all factors . It should be highly secured in such a way that it should be compatible with other payment systems to guarantee all transactions are carried out successfully .
Considering time and resources to make project a success plays an important role . On an average it has been seen that it will take around 15000 hours to 20000 hours to develop the whole project depending on the complexity of the project .

How Can Exchange Platform Be Protected ?

The first and foremost thing is quality of code which itself eliminates any security risk . For this you need to create security architecture and configure it accordingly in order to spin hackers to get the assets .
The blockchain is not only getting popularised in cryptocurrency , but is also increasing its flame in banking industry to ensure highest security in financial system as well as trading in banking as well .


We hope this article has guided you a lot things to start developing your cryptocurrency exchange software . But if you still have any unanswered question in your mind , don’t hesitate to contact Winklix for all your support and questioner .

Web App VS Hybrid App VS Native App – Which One To Choose From ?

web vs hybrid vs native


When it comes to mobile app development , its really been a difficult task to choose the best technology for developing your app.

Depending on your business objectives and goals , each technology has their own advantage and disadvantage . Variety of factors need to be taken into consideration while deciding to build your app on Native , Hybrid or Web version platform . I am writing this article not to choose the winner among the three platform , but I am here to guide you the advantage and disadvantage of each platform , from mobile app development company viewpoint .

Web Apps

Web apps are apps that run on your phone browser and does not get stored in your phone . Web apps are not website , rather they are made specifically for the phone browser to improve functionality , and is not similar to mobile sites .
Web apps can’t be downloaded from the respective app stores , rather they can be access from a phone browser . IT’s hard to find the difference between web apps , hybrid apps or responsive website design .
Sometime you might have seen that you have downloaded the app from app store , and the app is showing you non rather than the web view of the website , containing url of web app .

How A Web App Can Be Build ?

Web apps are built Javascript , CSS , HTML 5 and can be run only in a browser like safari , chrome etc . If you are searching for software development kit for developing web apps , then unfortunately its not available .
Progressive web apps is hybrid version of regular web pages and mobile apps , but lacks the functionality of native mobile apps . But due to technology advancement in this technology , progressive apps are now able to successfully deliver functionalities like sending push message , using test gestures and so on .


  • One app for all platform
  • Easy to build
  • Inexpensive option
  • Can be maintained easily


  • Slower performance than native app
  • Needs browser to run
  • No icons on desktop

Native Mobile Apps

Native mobile apps are the most famous and common type of app available in market. Both Android and iOS platform have their specific written languages  to build app . Apple has Objective C and swift and Android app has Java . Most company prefer to invest in the native app because of its advantage .


  • Really fast and responsive
  • Gives best performance output
  • Available to get downloaded from the app stores .


  • Expensive
  • Required a highly skilled technical person to build the apps
  • Not best option for simple mobile apps .
Native mobile app user must necessarily have to keep on updating the app in order to take advantage of improve accessibility , however it may not be the case in web app .
Inspite of the higher initial cost in developing a native app , it is proven worthwhile for business organisation due to its advantage and higher performance , thus giving user personalised experience .

Hybrid Mobile App

Hybrid apps works across all platform and gives higher performance than web apps . It is built using HTML , CSS , Javascript and run in web view . It also contains the features of native app also .


  • Easy to built using technology like HTML / CSS / Javascript
  • Less expensive to develop
  • One app for all platform using technology like Cordova
  • Requires less time to develop than native app


  • Slower performance in comparison with native app
  • More expensive than web apps .
  • Less user experience than native app .
Since the hybrid app are just the web view version , it required more time to load and hence it affect the user experience . The another main disadvantage being it can not be customised on the basis of platform .

Which Approach To Choose From ?

Well this decision solely depends on your business model like in how much time you want your app , what is the initial investment you are planning to invest in apps , how complex is your app and so on .
Irrespective of the approach you choose from , your app must be quick , responsive and reliable . As more and more users are moving towards mobile device , and to stay ahead with your competitors , you should provide your customer a richer experience .
Finally , its important to work with an app development company that can specialised in these things and can provide you consultation regarding the same .