Challenges In Enterprise App Development And Measure To Solve

Challenges In Enterprise App Development And Measure To Solve

Are you a developer developing enterprise mobile application ? Then I am pretty sure that you are aware of the challenges that you might face during your journey of development . But assume a situation wherein you are already aware of the problem and solution in respect to that !

Seems to be life saver , right ?

Due to technical world is dynamically changing , providing satisfactory service to business operations had become a challenging task in respect of requirement , budgets , deadlines and technology support , which may change overnight . So if you are one of those developers who want to deliver an awesome app irrespective of the challenges then simply go through till the end of the article to know the way out for the challenges you are facing .

Challenge #1 – Change In Business Requirement By Client

Every developer might have faced this situation . You might have done your all day task , and then the email comes with the client about the new requirement . Bam ! All your coding goes into chunk and the new task might seems you like a big mountain to which to have to climb up . But you are left with no other alternative than to climb up in the mountain with the new requirement .

Measure To Solve :

As a developer you have to follow modular approach of building the code in a way that each functional module should be built separately to save your efforts for entire product . In case the changes comes in , you necessarily need to alter few modules only and rest stays the same .

Challenge #2- Security Issues

Enterprise apps are not like other simple apps , but it contain high level of enterprise and mobile data that is highly crucial for business organisations . We all are also aware that now a days enterprise apps are more moving towards cloud for storing of data and other procurement , as a the data is all getting uploaded on cloud , the risk of data being hacked has also been increased . Enterprise app developers can take care of data hacking by providing security patches , data encryption and more .

Measures To Solve :

Hackers try to find the weak security standards and hacks the data from breaking the weak point .Performing penetration testing  can help avoid hackers to hack soft spots .

Challenge #3 – User Interface

The app will become clutter and complex if user interface is not taken into consideration . Assume of an app that is so complex to understand that you are not even to perform a single task in it , will you use it ? Of-course not ! If a user does not finds app to be user friendly , they might never come back to you . So the best solution to this problem is never every try to underestimate the user interface of the app to get the best value of your app . A good mobile app development company is one to develop apps that makes employees more productive and at the same time teach them to struggle with complex interface .

Measures To Solve :

Prototyping is one of the best measure in order to come up with best app . You must proceed to designing of the app once prototype of the app has been approved by the client .

Challenge #4 – Technological Change

Technology is continuously changing and new technology and frameworks is rapidly stepping into the technological world . We all are aware of recent technological advancement such as AI , Blockchain , SaaS and more .Innovative , affordability and competitive advantage is what is needed for successful app delivery .

Measures To Solve :

You must make your app future enabled with coping up with the latest technologies and challenges that should be used in Enterprises apps , which in turn help you in saving efforts on reinventing the whole wheel .

Challenge #5 : Interconnectivity Issue With Third Party Applications

Any enterprise can’t only rely on mobile apps . A mobile apps must have the capacity of integration with existing setup of any enterprises , ie CRM or ERP to make it do final job . There might be a situation that the app that you have made may be missing technology stack of making a connection link between multiple technologies .
Measures To Solve : 
The app market is already equipped with lot of interoperability frameworks which enables interconnecitvity between various applications and remove the barrier driven approach .

Challenge #6 : Meeting The Deadlines

This is one of the most common issue that most of the developers have faced while dealing with the app development process . The job of mobile app development company is never been an easier task as it involves developmental process . As a mobile app developer , you must focus on bigger task as after all it is development and will take time but at the same time make sure that you meet deadlines . It is often seen that developers fails to meet the deadlines due to dynamically changing technology and project ideas of the customer .
Measures To Solve : 
Always try to follow an agile mythology to complete the task within timelines . At the same time also try to deliver quality product with best quality assured .

Challenge #7 : Maintenance Agreement

Maintenance of any kind of app is important in any kind of enterprise app development . Developers must be fully capable of up keeping with all the issues , bug fixation , security patches . Although maintenance of the app is not a tough task , but it may turn challenging in case you have overloaded the app with fresh products .
Measures To Solve :
The solution to the problem can be solved by including all viable points in the maintenance agreement of which your support is limited to . It is also always advisable to offer a non paid maintenance limited to 2-3 months only due to continuous technology change .

React Native App Development : Impact On Cost And Efficiency Of App

react native app development company

Delivery of the app in a shot period of time is nothing new in the application development environment . Developers are always under intense pressure to deliver the app within limited time , but at the end result is what it matters .

An organisation is called to be professional app development company if they efficiently provide the on demand quality and function software as per the emerging demands of clients . But now it seems to be very often that trend is changing day by day . Every business want to reach wider number of user on the go . When it comes to mobile app development , every business aims to get the best product as soon as possible and at the same time does not want to pay more on the development cost .

As the result of the above outcome , companies fails to achieve the desired result which in turn comes up with unpleasant experience for both the parties . Specially when business are budget constrain , they usually focus on developing the app for only one specific platform  ( Either Android or iOS ) and later on plan to expand to other platform once they started generating revenue from it .

Native app development is something requires double the cost for development and so is the time for development cycle to get it done . Since 2008 it has always seen been rise in the new improved development technology and so is React Native . In 2015 , Facebook has introduced React Native in 2015 which has left huge imprints in app market . By the use of Javascript and XML-esque , it build mobile application interface .

Lets quickly look at some of benefits of using React Native for development platform :

Code Shared Between Android And iOS Is Easily Reusable

We all know that Android and iOS are two different platform equally completive to each other . As they are two different platform , they also have their own specific programming language namely Java for android and Swift for iOS . The major benefit of using react native is almost 90% of the code can be easily shared between android and iOS platform . A good react native app development company can deliver fast app for both the platform which in turn also improves developer velocity .

Hot Reloading

A major benefit of this framework is it precodes with Hot Reloading feature which is based on Hot Module Replacement ( HMR) . No other can understand a pain than a developer itself for time taken to recompile the app again and again just for testing purposes . Under react native platform app changes can be seen immediately in the app once changes done in the source code by developer and developer has not to recompile it to see the effect of changes . Thereby hot reloading in turn speed ups development time .


React native has a pre enabled in built navigation bars that aids developers to just to write few lines of code in order to set up the screen of the application . Developers also has the option to create custom navigation pattern for mobile app with using the pre built in feature . The best part is it offers common stack navigation and tabbed navigation patter on both iOS and android .


Apps build using react native have a capability of building apps in native app using native widgets . React native framework is based on Angular JS or Meteor JS which aids developers in delivering beautiful and attractive user interface .

Animation , usability , keyboard behaviour are more smoother for even a complex app , which is even known for its better performance than native app .

One Single Team Is Required

We all are aware that for developing apps on native platform we always required 2 different teams namely Java team for Android and Objective C / Swift team for iOS  . But when it come to developing apps on react native platform , it requires a single development team that has the efficiency of delivering apps for both the platform .

React Native Uses Native Components

React native uses the components of native which is used in Java and Objective C or Swift , thereby optimising app’s efficiency as per the customised requirement . Apps are always being easy to develop using Javascript’s engine without even disturbing main UI thread .

React Native Proved Best For Location Based App

In present scenario many of the apps are using location feature in the app to make it user oriented .Apps like Google , Facebook , Amazon – all are using location feature in their apps .

Is is tested that if you are planning to launch app that needs device location on continuous basis , there is no other option that react native . Android and iOS both the platforms requires sets of permission in order to access the device location . React native makes it easier by allowing native Javascript API .

Faster Development

The apps build using React Native platform can be launched on fast scale . The React Native framework is pre equipped with various ready made components and libraries which makes even the heavy task simple . Developers has a wider option of choosing from the best library which includes APISauce , react-native-vector-icons , react-native-i18n that benefits the developers in numerous of ways , which in turn boost the developmental process and reduces the turn around time of app development .

Better That Web View App

A good mobile app development company always suggest you to go with react native app in place of web based view app , because of the fact that cross platform framework has the capability to achieve 60 frames per seconds while giving awesome native look and feel .

Bundles Of API’s

React Native framework offers different set of API’s which includes Android and iOS specific API’s to which allows taking the advantage of almost all platform features such as camera , contacts and other storage .


Over the time , the React Native app development framework has been scaled to next level which in turn supports every essential mobile app development requirement right from delivering the awesome UI to even management of database . It helps developers focus on building something unique with simple code logic .

Impact Of iOS 12 Update On iPhone App Development

iPhone app developer

Apple has recently released iOS 12.1.2 , which has been released after the couple of weeks of release of iOS 12.1.1 , the affect of which is many iOS app developers and iOS app development company started analysing how the recent update is going to affect their existing as well as new app releases . As we all are aware of that Apple’s App Store has been launched decades ago which is currently flooded with more than 2 millions apps which has an active users of more than 170 billion downloads which in turn generates $ 130 billion revenue . With the recent update by Apple , many of the apps has been taken down in the app stores by Apple.

As the Apple has released iOS 12.1.2 , it has left many of the iPhone app developers  with blent of excitement and anxiety . The new releases includes key fix for iPhone XS , iPhone XS Max as well as iPhone XR tother with some other bug fixation .

Now lets quickly look at what Apple is proving with release and how well it is actually going to impact web and mobile app development company .


With every update SIRI is getting more and more advanced and capable . Siri is personal assistance developed by Apple using AI technology . Siri has now been updated with predicting shortcuts and suggestions for new users .With iOS 12 update , mobile app development companies has been able to increase the user interaction and develop and automated workflow system which can benefit the app owners in number of ways . Once the condition predefined by Siri is all meet , your app can actually be accessible even when the users iPhone screen is locked or while performing a spotlight search and more .

Network Framework

Network framework is the one which can help developers to access TCP protocols , UDP and TLS ports along with security protocols . A network framework can be developed by iPhone app developer using network connections .

Notification Control

With iOS 12 , iPhone app developers can actually personalise the look and appearance of iOS app notification thereby giving it an interactive notification appearance . It has all been made possible due to introduction of notification content app extension .
Content app extension has unbuild view controller which can be used by developers for adding custom image , stying and interface in order to display the notification along with title and subtitle .
With update in iOS 12 , it is claiming to have 70 % faster swipe of camera , faster keyboard access by almost 50 % , and two times swift app even in heavy work load . Even multitasking has come up with enhanced animation .

Group Face Time

We all have used a one on one video call on FaceTime . With the latest introduction of Group FaceTime you can actually make FaceTime with uptown 32 peoples at the same time . FaceTime can be used across all devices such as iPhone , iPad and Mac . Audio FaceTime is also offered in wearable device ( Apple Watch) and HomePod .

OPENGL ES Deprecation

The depreciation of this feature is mainly going to impact the game app development company . OpenGL ES depreciation does not mean the application build using this platform stops running on iOS 12 , but it has been depreciated with new release . Metal has come up in place of OpenGL for iPhone app development companies which offers the accessibility of many add on features such as such as GPU on iOS  , MacOS and tvOS devices . At the same time metal also provides graphics support which enables iOS app to use advance rendering techniques .

Impact Of iOS 12 On iPhone App Development

Apple is always known to be the leaders in providing technical giant services . iPhone app developers  has always been benefitted with each add on and advancement Apple has made thereby aiding them in delivering unified and next level experience . The iOS 12 release has providing developers with world of opportunities and advance tools which developers can use off for building customer centric app .
So if you are searching for web and mobile app development company who can make the use of latest technology advancement made by Apple to give your app a polish to shine and attract more customers , hire Winklix team of developers .