Going Mobile : Ways That A Mobile App Will Help Your Business


Mobile apps are no longer an optional choice for business , rather it is an necessity to successfully run any business  in 2018 . While you are planning of hiring a mobile app development company , your competitors might already be on the top of the market and stealing your customer all way . So 2018 is the time to step into the evolution in order to start enjoying the benefit mobile app .

Mobile app can benefit your business in number of ways like engagement with the customer , easily connecting with the employees of the organisation and much more . Some of the greatest benefit are given below :

1) Geo Targeting :

Geo targeting is mainly used for business owners to give push notification to user when they are in and around the vicinity of the business place . They can be notified about the great offers going in the store , discounts and any other information that may attract customer to walk in into stores . This type of programmes increase brand awareness and customer loyalty .

2) Mobile Loyalty Programme

Are you aware about customer loyalty programme . Then why not to mobile loyalty programme . Increase awareness among customer to download mobile app to get great discounts . Loyalty cards are now really old fashion , and are often misplaced most of the time , as they are obviously not the ATM card of the customer , which they will handle with utmost care . You can favour them with special discounts and coupons on their birthday and give them an additional option to share the things  on social media platforms which will indirectly promote your brand and that to free of cost .

3) Mobile Customer Service

Serving the customer with their answer in short span of time with use of mobile application increase customer loyalty and repeated number of customers . Mobile app can help your customer to connect with your brand from anywhere , all they need is mobile app with running internet connection . Choosing the right app developer will add on to your business .

4) Accepts Payments

You may have seen people making the payment via their credit card right away from their phone . This is possible by use of payment gateways . Payment can be done from almost anywhere , and this can also be used for accepting payment via COD invoices . This might be proven great advantage for the business . A good mobile app development company can integrate the app with the cloud devices in order to make worth it . With mobile app we can really minimise human intervention and right away can transfer transaction to accounts , tax and marketing department , thus promoting automation .

5) Scheduling & Followups :

For service industries , one of the best thing that a custom mobile app development company can do is to automatically scheduling meetings and follows up of the leads , making an appointment with the customers , or even sending mail and text messages automatically .

7) Easier Communication

In case you are looking for solution of direct communication between employees , nothing can be better than a custom mobile app developed specifically for your business . Your team member can right away communicate with the team member , can transfer the documents or even can connect with the video conference .

Next Step

So what is your next step of yours ? Planning to have a mobile application for your business to ? Then Contact us now , to hire the best mobile app development company with 200 + app already developed .


app development

Wireless charging provides a convenient, reliable and safe way to power and charge millions of mobile phones in the world. With the IPhone X and IPhone 8 supporting wireless charging, it has been creating a widespread sensation in the world. Wireless charging is known to be the future of the charging technology. But, with the breakthrough of wireless charging, there has been a slight glitch in wireless charging. The charging pads of the charger are a bit inferior when compared to modern standards. While charging, they often radiate bright light which is very irritating.

What if you can create something very stunning to wirelessly charge your phone? We have developed an astute hack which will completely make the wireless charging more elegant. This will transform your old book into an awesome wireless charger. Just put your android or IPhone on the top of book and it will initialise charging. We will guide you through a number of steps which you need to follow to create this stunning wireless charging pad.


First of all, let’s talk about the things which you will need before start making these cool wireless book pads. You’ll need:

A Hardcover Book


Wireless Charging Pads


Let’s Begin!!

Step 1: Firstly, open the first page of you hardcover book. Place the charging pad upside down and use the pen or pencil to draw the outline of the charging pad. Remove the pad and you will find an outline on the book page.The important thing here is that the book cover must be hard. It should not be soft because it will not work properly.

STEP 2: This is a very important step. Take a pen and draw a small rectangle on the side of book for the data cable which will be connected to the charging pad. Make sure that the rectangle is of appropriate size.

STEP 3: Now, the next step is to cut the book page along the outlines drawn in the previous two steps. Measure the height of the charging pads and note it down. Make sure that the depth of the cut in the page is according to the height of charging pad otherwise the charging pad will not fit properly.

STEP 4: Place the charging pad into the deep depression made by cutting the outlines. The depth of the trench must be such that the book must be able to close properly. Connect the data cable to the charging pad.

STEP 5: Here comes the last step! Plug the charging pad to the power point in the wall using the cable it comes with and close the book. Now, Put your Android or IPhone on top of the book and the magic begins! Your phone will start charging without emitting any flashy lights!

This little hack is very useful if you get really annoyed with the emitting of lights. As far as the future of charging is considered, wireless charging is going be a game changer in days to come.


software developer winklix

You might have heard of the proverb “There is more than one way to cook an egg”. Similarly, there is more than one way to develop a software project. If you search for various approaches to build software, you will find a very long list of methodologies through which you can accomplish tasks. Some of the approaches are Rapid Application Development (RAD), Spiral, waterfall method etc.


The basic aim of software development

The basic aim of software development process is to develop a quality app and making the client successful. Big companies like Google, Yahoo are centered on this idea. To achieve this, they tend to depend on the software development approaches. It does not matter which approach you prefer but the ultimate aim is the successful launch of the app. Each approach has some pros and cons which are discussed in detail.


The aim should be about aligning our approach according to the needs and requirements of the customers to improve project’s productivity, efficiency and satisfaction. We believe this is possible only through a continuous work with the clients, understanding their needs and implementing them in a business model to achieve astounding results. That is why the clients appreciate that we work on their common issues generating a huge amount of return on investments.


Proper Documentation

We believe in making proper documentation of the client’s project detailing everything about the goals, needs, requirements and the milestones of the project. User’s feedback and reviews must be taken into account so that we can improve the issues in the next versions of the app.


These are challenging times so one should be quick about the changes in the technologies and approaches for developing a successful product. There are various approaches, each have its pros and cons. By carefully observing all the factors, one should select an approach for the software development.


Agile software development approach


Agile method is basically breaking up the entire project into smaller easily developable features which are developed through increment cycles known as sprints. Designing, coding, testing and quality acceptance is done by the team members of each sprint. At the end of the sprint, a working module is developed which is presented to the owner for verification.


After the verification, it is presented to stakeholders for further improvement requests and this entire process is iterated through sprints until all constituent features are developed. The basic principle is that small modules are developed and iterated to improve and add features.


Crystal Methods


Crystal Method follows agile software development process but it focuses on people and their interactions when working on a project rather than on processes and tools. Some companies believe that people’s skill, their talents and how they communicate with the team has the biggest impact on the outcome of project.


Crystal methods are based on two big assumptions. First one is that each project is exclusive and vibrant so each project requires different specific methods. Second one is that the team can modularise their work and become a more optimised team.


Project Development should be viewed as a game which stimulates everyone to interact, become productive and offer exceptional ideas. To motto should not be “is our modal accurate” but instead it should be asking questions like “Is our product aims at meeting client’s needs?”


Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)


DSDM also follows agile software development process. It is incremental and iterative approach that is based on Rapid Application Development (RAD). It consists of four phases-feasibility study, functional iteration, build iteration and implementation.


Spiral Model


Spiral model is based on the incremental modal in which more emphasis is given on risk analysis. There are four phases in spiral model namely Planning, Analysis, Engineering and Evaluation.


A software project passes through all the above phases repeating through iterations (known as spirals in model). The spiral starts in the planning phase, requirements about the project is gathered, the project is developed and then lastly the quality of the product is evaluated.


Rapid Application Development (RAD) Method


Rapid Application development method is a fall out of the failure of waterfall model. Rapid application development methods emphasise on rapid prototyping and iterative delivery and it is based on the sequential design practices. It involves planning requirements, user design, rapid construction and cut over.


In the initial stages, developers and designers come to a mutual agreement on project scope and requirements. Then the user feedback is gathered and heavy emphasis is given on determining the system architecture. Once the designing part is complete, construction phase starts which involves coding, testing and integration. Finally the cut over stage allows the developers to make the project live.


Waterfall Method


Waterfall method is the most basic software development method which has lost its shine in today’s world as it has failed in delivering quality products within the deadline. In waterfall model, each phase must complete before the starting of next phase. It has been replaced by other methods described above.


The different phases of the waterfall model are Requirement analysis and Gathering, System design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment of System and Maintenance.


As we can see, there are numerous methods available to develop software. So which is the best method? The truth is no method is the best; it all depends on the client’s project requirements. According to the client’s need, a method is chosen which will help the developer to produce quality products in a timely manner.