6 product planning mistakes companies should avoid

Mobile app development projects flounder due to several causes. Inferior UX design, No originality, unable to offer value could be chief reasons. But, usually product failure leads to a failed mobile app planning phase. These are six common mobile app planning errors and actionable tips to bypass them.

6 Usual Product Strategy Errors & Ways To Avoid Them

1. Consumes a lot of time to begin

Several mobile app projects take a lot of time to begin. This is not a very good sign. Creating a futuristic blueprint and offering existing business value is a tough balancing act to perform, and in several cases, companies fail to adapt quickly. Also, technological transformation is very tough to predict, making it nearly impossible to satisfy stakeholders to park their money in development projects for dealing with future scenarios. The longer you keep your idea with you, tougher it gets to totally define a functional and feasible framework for development.This can negatively impact your product’s prospects.

How to keep this at bay

One of the difficult aspects of the development process is to begin. To bypass a long drawn-out mobile app development and launch procedure, it’s ideal to put all your high-level information, research, and specifications in a single document by making a PRD. With a PRD as the basis of your project, you can easily communicate technical viability execution plans, and risk and change management strategies to all team members and stakeholders.

Also, it is a must to opt for an iterative, agile method and concentrate on rapid prototyping. With product needs turning very clear cut, focus your efforts on introducing a minimum viable product (MVP), and building and iterating off your learnings.

2. Coming with product devoid of user value

It’s very tough to ascertain which features and functionalities are essential for user value. Correspondingly, it’s not very convenient all the time to view the full range of technical prospects. The onus is on product team to take the customer through product requirements planning to find out the ideal development solution. A detailed product definition stage comprises developing customer requests into firm product specifications, which can be easily learnt by engineering. A PRD document has the propensity to shape your requests into a robust product specifications. Devoid of proper communication, you would not be able to find out the several consequences of features on product performance.

Way to avoid the same

Gauge the needs for creating a good product vis-a-vis your product beliefs. It’s pertinent to ponder critically over user assumptions, technical assumptions, and business assumptions. Your team has to have knowledge of the market, upcoming trends and technologies, and options for the product to specify the needs for a successful results.

3. Devising needs In A Vacuum

Products can be very complicated, including various systems, subsystems, and functionality; obviously, their needs are complex as well. The certain organizations suffer due to lack of diversity within the team. Product teams must have several people with various areas of expertise: product owners, product managers, developers, engineers, architects, and UX/UI designers etc. This makes sure that several perspectives and opinions come together to carve out a well-thought out product.

How To Avoid It

Engage team members – product owners and product managers, designers, developers, etc. – in product strategy and conceptualization. Agile approach is based on a unified approach, implying several members of your project team collaborate tin the entire product development process, including product definition.

4. Confusing innovation with value

If you rush to include innovation and development expenses can go up. New technologies and abilities can at times trigger panic and turn the execution of new features haywire. This kind of problem can be arrested with proper mobile app planning; a PRD permits lesser errors between development handoffs and highlights the requirements to ascertain the essentiality of feature alteration.

The way to bypass the same

Be focused on your product objectives and keep in mind that you are devising a product for a certain target user. Will this feature or functionality offer anything new or value to the end-user? Is this necessary for the product? If the answer for these is no, then you do away with the feature or implement the same in future not now.

5. Ignoring Competitive Threats

Market viability is imperative for any product, and competitive threats can spoil your development plans. Apart from keeping track of the customer, you must be observant of emerging trends and technologies. At times, your competitors will launch products with features very alike to yours. In such a situation, your team might have to pivot. Yet again, a PRD can be very helpful in these situations as you might have already discussed and documented several solutions to certain features that suits the scope and budget of your project.

The way to bypass the same

Industry and competitor research should be an essential part of your product strategy.

What is your competition providing?

How is your product distinct?

The needs and problems your product solve that other products don’t?

These questions can be ignored at your peril. It’s essential to know your rival’s strengths and weaknesses to make your product unique. With good research, you can highlight your product’s USP.

6. Unable to choose between needs and privileges

You can’t implement all features in the first version of your product. It’s a must to understand the main feature suitable to resolve your users’ central issues. Devoid of proper communication, it’s tough to ascertain the features that are essential and the ones that are good but not a must at this juncture.

How to tackle the same

Put in place a classification system to prioritize features. Sit with your project team to ascertain the features that are important to have versus the features your product can ignore to start with.


A well-thought out product planning offers your app a good chance in the market. By bypassing the product strategy errors mentioned above, you can offer your team an opportunity to succeed in the market. A mobile app requirements document is a handy tool to get a clarity of requirements and how your product can achieve the same.

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