Take your business to next level with out innovative IoT application development services . Start using the latest advancement in technology world by using IoT ( Internet Of Things ) and revolutionise your customer experience and efficiency . IoT has potential to change your life and give new ways to your convenience and luxury in your digital transformation journey . IoT is responsible for connecting various electronic gadgets to internet and is not only limited to laptops and mobile apps .
Winklix is leading IoT app development company who keen on delivering cutting else IoT applications to clients .
Have you ever though how easy life will be if all the devices of your house can be controlled by mobile app , irrespective of the size of home appliance . IoT has potential to do so precisely .
Benefits Of IoT :
-It helps in gaining new business opportunity
-Get ahead in the race of customer satisfaction
-Product efficiency enhancement
-Real time device monitoring from mobile
It facilitates giving digital identity to physical objects by IoT smart product platform of Evrythng
AWS IoT Core Platforms
IoT core is cloud service by AWS that facilitates making connection with connected devices with ease and at the same time taking care of security with cloud applications as well as other devices .
It aids in lowering down the time taken to build native mobile applications . Apps built using this platform is compatible with both android and iOS .
2lemetry's ThingFabricTM IoT Platform
ThingFabricTM IoT platforms given company to rapidly consume and act on device data which is completely independent of scale and complexity .
ParStream -IoT Analytics Platform
It provides analytics of big data platform for IoT , which is built around unique database technology .
It reduced the time for IoT app and hence will helps in reducing overall cost .