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Mail Us: info@winklix.com
We make SaaS cloud based application via Azure which helps managing offline apps on existing infrastructure . These apps may be ERP , CRM and document management solution which are easily scalable as company grows .
We make use of .NET , Java , PHP , Python , Node.JS for deployment of web apps on Azure platform. These apps have capability to perform data analysis . A big thanks also to Azure platform which allows to build code directly through Azure portal .
Mobile apps which are generally being published with Azure Web Services are always been authenticated through Facebook and other social platform as well as other services like push notifications . We have in house team of developers which have deep knowledge of developing these types of apps and publishing to Azure platform .
Our wide range of Microsoft Azure Solution includes Internet Of Things ( IoT) solution which helps on building custom Azure application . These apps helps connecting IoT devices to internet thereby allowing data connection and analysis and also have device security feature . It also help in monitoring of data and data privacy security .
Thanks to Azure apps and services which had made possible development of bots and other AI capabilities software . With the help of Big Data . these AI apps can help taking decision on real time basis . Our wide range of Microsoft Azure services smart interaction with end user thereby minimising need of intervention .
Winklix can help you migrating your existing infrastructure to Azure laaS platform . We firstly categories the work load and then target for new destination on Azure platform and then we start performing migration process . These helps in continuity and security of data .
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